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Created June 26, 2013 00:25
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Save icook/5863726 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Jenkins Continuous Integration
# Setup a proper path, I call my virtualenv dir "venv" and
# I've got the virtualenv command installed in /usr/local/bin
# Move the source into it's own directory
mkdir $SRC_DIR
mv * $SRC_DIR/ || :
mv .git/ $SRC_DIR/ || :
# Generate a new virtual enviroment
if [ ! -d "venv" ]; then
virtualenv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
# Populate it with the necessary packages
pip install -r $SRC_DIR/requirements.txt || :
pip install -e $SRC_DIR/. --download-cache=/tmp/$JOB_NAME
# stuff for testing
pip install jinja2 nose coverage beautifulsoup4 pyflakes clonedigger pylint pep8
# drop our database
totems | dropdb -U eli5 -W $JOB_NAME || :
# recreate a fresh db
totems | createdb -U eli5 -W $JOB_NAME || :
# Setup the database connection to run to dev
sed -i "s#eli5:totems@localhost/eli5#eli5:totems@localhost/$JOB_NAME#g" $SRC_DIR/development.ini
# run our internal script to generate test data in the db
eli5_db reset eli5/development.ini
# count lines of code and output a report
sloccount --duplicates --wide --details $SRC_DIR/src/ | fgrep -v .svn > || :
# Run unit tests
nosetests --with-xunit --verbose --where=$SRC_DIR || :
# Run pyflakes
find ./$SRC_DIR -name *.py|egrep -v '^./tests/'|xargs pyflakes > pyflakes.log || :
# Run pylint
rm -f pylint.log
for f in `find ./${SRC_DIR} -name *.py|egrep -v '^./tests/'`; do
$WORKSPACE/venv/bin/pylint --output-format=parseable --reports=y $f >> pylint.log
done || :
# Run pep8
rm -f pep8.log
for f in `find ./${SRC_DIR} -name *.py|egrep -v '^.src/${SRC_DIR}/tests/'`; do
$WORKSPACE/venv/bin/pep8 --first $f >> pep8.log
done || :
python $WORKSPACE/venv/bin/clonedigger --cpd-output ./$SRC_DIR || :
# Setup the webserver configs and whatnot
mkdir $WORKSPACE/logs
chmod 775 $WORKSPACE/ -R || :
chown jenkins:www-data $WORKSPACE/ -R || :
cat > $WORKSPACE/nginx.conf <<-EOF
server {
listen 81;
access_log $WORKSPACE/logs/access.log;
error_log $WORKSPACE/logs/error.log;
location /static/css { alias $WORKSPACE/eli5/assets/generated/css; }
location /static/js { alias $WORKSPACE/eli5/assets/generated/js; }
location /static/lib/css { alias $WORKSPACE/eli5/assets/static_lib/css; }
location /static/lib/js { alias $WORKSPACE/eli5/assets/static_lib/js; }
location /static/images { alias $WORKSPACE/eli5/assets/images; }
location /$JOB_NAME {
uwsgi_pass unix:///tmp/$JOB_NAME.sock;
include uwsgi_params;
auth_basic "Restricted";
auth_basic_user_file /etc/apache2/passwd;
uwsgi_modifier1 30;
uwsgi_param SCRIPT_NAME /$JOB_NAME;
cat > $WORKSPACE/wsgi.ini <<-EOF
pythonpath = %d/venv
socket = /tmp/$JOB_NAME.sock
wsgi-file = %d/$SRC_DIR/application.wsgi
virtualenv = %d/venv
processes = 4
threads = 2
logto = %d/logs/wsgi.log
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