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Last active July 19, 2019 11:33
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Simple whole-site A/B test rules for htaccess
# The rules below allow you to A/B test any page on your site by splitting traffic to one of two
# sub-pages depending on the timestamp when they visit. If the millisecond is an even number,
# they are redirect to /a/ if the millisecond is odd they go to /b/. This ensures a statisticaly
# even split since the probability of the second being even or odd is about 50/50.
# You will need to create 3 sub-pages on your site: @, a, b so you'll end up with :
# NOTE : You can change the @, a, and b to anything you like, just be sure to update the rules accordingly.
# I do not recommend changing any of the other rules unless you really know what you are doing.
# If you /are/ an expert and can sugget simplifications or improvements to the rules, it would
# be greatly appreciated.
# The flow will be that a user comes to and be redirected to
# either or
# So any link you use that starts with /@/any-page will be redirected to the same page name
# under /a/ or /b/ depending on the timestamp on their first visit.
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
# May be required to access sub directories
RewriteBase /
# ############################### #
# ############################### #
# (1) Check if our cookie is already set.
# If so, redirect to the previously-viewed page.
RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} ab_test_vers=([^;]+)
RewriteRule ^@(.*)/?$ HTTPS://YOUR-DOMAIN-COM/tracking/%1/$1 [cookie=ab_test_vers_match:true:YOUR-DOMAIN-COM,L]
# (2) If no cookie is set (new visitor)
# AND the current time is on an even-numbered second
# Rewrite to /test-option-a AND set our cookie
RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !ab_test_vers=([^;]+)
RewriteCond %{TIME_SEC} [02468]$
RewriteRule ^@/(.*)/?$ /tracking/even/$1 [cookie=ab_test_vers:even:YOUR-DOMAIN-COM,L]
RedirectMatch 302 ^/tracking/even/(.*/?)$ HTTPS://YOUR-DOMAIN-COM/a/$1
# (3) If no cookie is set (new visitor)
# AND the current time is on an odd-numbered second
# Rewrite to /test-option-a AND set our cookie
RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !ab_test_vers=([^;]+)
RewriteCond %{TIME_SEC} [13579]$
RewriteRule ^@/(.*)/?$ /tracking/odd/$1 [cookie=ab_test_vers:odd:YOUR-DOMAIN-COM,L]
RedirectMatch 302 ^/tracking/odd/(.*/?)$ HTTPS://YOUR-DOMAIN-COM/b/$1
# ############################### #
# ############################### #
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