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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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cd to the location of a file in system path, and optionally run a command. Finds the file using "where" and then cd's to the directory

Windows command line util to CD to the location of a file found in your system path, and optionally run a command. Finds the file using "where" and then cd's to that directory where the file is located.

Requires: xargs sed

@echo off
echo "%~dp1"
@echo off
SET godir=
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i in ('%~dp0wherep %1') do SET godir=%%~i
if "%godir%" == "" goto pathnotfound
pushd %godir%
:: Command to run?
if "%2"=="" goto :eof
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%i in ('where %1') do SET gofile=%%~i
%2 %gofile%
goto :eof
echo %1 not found
goto :eof
echo gofile <filename> [command]
echo. Executes where on the file, and sets current directory to where it is located.
echo. use 'popd' to return to previous directory
@echo off
::Input is to be piped in to this script "where blah.txt | slash"
:: escapes backslash character c:\xxx\yyy\zzz become c:\\xxx\\yyy\\zzz
more | sed s/\\/\\\\/g
@echo off
:: returns the path of a file found on path
where %1 | slash | xargs -I {} getpath {}
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This could simplified in to fewer command line files.
xargs -
sed -

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