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Forked from tooky/quiz.feature
Created December 17, 2011 14:09
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Minisculus Challenge REST API
Feature: a quiz
Given the quiz is configured with the questions:
{"key": "foo", "question": "1+1", "answer": "2", "reference-url": "foo.html"},
{"key": "bar", "question": "1x3", "answer": "3", "reference-url": "bar.html"}
And the quiz has the ending:
"key": "mission-complete",
"reference-url": "mission-complete.html",
"code": "ABC123",
"email": ""
Scenario: starting the quiz
When I GET /start with request headers:
Accept: application/json
Then the headers should contain:
Location: /foo
And the status should be 303
Scenario: requesting a question
When I GET /foo with request headers:
Accept: application/json
Then the body should contain JSON:
"question": "1+1",
"reference-url": "/foo.html"
And the status should be 200
Scenario: answering a question incorrectly
Given I have the answer data
"answer": "3"
When I PUT /foo with request headers:
Accept: application/json
Content-type: application/json
Then the status should be 406
Scenario: answering a question with malformed JSON
Given I have the answer data
answer: "3"
When I PUT /foo with request headers:
Accept: application/json
Content-type: application/json
Then the status should be 406
And the body should contain:
Unable to parse JSON.
Scenario: answering a question correctly
Given I have the answer data
"answer": "2"
When I PUT /foo with request headers:
Accept: application/json
Then the headers should contain:
Location: /bar
And the status should be 303
Scenario: requesting another question
When I GET /bar with request headers:
Accept: application/json
Then the body should contain JSON:
"question": "1x3",
"reference-url": "/bar.html"
And the status should be 200
Scenario: answering the final question
Given I have the answer data
"answer": "3"
When I PUT /bar with request headers:
Accept: application/json
Then the headers should contain:
Location: /finish/mission-complete
And the status should be 303
Scenario: requesting the ending with the correct key
When I GET /finish/mission-complete with request headers:
Accept: application/json
Then the body should contain JSON:
"code": "ABC123",
"email": "",
"reference-url": "/finish/mission-complete.html"
And the status should be 200
Scenario: requesting the ending with the incorrect key
When I GET /finish/i-have-finished with request headers:
Accept: application/json
Then the status should be 406
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