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Last active June 3, 2024 20:56
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OPLSS 2024
open import Data.Bool.Base
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality.Core
open import Relation.Nullary
module _ (A : Set) (dec : (a b : A) → Dec (a ≡ b)) where
record DFA (S : Set) : Set where
field F : S → Bool
field t : A -> S -> S
data RE : Set where
zero one : RE
sing : A → RE
juxt disj : RE → RE → RE
star : RE → RE
boolToRE : Bool → RE
boolToRE false = zero
boolToRE true = one
open DFA
impl : DFA RE
F impl zero = false
F impl one = true
F impl (sing x) = false
F impl (juxt s s') = F impl s ∧ F impl s'
F impl (disj s s') = F impl s ∨ F impl s'
F impl (star x) = false
t impl a zero = zero
t impl a one = zero
t impl a (sing x) = boolToRE (isYes (dec a x))
t impl a (juxt e f) = disj (juxt (t impl a e) f) (juxt (boolToRE (F impl e)) (t impl a f))
t impl a (disj s s') = disj (t impl a s) (t impl a s')
t impl a (star x) = juxt (t impl a x) (star x)
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