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Created May 28, 2018 10:27
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-- Pretty Printing type class --
class Pretty a where
pretty :: a -> String
pprint :: a -> IO ()
pprint = putStrLn . pretty
instance Pretty Int where
pretty = show
instance Pretty Bool where
pretty = show
instance Pretty a => Pretty (Identity a) where
pretty = pretty . runIdentity
-- Tree structure with labels --
type ID = Int
data Tree a = Failed
| Leaf a
| Choice (Maybe ID) (Tree a) (Tree a)
deriving Show
foldTree :: (a -> b) -> (Maybe ID -> b -> b -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b
foldTree leafF choiceF e Failed = e
foldTree leafF choiceF e (Leaf x) = leafF x
foldTree leafF choiceF e (Choice ref t1 t2) =
choiceF ref (foldTree leafF choiceF e t1) (foldTree leafF choiceF e t2)
instance Pretty a => Pretty (Tree a) where
pretty t = pretty' t 0
pretty' Failed _ = "_|_"
pretty' (Leaf x) _ = pretty x
pretty' (Choice n t1 t2) wsp =
show n ++ "\n" ++ replicate wsp ' ' ++ "|---- " ++ pretty' t1 (wsp+6)
++ "\n" ++ replicate wsp ' ' ++ "|---- " ++ pretty' t2 (wsp+6)
instance Functor Tree where
fmap f Failed = Failed
fmap f (Leaf x) = Leaf (f x)
fmap f (Choice n t1 t2) = Choice n (fmap f t1) (fmap f t2)
instance Applicative Tree where
pure = Leaf
Failed <*> _ = Failed
_ <*> Failed = Failed
Leaf f <*> Leaf x = Leaf (f x)
Choice n tf1 tf2 <*> tx = Choice n (tf1 <*> tx) (tf2 <*> tx)
tf <*> Choice n t1 t2 = Choice n (tf <*> t1) (tf <*> t2)
instance Monad Tree where
return = Leaf
Failed >>= _ = Failed
Leaf x >>= f = f x
Choice n t1 t2 >>= f = Choice n (t1 >>= f) (t2 >>= f)
> {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
> {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
> module SharingDen where
> import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..))
> import Control.Monad (MonadPlus(..), ap)
> import Misc hiding (Tree(..))
> import qualified Misc as T (Tree(..))
> import SharingInterface
This implementation strictly follows the laws presented in "Purely Functional Lazy Non-deterministic Programming" by Fischer et al.
They introduce the following laws for a monad with non-determinism (using `mplus`) and sharing (using `share`).
share (a `mplus` b) = share a `mplus` share b (1)
share mzero = return mzero (2)
share _|_ = return _|_ (3)
share (ret (c x1 ... xn)) = share x1 >>= \y1 ... (4)
share xn >>= \yn . return (return (c y1 ... yn))
Ignoring the rule for non-termination (3) for now, we can define a representation for a monad with non-determinism and sharing by having all these constructs explicitly.
> data NDShare a where
> Failed :: NDShare a
> Leaf :: a -> NDShare a
> Choice :: NDShare a -> NDShare a -> NDShare a
> Share :: NDShare a -> NDShare (NDShare a)
The monad instance for this incarnation then directly follows the rules (1), (2) and (4) above and we use the fact that `Leaf` resembles `return`, `Choice` resemble `mplus` and `Failed` resembles `mzero`.
> instance Functor NDShare where
> fmap f t = t >>= return . f
> instance Applicative NDShare where
> pure = return
> (<*>) = ap
> instance Alternative NDShare where
> (<|>) = choice
> empty = failed
> instance MonadPlus NDShare where
> mplus = choice
> mzero = failed
> instance Monad NDShare where
> return = Leaf
> Failed >>= f = Failed
> Leaf x >>= f = f x
> Choice t1 t2 >>= f =
> let t1' = t1 >>= f in
> let t2' = t2 >>= f in
> Choice t1' t2'
> Share (Choice t1 t2) >>= f =
> let t1' = Share t1 >>= f in
> let t2' = Share t2 >>= f in
> Choice t1' t2'
> Share t >>= f = Leaf t >>= f
The smart constructors are then not as smart as the name suggests but rather shortcuts for their corresponding constructors.
