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Created June 1, 2020 16:42
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#include <Servo.h> //include the library for the servo motor
int MIC = A0; //sound detect component connected to A0 leg
boolean toggle = false; //recording the initial version of the toggle
int micVal; //record the detected volume
Servo servo; //set the Servo motor's name as servo
unsigned long current = 0; //record the current time stamp
unsigned long last = 0; //record the last time stamp
unsigned long diff = 0; //record the difference of time in between the two time stamps
unsigned int count = 0; //record the count of toggles
void setup() { //run for once
servo.attach(2); //initialize the servo to connect to D-pin leg 2
Serial.begin(9600); //initialize the serial
servo.write(180); //make the servo turn to its initial angle
void loop() { //loop forever
micVal = analogRead(MIC); //read the analog output
Serial.println(micVal); //print out the value of the environment sound
delay(20); //every twenty seconds
if (micVal > 180) { //if over the limit, which I had set to 180 here
current = millis(); //record the current time stamp
++count; //add one to counted toggles
//Serial.print("count="); //output the toggled times, open it if you feel like
//Serial.println(count); //print out the number, open it if you feel like
if (count >= 2) { //if the toggled count is already more than or equal than two, determine if the two time stamps lasted between 0.3~1.5 second
diff = current - last; //calculate the difference of time in between the two time stamps
if (diff > 300 && diff < 1500) { //determine if the two time stamps lasted between 0.3~1.5 second
toggle = !toggle; //revert the current condition of the toggle
count = 0; //make the count zero, get ready to test again
} else { //if the time does not last in between the constrained counts, then revert the count to one
count = 1; //do not count the count
last = current; //use the current time stamp to update the last time stamp for the next comparison
if (toggle) { //determine if the toggle is on
servo.write(90); //servo will turn to 90 degrees for opening the light
delay(3000); //delay 5 seconds
servo.write(180); //servo will turn back to its original spot
delay(1000); //delay another 5 seconds
count = 0; //set count to initial number to recount
else {
servo.write(180); //if the toggle does not work, than just stay at the initial 180 degrees
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