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Last active December 26, 2015 07:09
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$ ->
do init = (context = document)->
$('.tabs[data-target]', context).each ->
$nav = $(@)
$tabs = $nav.find 'li'
$contents = $("##{$ 'target'} > .tab_contents")
# default class
$ 'class', $nav[0].className
# 現在のactive
$active = $tabs.filter '.active'
# activeなかったら
unless $active.length
# currentがあればそれを、そうでなければ最初のものをactiveに
$active = if current = $'current')
$active.addClass 'active'
# タブ変更
switch_tab = ($tab, $link = null)->
$link ||= $tab.find('a')
$tabs.removeClass 'active'
$tab.addClass 'active'
$current = $contents.hide().filter($link.attr('href')).show()
# ajax
if url = $ 'ajax'
ajax = $.ajax(
url: url
context: $current
ajax.done (data, status, xhr)->
$current.empty().append data
$current.removeAttr 'data-ajax'
$current.removeData 'ajax'
if list_class = $ 'class'
$nav[0].className = "#{$ 'class'} #{list_class}"
# trigger
event = $.Event 'tabs:switch', tab: $tab[0]
$current.trigger event
# bind
$tabs.on 'click', 'a', (ev)->
$link = $(@)
switch_tab $link.closest('li'), $link
# init
switch_tab $active
# ラジオボタンver
$('.radio_tabs[data-target]', context).each ->
$nav = $(@)
$radios = $nav.find 'input:radio'
$contents = $("##{$ 'target'} .tab_contents")
prefix = $ 'prefix'
# タブ変更
switch_tab = (val)->
# bind
$radios.on 'change', (ev)->
switch_tab $radios.filter(':checked').val()
# export
window.Tabs =
init: init
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