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Created November 1, 2016 12:22
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Require Import Coq.Arith.PeanoNat.
Definition VarIndex := nat.
Parameter atom : Set.
Parameter eq_atom_dec : forall x y : atom, {x = y} + {x <> y}.
Section expr_ind.
Inductive Expr : Type :=
| BVar : VarIndex -> VarIndex -> Expr
| FVar : atom -> Expr
| LetB : list Expr -> Expr -> Expr.
Variable P : Expr -> Prop.
Hypothesis Expr_bvar :
forall (i j: VarIndex), P (BVar i j).
Hypothesis Expr_fvar :
forall (i : atom), P (FVar i).
Hypothesis Expr_let :
forall e: Expr, P e -> forall vs : list Expr,
Forall P vs -> P (LetB vs e).
Fixpoint expr_ind (e: Expr) : P e :=
match e with
| BVar i j => Expr_bvar i j
| FVar i => Expr_fvar i
| LetB vs e' =>
Expr_let e' (expr_ind e') vs
((fix list_varExpr_ind (vs: list Expr) :=
match vs with
| cons ve vses =>
(expr_ind ve)
(list_varExpr_ind vses)
| nil => Forall_nil P
end) vs)
End expr_ind.
Section Util_Functions.
Fixpoint open_rec (k: VarIndex) (u: list Expr) (e: Expr) :=
match e with
| BVar i j => if Nat.eq_dec k i then List.nth j u e else e
| FVar x => e
| LetB es e' => LetB ( (open_rec (S k) u) es) (open_rec (S k) u e')
Notation "{ k ~> u } t" := (open_rec k u t) (at level 67).
Definition open e u := open_rec 0 u e.
Lemma open_rec_lc_core : forall e (j: VarIndex) v (i: VarIndex) u,
i <> j ->
{j ~> v} e = {i ~> u} ({j ~> v} e) ->
e = {i ~> u} e.
induction e using expr_ind; intros k1 v k2 u Neq H0; simpl in *; try eauto.
- destruct (Nat.eq_dec k2 i); destruct (Nat.eq_dec k1 i).
+ subst i; contradiction.
+ subst i. inversion H0; subst.
destruct (Nat.eq_dec k2 k2).
* apply H1.
* contradict n0; reflexivity.
+ reflexivity.
+ reflexivity.
- f_equal.
+ induction vs.
* reflexivity.
* simpl.
-- inversion H; subst.
eapply H3.
++ eapply PeanoNat.Nat.succ_inj_wd_neg in Neq.
eapply Neq.
++ inversion H0; subst.
eapply H2.
-- apply IHvs.
++ inversion H; subst.
apply H4.
++ inversion H0; subst.
+ eapply IHe.
* eapply PeanoNat.Nat.succ_inj_wd_neg in Neq.
eapply Neq.
* inversion H0; subst.
apply H3.
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