> share' :: NDShare a -> NDShare (NDShare a)
> share' t = Share t
> choice :: NDShare a -> NDShare a -> NDShare a
> choice = Choice
> failed :: NDShare a
> failed = Failed
We can then implement the `Sharing` type class by utilising rule (4) again that says that we need to apply `share` for all arguments of a constructor.
Wrapping all results into a common tree structure is a simple wrapping from the constructors above with the additional side-condition that all `Share` constructors are already transformed when computing the normal form of an expresion via `nf`.
> instance Sharing NDShare where
> share ndx = share' (ndx >>= shareArgs share)
> instance AllValues NDShare where
> allValues ndx = toNFTree (nf ndx)
> toNFTree :: NDShare a -> T.Tree a
> toNFTree Failed = T.Failed
> toNFTree (Leaf x) = T.Leaf x
> toNFTree (Choice t1 t2) = T.Choice Nothing (toNFTree t1) (toNFTree t2)
> toNFTree (Share _) = error "toNFTree: given tree was not in normal form"
> ----------------------------------------------
> -- type class instances for primitive types --
> ----------------------------------------------
> instance Monad m => Normalform m () () where
> nf = id
> instance Monad m => Normalform m Bool Bool where
> nf = id
> instance Monad m => Normalform m Int Int where
> nf = id
A small example.
> instance Monad m => Normalform m Bool Bool where
> nf = id
> instance Sharing m => Shareable m Bool where
> shareArgs _ = return
> coin :: MonadPlus m => m Bool
> coin = return True `mplus` return False
> orM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m Bool -> m Bool
> orM mb1 mb2 = mb1 >>= \b1 ->
> case b1 of
> True -> return True
> False -> mb2
> exOrF :: (Sharing m, MonadPlus m) => m Bool
> exOrF = share coin >>= \fx -> orM (return False) (orM fx fx)
> exOrT :: (Sharing m, MonadPlus m) => m Bool
> exOrT = share coin >>= \fx -> orM (return True) (orM fx fx)
λ> allValues (exOrF :: NDShare Bool) :: T.Tree Bool
Choice Nothing (Leaf True) (Leaf False)
λ> allValues (exOrT :: NDShare Bool) :: T.Tree Bool
Choice Nothing (Leaf True) (Leaf True)
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module SharingInterface where
import Control.Monad.Trans.State ( State(..), state, get, put )
import Control.Monad (MonadPlus(..))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Misc
-- type class for sharing --
class MonadPlus s => Sharing (s :: * -> *) where
share :: Shareable s a => s a -> s (s a)
class AllValues (s :: * -> *) where
allValues :: Normalform s a b => s a -> Tree b
class Shareable m a where
shareArgs :: Monad n => (forall b. Shareable m b => m b -> n (m b)) -> a -> n a
-- Normalform evaluation --
class Normalform m a b where
nf :: m a -> m b
-- Search algorithm --
data Decision = L | R
type Memo = Map.Map ID Decision
dfs :: Memo -> Tree a -> [a]
dfs mem Failed = []
dfs mem (Leaf x) = [x]
dfs mem (Choice Nothing t1 t2) = dfs mem t1 ++ dfs mem t2
dfs mem (Choice (Just n) t1 t2) =
case Map.lookup n mem of
Nothing -> dfs (Map.insert n L mem) t1 ++ dfs (Map.insert n R mem) t2
Just L -> dfs mem t1
Just R -> dfs mem t2
dfsWithEmpty :: Tree a -> [a]
dfsWithEmpty = dfs Map.empty
-- function to collect all values with respect to dfs --
collectVals :: (AllValues m, Normalform m a b) => m a -> [b]
collectVals expr = dfsWithEmpty (allValues expr)
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