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Created March 28, 2015 20:27
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace ConsoleApplication3
class Category
public string Id;
public int Type; // 0 - cars; 1 - films
public string CategoryId;
public List<Category> ListCategories = new List<Category>();
public List<ObjType> ListObjTypes = new List<ObjType>();
class ObjType
public string Name;
public bool IsDelete;
public string Id; // questionnaire; catalog
public string CategoryId;
public List<Obj> ListObjs = new List<Obj>();
public List<PropType> ListPropTypes = new List<PropType>();
class PropType
public int Type; // questionnaire: 0 - date field(DateTime)/many/, 1 - text field(String)/many/, 2 - catalog value(PropId)/many/; catalog: 0 - type, 1 - value(String)/many/
public string Name;
public bool IsRequired;
public bool IsReadonly;
public DateTime DateTimeMinValue;
public DateTime DateTimeMaxValue;
public string Id;
public string ObjTypeId;
public string ObjId; // PropType can be an object, for ex. catalog
public List<Prop> ListProps = new List<Prop>();
class Obj
public string Id;
public DateTime CreationDateTime;
public string ObjTypeId;
public string UserId; // questionnaire: fill in user
public List<Prop> ListProps = new List<Prop>();
class Prop
public string Id;
public DateTime DateTime;
public string String; // nvarchar(max)
public int Int;
public bool Bool;
public int Flag;
public bool IsDelete;
public string ObjPropTypeId;
public string ObjId;
public string PropId; // questionnaire -> link to item from catalog
class User
public string Id;
public string UserName;
public string UserFirstName;
public string UserSecondName;
public string UserEmail;
public int UserPhone; // NULL
public List<Obj> ListObjs = new List<Obj>();
class Program
enum Categories
Cars = 0,
Films = 1
#region Props
enum Area
enum QuestionnaireType
DateTime = 0,
String = 1,
enum Catalog
enum CatalogCars
Color = 0,
CarMark = 1
enum CatalogFilms
Genre = 0,
Style = 1
static void Main(string[] args)
var user = new User() { Id = GetId(), UserName = "admin", UserEmail = "", UserFirstName = "Bob", UserSecondName = "Marley", UserPhone = 123 };
var user1 = new User() { Id = GetId(), UserName = "user1", UserEmail = "", UserFirstName = "Bob1", UserSecondName = "Marley1" };
var user2 = new User() { Id = GetId(), UserName = "user2", UserEmail = "", UserFirstName = "Bob2", UserSecondName = "Marley2", UserPhone = 123 };
// Users
var users = new List<User>() { user, user1, user2 };
// Categories
var catCars = new Category() { Id = GetId(), Type = (int)Categories.Cars };
var catFilms = new Category() { Id = GetId(), Type = (int)Categories.Films };
var cats = new List<Category>() { catCars, catFilms };
// Basic Types
var catalogType = new ObjType() { Id = GetId(), Name = "Catalog", CategoryId = catCars.Id };
var catalogTypePropType = new PropType() { Id = GetId(), Name = "type", Type = (int)Catalog.Type, ObjTypeId = catalogType.Id };
var catalogTypePropValue = new PropType() { Id = GetId(), Name = "value", Type = (int)Catalog.Value, ObjTypeId = catalogType.Id };
catalogType.ListPropTypes.AddRange(new List<PropType>() { catalogTypePropType, catalogTypePropValue });
var types = new List<ObjType>() { catalogType };
// Catalogs in Areas
var c1 = new Obj() { Id = GetId(), ObjTypeId = catalogType.Id };
var cType1 = new Prop() { Id = GetId(), ObjPropTypeId = catalogTypePropType.Id, Int = (int)CatalogCars.CarMark, ObjId = c1.Id };
var cValue1 = new Prop() { Id = GetId(), ObjPropTypeId = catalogTypePropValue.Id, String = "BMW", ObjId = c1.Id };
var cValue12 = new Prop() { Id = GetId(), ObjPropTypeId = catalogTypePropValue.Id, String = "Mercedes", ObjId = c1.Id };
var cValue13 = new Prop() { Id = GetId(), ObjPropTypeId = catalogTypePropValue.Id, String = "Lanos", ObjId = c1.Id };
var cValue14 = new Prop() { Id = GetId(), ObjPropTypeId = catalogTypePropValue.Id, String = "Ferrari", ObjId = c1.Id };
var cValue15 = new Prop() { Id = GetId(), ObjPropTypeId = catalogTypePropValue.Id, String = "Lamborghini", ObjId = c1.Id };
var l = new List<Prop>() { cType1, cValue1, cValue12, cValue13, cValue14, cValue15 };
var c2 = new Obj() { Id = GetId(), ObjTypeId = catalogType.Id };
var cType2 = new Prop() { Id = GetId(), ObjPropTypeId = catalogTypePropType.Id, Int = (int)CatalogCars.Color, ObjId = c2.Id };
var cValue2 = new Prop() { Id = GetId(), ObjPropTypeId = catalogTypePropValue.Id, String = "Black", ObjId = c2.Id };
var cValue22 = new Prop() { Id = GetId(), ObjPropTypeId = catalogTypePropValue.Id, String = "White", ObjId = c2.Id };
var cValue23 = new Prop() { Id = GetId(), ObjPropTypeId = catalogTypePropValue.Id, String = "Green", ObjId = c2.Id };
var cValue24 = new Prop() { Id = GetId(), ObjPropTypeId = catalogTypePropValue.Id, String = "Brown", ObjId = c2.Id };
var cValue25 = new Prop() { Id = GetId(), ObjPropTypeId = catalogTypePropValue.Id, String = "Red", ObjId = c2.Id };
var l2 = new List<Prop>() { cType1, cValue1, cValue12, cValue13, cValue14, cValue15 };
// User Types
var type1 = new ObjType() { Id = GetId(), Name = "Questionnaire", CategoryId = catCars.Id };
var typeProp1 = new PropType() { Id = GetId(), Name = "date field", Type = (int)QuestionnaireType.DateTime, ObjTypeId = type1.Id };
var typeProp12 = new PropType() { Id = GetId(), Name = "text field", Type = (int)QuestionnaireType.String, ObjTypeId = type1.Id };
var typeProp13 = new PropType() { Id = GetId(), Name = "catalog field", Type = (int)QuestionnaireType.Catalog, ObjTypeId = type1.Id, ObjId = c2.Id };
var typeProp14 = new PropType() { Id = GetId(), Name = "text field", Type = (int)QuestionnaireType.String, ObjTypeId = type1.Id };
var typeProp15 = new PropType() { Id = GetId(), Name = "text field", Type = (int)QuestionnaireType.String, ObjTypeId = type1.Id };
type1.ListPropTypes.AddRange(new List<PropType>() { typeProp1, typeProp12, typeProp13, typeProp14, typeProp15 });
// Objects
var questionnaire = new Obj() { Id = GetId(), ObjTypeId = type1.Id, CreationDateTime = DateTime.UtcNow, UserId = user2.Id };
foreach (var item in type1.ListPropTypes)
var questionnaireProp = new Prop() { Id = GetId(), ObjPropTypeId = item.Id, ObjId = questionnaire.Id };
// just insert user data(here random)
switch ((QuestionnaireType)item.Type)
case QuestionnaireType.DateTime:
questionnaireProp.DateTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
case QuestionnaireType.String:
questionnaireProp.String = "abc";
case QuestionnaireType.Catalog:
questionnaireProp.String = "Selected value";
//questionnaireProp.PropId =
user2.ListObjs.Add(questionnaire); // If user not created, let's create him
public static string GetId() { return Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); }
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