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red-black tree with generics
package rbtree
import (
type color int8
const (
red color = iota
// Map is a map backed by a binary search tree.
// Each tree node is stored in an internal slice.
// This implementation is based on red-black tree from Purely Functional Data Structures by Okazaki.
type Map[K cmp.Ordered, V any] struct {
nodes []Node[K, V]
root int
// Len returns the node slice's length.
func (t *Map[E, K]) Len() int {
return len(t.nodes)
// Cap returns the node slice's capacity.
func (t *Map[E, K]) Cap() int {
return cap(t.nodes)
// Grow increases the node slice's capacity.
func (t *Map[E, K]) Grow(n int) {
slices.Grow(t.nodes, n)
// Store stores a pair of key and value.
func (t *Map[K, V]) Store(key K, value V) {
elem := elem[K, V]{key: key, value: value}
id, _ := insert(t, t.root, elem, true)
if n := t.nodes[id]; n.color == red {
id, _ = addNode(t, Node[K, V]{
color: black,
left: n.left,
elem: n.elem,
right: n.right,
}, true)
t.root = id
// SafeStore stores a pair of key and value only if it doesn't cause a growth of the internal Node slice.
// It returns true if it successfully stored the pair. Otherwise, it returns false.
func (t *Map[K, V]) SafeStore(key K, value V) (ok bool) {
snapshot := *t
defer func() {
if !ok {
*t = snapshot
elem := elem[K, V]{key: key, value: value}
id, ok := insert(t, t.root, elem, false)
if !ok {
return false
if n := t.nodes[id]; n.color == red {
id, ok = addNode(t, Node[K, V]{
color: black,
left: n.left,
elem: n.elem,
right: n.right,
}, false)
if !ok {
return false
t.root = id
return true
// Load returns the associated value for a key.
func (t *Map[K, V]) Load(key K) (V, bool) {
var zero V
id := t.root
for {
if id < 0 {
return zero, false
var (
n = t.nodes[id]
e = n.elem
switch {
case key < e.key:
id = n.left
case key > e.key:
id = n.right
return e.value, true
// Node is a node of binary search tree.
// It resides in Map as an element of the Node slice.
// Exposed just for size reference.
type Node[K cmp.Ordered, V any] struct {
color color
left, right int
elem elem[K, V]
type elem[K cmp.Ordered, V any] struct {
key K
value V
func insert[K cmp.Ordered, V any](tree *Map[K, V], id int, elem elem[K, V], growth bool) (int, bool) {
if id <= 0 {
return addNode(tree, Node[K, V]{
color: red,
left: -1,
elem: elem,
right: -1,
}, growth)
switch b := tree.nodes[id]; {
case elem.key < b.elem.key:
l, ok := insert(tree, b.left, elem, growth)
if !ok {
return 0, false
id, ok := addNode(tree, Node[K, V]{
color: b.color,
left: l,
elem: b.elem,
right: b.right,
}, growth)
if !ok {
return 0, false
return balance(tree, id, growth)
case elem.key > b.elem.key:
r, ok := insert(tree, b.right, elem, growth)
if !ok {
return 0, false
id, ok := addNode(tree, Node[K, V]{
color: b.color,
left: b.left,
elem: b.elem,
right: r,
}, growth)
if !ok {
return 0, false
return balance(tree, id, growth)
return addNode(tree, Node[K, V]{
color: b.color,
left: b.left,
elem: elem,
right: b.right,
}, growth)
func balance[K cmp.Ordered, V any](tree *Map[K, V], id int, growth bool) (int, bool) {
var (
a, b, c, d int
x, y, z elem[K, V]
switch node := tree.nodes[id]; {
case node.left >= 0 && tree.nodes[node.left].color == red:
switch l := tree.nodes[node.left]; {
case l.left >= 0 && tree.nodes[l.left].color == red:
ll := tree.nodes[l.left]
a = ll.left
b = ll.right
c = l.right
d = node.right
x = ll.elem
y = l.elem
z = node.elem
case l.right >= 0 && tree.nodes[l.right].color == red:
lr := tree.nodes[l.right]
a = l.left
b = lr.left
c = lr.right
d = node.right
x = l.elem
y = lr.elem
z = node.elem
return id, true
case node.right >= 0 && tree.nodes[node.right].color == red:
switch r := tree.nodes[node.right]; {
case r.left >= 0 && tree.nodes[r.left].color == red:
rl := tree.nodes[r.left]
a = node.left
b = rl.left
c = rl.right
d = r.right
x = node.elem
y = rl.elem
z = r.elem
case r.right >= 0 && tree.nodes[r.right].color == red:
rr := tree.nodes[r.right]
a = node.left
b = r.left
c = rr.left
d = rr.right
x = node.elem
y = r.elem
z = rr.elem
return id, true
return id, true
l, ok := addNode(tree, Node[K, V]{
color: black,
left: a,
elem: x,
right: b,
}, growth)
if !ok {
return 0, false
r, ok := addNode(tree, Node[K, V]{
color: black,
left: c,
elem: z,
right: d,
}, growth)
if !ok {
return 0, false
return addNode(tree, Node[K, V]{
color: red,
left: l,
elem: y,
right: r,
}, growth)
func addNode[K cmp.Ordered, V any](tree *Map[K, V], node Node[K, V], growth bool) (int, bool) {
if !growth && len(tree.nodes)+1 >= cap(tree.nodes) {
return 0, false
tree.nodes = append(tree.nodes, node)
return len(tree.nodes) - 1, true
package rbtree
import (
func ExampleMap_Store() {
var m Map[string, int]
m.Store("foo", 1)
m.Store("bar", 2)
snapshot := m
m.Store("baz", 3)
m.Store("foo", 4)
e, ok := m.Load("foo")
fmt.Println("foo:", e, ok)
e, ok = m.Load("bar")
fmt.Println("bar:", e, ok)
e, ok = m.Load("baz")
fmt.Println("baz:", e, ok)
fmt.Println("rollback to snapshot")
m = snapshot
e, ok = m.Load("foo")
fmt.Println("foo:", e, ok)
e, ok = m.Load("bar")
fmt.Println("bar:", e, ok)
e, ok = m.Load("baz")
fmt.Println("baz:", e, ok)
// Output:
// foo: 4 true
// bar: 2 true
// baz: 3 true
// rollback to snapshot
// foo: 1 true
// bar: 2 true
// baz: 0 false
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