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Created January 6, 2012 13:57
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XOR texture in Common Lisp
(require :lispbuilder-sdl)
(defun run ()
(sdl:with-init ()
(sdl:window 320 240)
(sdl:with-events ()
(:quit-event () t)
(defun draw-xor-texture ()
(iter (for x below 320)
(iter (for y below 240)
(let* ((c (bit-vector->integer
(bit-xor (adjust-array (integer->bit-vector x) '(8))
(adjust-array (integer->bit-vector y) '(8)))))
(color (sdl:color :r c :g c :b c)))
(sdl:draw-pixel-* x y :clipping t :color color)))))
;;;; these 2 functions by edgar-rft taken from:
(defun bit-vector->integer (bit-vector)
"Create a positive integer from a bit-vector."
(reduce #'(lambda (first-bit second-bit)
(+ (* first-bit 2) second-bit))
(defun integer->bit-vector (integer)
"Create a bit-vector from a positive integer."
(labels ((integer->bit-list (int &optional accum)
(cond ((> int 0)
(multiple-value-bind (i r) (truncate int 2)
(integer->bit-list i (push r accum))))
((null accum) (push 0 accum))
(t accum))))
(coerce (integer->bit-list integer) 'bit-vector)))
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