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{读书笔记} C++ language
Chapter 1: Objects lessons
C++ object model
Each class object in C++ has a pointer named vptr which points to a table that store all virtual function pointers this class
has and a type_info object associated with this class in support of runtime type identification (RTTI) is also addressed
within the virtual table, usually within the table's first slot. And all objects of this class share this virtual table, I
Problem: it's still like this for new C++ (C11)?
In the case of virtual inheritance, only a single occurrence of the base class is maintained (called a subobject)
regardless of how many times the class is derived from within the inheritance chain.
?:Virtual inheritance is a technique used in object-oriented programming, where a particular base class in an inheritance hierarchy is declared to share its member data instances with any other inclusions of that same base in further derived classes. For example, if class A is normally (non-virtually) derived from class X (assumed to contain data members), and class B likewise, and class C inherits from both classes A and B, it will contain two sets of the data members associated with class X (accessible independently, often with suitable disambiguating qualifiers). But if class A is virtually derived from class X instead, then objects of class C will contain only one set of the data members from class X.
Object model of base class instance: the data members of base class object are directly stored within the derived class
A keyword distinction
Meta-language rule: when the language can't distinguish between a declaration and an expression, it is to be interpreted as a declaration
int (*pf) (); //right declaration
int ( *pf )( 1024 ); //wrong definition or declaration or invocation
( *pf )( 1024 ); //right invocation
struct == class except for the data member layout
The data members within a single access section are guaranteed within C++ to be laid out in the order of their declaration. The layout of data contained in multiple access sections, however, is left undefined. The layout of data members of the base and derived classes is left undefined
An object distinction
three C++ programing paradigms:
1. The procedural model as programmed in C, and, of course, supported within C++.
2. The abstract data type (ADT) model in which users of the abstraction are provided with a set of operations (the public interface), while the implementation remains hidden.
3. The object-oriented (OO) model in which a collection of related types are encapsulated through an abstract base class providing a common interface.
Only the indirect manipulation of the object through a pointer or reference supports the polymorphism necessary for OO programming. Because in the ADT paradigm the programmer manipulates an instance of a fixed, singular type that is completely
defined at the point of compilation.
Library_materials thing1;
Book book;
//Oops: thing1 is not a Book! Rather, book is ``sliced'' — thing1 remains a Library_materials
thing1 = book;
The actual type of the object addressed is not resolved in principle until runtime at each particular point of execution ?
?: Why, is we can't resolve it or we don't in C++?
?: what's Nonpublic derivation in polymorphism ?
The C++ language supports polymorphism in the following ways:
1. throught a set of implict conversion, (i.e.) such as the conversion of a derived class pointer to the pointer of its public base class type:
fruit *ft = new Apple();
2. through the virtual function mechanism:
3. through the dynamic_cast or typeid operators:
if (Apple *ap = dynamic_cast<Apple *>(ft))...
The memory requirments to represent a class object in general:
1. the accumulated size of nonstatic data members
2. plus any padding due to aligement constraints
3. plus any internally generated overhead to support virtuals
The type of a pointer instructs the compiler as to how to interpret the memory found at a particular address and also just how much memory that interpretation should span
Chapter 2. the semantics of constructor
2.1 default constructor
Compiler help to build a complete and necessary class initialization constructor. So if one class doesn't have a default
constructor, compiler will create one for it and insert into code; if one class has a default construtor or other
constructors that do not finish all initialization work (missing some member class object initialization work),
compiler also help to argument these constructors and insert the necessary initialization work.
2.2 Copy constructor
Bitwise Copy Semantics
2.4 Member initialization list
The order in which the list entries are set down is determined by the declaration order of the members within the class
declaration, not the order within the initialization list.
And the initialization list entries are placed before explicit user code.
Chapter 3. The semantics of data
chapter 2: algorithm and data structure
//quick sort
void quickSort(int v[], int n) {
if (n <= 1) return;
//choose a random pivot
swap(v, 0, rand() % n);
int last = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
if (v[i] < v[0]) swap(v, ++last, i);
swap(v, 0, last);
quickSort(v, last - 1);
quickSort(v + last + 1, n - last - 1);
//non-recursive quick sort
Chapter 3: 编程语言
Chapter 4: 界面
Chapter 7: 性能
layout title

**** The big O notation

  • f(n) = O(g(n)) means f(n) <= cg(n) for n > n0;
    Thus c
    g(n) is an upper bound on f(n): there exists some constant c such that c*g(n) is always >= f(n) for large enough n.
  • f(n) = Ω(g(n)) menas f(n) >= cg(n) for some constants c when n > n0;
    Thus c
    g(n) is an lower bound on f(n): there exists some constant c such that c*g(n) is always <= f(n) for large enough n
  • f(n) = Θ(g(n)) means c1g(n) is an upper bound on f(n) and c2g(n) is an lower bound on f(n); Thus, there exists some constants c1, c2 such that c1g(n) is always >= f(n) and c2g(n) is always <= f(n) for large enough n

*** Data structure

  • dynamic array: actually resizing array only double the array data write overall. Each elements in the array move only two times on average.

      void delete_list(list **l, int item) {
          if (!l || !(*l)) return;
          list *p = *l;
          if (p->data == item) *l = p->next;
          while (p->next) {
              if (p->next->data == item) {
                  p->next = p->next->next;
              } else
                  p = p->next;
  • binary search tree

      class Tree { //Tree<T>
          int value;  //or T item
          Tree *parent;
          Tree *left;
          Tree *right;
      Tree *insert(Tree *root, int v) {
          if (!root) {
              Tree *node = new Tree();
              node->value = v;
              node->parent = NULL;
              return node;
          if (v < root->value) {
              root->left = insert(root->left, v);
              root->left->parent = root;
          } else {
              root->right = insert(root->right, v);
              root->right->parent = root;
          return root;
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