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Last active February 10, 2023 03:09
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A/B Testing with htaccess
# ############################### #
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# (1) Check if our cookie is already set.
# If so, redirect to the previously-viewed page.
RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} ab_test_vers=([^;]+)
RewriteRule ^THE-PAGE-BEING-TESTED$ HTTP://YOUR-DOMAIN.COM/tracking/%1 [cookie=ab_test_vers_match:true:YOUR-DOMAIN.COM,L]
# (2) If no cookie is set (new visitor)
# AND the current time is on an even-numbered second
# Rewrite to /test-option-a AND set our cookie to `even`
RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !ab_test_vers=([^;]+)
RewriteCond %{TIME_SEC} [02468]$
RewriteRule ^test-page$ /tracking/even [cookie=ab_test_vers:even:YOUR-DOMAIN.COM,L]
Redirect 302 /tracking/even HTTP://YOUR-DOMAIN.COM/a/test-page
# (3) If no cookie is set (new visitor)
# AND the current time is on an odd-numbered second
# Rewrite to /test-option-b AND set our cookie to `odd`
RewriteCond %{HTTP_COOKIE} !ab_test_vers=([^;]+)
RewriteCond %{TIME_SEC} [13579]$
RewriteRule ^test-page$ /tracking/odd [cookie=ab_test_vers:odd:YOUR-DOMAIN.COM,L]
Redirect 302 /tracking/odd HTTP://YOUR-DOMAIN.COM/b/test-page
# ############################### #
# ############################### #
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birender commented Oct 18, 2019 via email

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