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Last active August 16, 2022 15:05
This is what is posted to the webhook URL when a Mattermost Playbook is started
"id": "q67iw187djnoimfcz4t9xk3ibe",
"name": "Run Name",
"description": "",
"owner_user_id": "9pjzm4kit7gp7mwadmcs697dyo",
"reporter_user_id": "9pjzm4kit7gp7mwadmcs697dyo",
"team_id": "7wx1ybtjebgyfp7b77r1x3pp7c",
"channel_id": "fhma9oci8jgqiy5em1s4k6gypy",
"create_at": 1630591134576,
"end_at": 0,
"delete_at": 0,
"active_stage": 0,
"active_stage_title": "",
"post_id": "",
"playbook_id": "9j89mu8opiytdf1euuqa98b3co",
"checklists": [
"id": "",
"title": "Triage",
"items": [
"id": "",
"title": "Acknowledge alert",
"state": "",
"state_modified": 0,
"state_modified_post_id": "",
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"assignee_modified": 0,
"assignee_modified_post_id": "",
"command": "",
"command_last_run": 0,
"description": ""
"id": "",
"title": "Announce incident type and resources",
"state": "",
"state_modified": 0,
"state_modified_post_id": "",
"assignee_id": "",
"assignee_modified": 0,
"assignee_modified_post_id": "",
"command": "/echo \"\"",
"command_last_run": 0,
"description": ""
"id": "",
"title": "Get alert info",
"state": "",
"state_modified": 0,
"state_modified_post_id": "",
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"assignee_modified": 0,
"assignee_modified_post_id": "",
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"description": ""
"id": "",
"title": "Invite escalators",
"state": "",
"state_modified": 0,
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"assignee_id": "",
"assignee_modified": 0,
"assignee_modified_post_id": "",
"command": "",
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"description": ""
"id": "",
"title": "Determine priority",
"state": "",
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"assignee_id": "",
"assignee_modified": 0,
"assignee_modified_post_id": "",
"command": "",
"command_last_run": 0,
"description": ""
"id": "",
"title": "Update alert priority",
"state": "",
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"assignee_id": "",
"assignee_modified": 0,
"assignee_modified_post_id": "",
"command": "",
"command_last_run": 0,
"description": ""
"id": "",
"title": "Create a JIRA ticket",
"state": "",
"state_modified": 0,
"state_modified_post_id": "",
"assignee_id": "",
"assignee_modified": 0,
"assignee_modified_post_id": "",
"command": "/jira create",
"command_last_run": 0,
"description": ""
"id": "",
"title": "Find out who’s on call",
"state": "",
"state_modified": 0,
"state_modified_post_id": "",
"assignee_id": "",
"assignee_modified": 0,
"assignee_modified_post_id": "",
"command": "/genie whoisoncall",
"command_last_run": 0,
"description": ""
"id": "",
"title": "Announce incident",
"state": "",
"state_modified": 0,
"state_modified_post_id": "",
"assignee_id": "",
"assignee_modified": 0,
"assignee_modified_post_id": "",
"command": "",
"command_last_run": 0,
"description": ""
"id": "",
"title": "Invite on-call lead",
"state": "",
"state_modified": 0,
"state_modified_post_id": "",
"assignee_id": "",
"assignee_modified": 0,
"assignee_modified_post_id": "",
"command": "",
"command_last_run": 0,
"description": ""
"id": "",
"title": "Investigation",
"items": [
"id": "",
"title": "Perform initial investigation",
"state": "",
"state_modified": 0,
"state_modified_post_id": "",
"assignee_id": "",
"assignee_modified": 0,
"assignee_modified_post_id": "",
"command": "",
"command_last_run": 0,
"description": ""
"id": "",
"title": "Escalate to other on-call members (optional)",
"state": "",
"state_modified": 0,
"state_modified_post_id": "",
"assignee_id": "",
"assignee_modified": 0,
"assignee_modified_post_id": "",
"command": "",
"command_last_run": 0,
"description": ""
"id": "",
"title": "Escalate to other engineering teams (optional)",
"state": "",
"state_modified": 0,
"state_modified_post_id": "",
"assignee_id": "",
"assignee_modified": 0,
"assignee_modified_post_id": "",
"command": "",
"command_last_run": 0,
"description": ""
"id": "",
"title": "Resolution",
"items": [
"id": "",
"title": "Close alert",
"state": "",
"state_modified": 0,
"state_modified_post_id": "",
"assignee_id": "",
"assignee_modified": 0,
"assignee_modified_post_id": "",
"command": "",
"command_last_run": 0,
"description": ""
"id": "",
"title": "End the incident",
"state": "",
"state_modified": 0,
"state_modified_post_id": "",
"assignee_id": "",
"assignee_modified": 0,
"assignee_modified_post_id": "",
"command": "/incident end",
"command_last_run": 0,
"description": ""
"id": "",
"title": "Schedule a post-mortem",
"state": "",
"state_modified": 0,
"state_modified_post_id": "",
"assignee_id": "",
"assignee_modified": 0,
"assignee_modified_post_id": "",
"command": "",
"command_last_run": 0,
"description": ""
"id": "",
"title": "Record post-mortem action items",
"state": "",
"state_modified": 0,
"state_modified_post_id": "",
"assignee_id": "",
"assignee_modified": 0,
"assignee_modified_post_id": "",
"command": "",
"command_last_run": 0,
"description": ""
"id": "",
"title": "Update playbook with learnings",
"state": "",
"state_modified": 0,
"state_modified_post_id": "",
"assignee_id": "",
"assignee_modified": 0,
"assignee_modified_post_id": "",
"command": "",
"command_last_run": 0,
"description": ""
"id": "",
"title": "Export channel message history",
"state": "",
"state_modified": 0,
"state_modified_post_id": "",
"assignee_id": "",
"assignee_modified": 0,
"assignee_modified_post_id": "",
"command": "/export",
"command_last_run": 0,
"description": ""
"id": "",
"title": "Archive this channel",
"state": "",
"state_modified": 0,
"state_modified_post_id": "",
"assignee_id": "",
"assignee_modified": 0,
"assignee_modified_post_id": "",
"command": "",
"command_last_run": 0,
"description": ""
"status_posts": null,
"current_status": "Reported",
"last_status_update_at": 1630591134576,
"reminder_post_id": "",
"previous_reminder": 900000000000,
"broadcast_channel_id": "pnn8agsbjt8bfrih4o5hrt633w",
"reminder_message_template": "",
"invited_user_ids": null,
"invited_group_ids": null,
"timeline_events": [
"id": "t5psxh1dcfdb7kcq9ato8iwara",
"playbook_run_id": "q67iw187djnoimfcz4t9xk3ibe",
"create_at": 1630591134576,
"delete_at": 0,
"event_at": 1630591134576,
"event_type": "incident_created",
"summary": "",
"details": "",
"post_id": "68uufrg4wbnj58rkm3zjb9bpyo",
"subject_user_id": "9pjzm4kit7gp7mwadmcs697dyo",
"creator_user_id": ""
"default_owner_id": "",
"announcement_channel_id": "",
"webhook_on_creation_url": "",
"webhook_on_status_update_url": "",
"retrospective": "",
"retrospective_published_at": 0,
"retrospective_was_canceled": false,
"retrospective_reminder_interval_seconds": 0,
"message_on_join": "",
"export_channel_on_archive_enabled": false,
"categorize_channel_enabled": false,
"channel_url": "",
"details_url": ""
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