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Created June 18, 2019 17:31
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EAK 2 Exam, Game of Life
package obsxvv;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
/** Game of Life. */
public class Life {
/** Invariant: <code>
from != null & to != null &
from.length == to.length != 0 &
from[i] != null & to[i] != null &
from[i].length == to[j].length != 0 </code> (for all sensible <code>i,j</code>)
protected boolean[][] from, to;
private ExecutorService executorService;
private CyclicBarrier barrier;
private int chunkSize;
private int threads;
/** Whether the world is a torus.
Otherwise cells die ouside of the world.
protected boolean torus;
/** A new n x m field with no living cells. */
public Life( int n, int m, boolean torus , int threads){
if( n <= 0 || m <= 0 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException();
from = new boolean[n][m];
to = new boolean[n][m];
this.torus = torus;
executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threads);
barrier = new CyclicBarrier(threads);
chunkSize = from.length / threads;
this.threads = threads;
/** Plays <code>count</code> generations of Game of Life. */
public void iterate( int count ){
try {
while( count > 0 ){
System.out.println("count : " + count);
boolean[][] tmp = from; from = to; to = tmp; // swap from and to
} finally {
/** Compute new state from the array <code>from</code> to the array <code>to</code>. */
protected void step(){
for (int i = 0; i < this.threads; i++) {
int threadIndex = i;
() -> {
int startIndex = threadIndex * chunkSize;
for (int j = startIndex; j < startIndex + chunkSize && j < from.length; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < from[j].length; k++) {
switch( living9(j,k) ){
case 3: to[j][k] = true; break;
case 4: to[j][k] = from[j][k]; break;
default: to[j][k] = false;
try {
} catch (InterruptedException | BrokenBarrierException e) {
for(boolean[] row : to){
for(boolean item: row){
System.out.print( item ? "\\o/" : ' ');
/** Count living cells in a 3x3 block with center <code>(n,m)</code>. */
public int living9( int n, int m ){
int living = 0;
for(int i=-1; i<=1; ++i)
for(int j=-1; j<=1; ++j)
if( get(n+i,m+j) )
return living;
/** Retrive cell. Depends on whether the world is a torus. */
public boolean get( int n, int m ){
return torus ? torus(n,m) : deadEnvironment(n,m);
private boolean torus( int n, int m ){
n = (n+from.length) % from.length;
m = (m+from[0].length) % from[0].length;
return from[n][m];
private boolean deadEnvironment( int n, int m ){
return n >= 0 && m >= 0 && n < from.length && m < from[0].length
&& from[n][m];
// Put some well-known patterns if a life
/** Put a Blinker at position <code>(n,m)</code>. */
public Life blinker(int n, int m){
from[n+2][m+1] = from[n+2][m+2] = from[n+2][m+3] = true;
return this;
/** Put an Acorn at position <code>(n,m)</code>. */
public Life acorn(int n, int m){
from[n+1][m+2] = from[n+2][m+4] = from[n+3][m+1] = from[n+3][m+2] = from[n+3][m+5] = from[n+3][m+6] = from[n+3][m+7] = true;
return this;
/** Put an "Infinite Growth with 10 cells" at position <code>(n,m)</code>. */
public Life inf10(int n, int m){
from[n+2][m+7] = from[n+4][m+6] = from[n+4][m+7] = from[n+6][m+3] = from[n+6][m+4] = from[n+6][m+5] = from[n+8][m+2] = from[n+8][m+3] = from[n+8][m+4] = from[n+9][m+3] = true;
return this;
/** Put a Gosper Glider Gun at position <code>(n,m)</code>. */
public Life gosperGliderGun(int n, int m){
from[n+1][m+5] = from[n+1][m+6] = from[n+2][m+5] = from[n+2][m+6] = from[n+11][m+5] = from[n+11][m+6] = from[n+11][m+7] = from[n+12][m+4] = from[n+12][m+8] = from[n+13][m+3] = from[n+13][m+9] = from[n+14][m+3] = from[n+14][m+9] = from[n+15][m+6] = from[n+16][m+4] = from[n+16][m+8] = from[n+17][m+5] = from[n+17][m+6] = from[n+17][m+7] = from[n+18][m+6] = from[n+21][m+3] = from[n+21][m+4] = from[n+21][m+5] = from[n+22][m+3] = from[n+22][m+4] = from[n+22][m+5] = from[n+23][m+2] = from[n+23][m+6] = from[n+25][m+1] = from[n+25][m+2] = from[n+25][m+6] = from[n+25][m+7] = from[n+35][m+3] = from[n+35][m+4] = from[n+36][m+3] = from[n+36][m+4] = true;
return this;
// Input-output from/to textfile
public Life fromFile( String fname ) throws {
java.util.Scanner scanner = new java.util.Scanner(new;
while( scanner.hasNext() )
from[ scanner.nextInt() ][ scanner.nextInt() ] = true;
return this;
public void toFile( String fname ) throws {
System.out.println("wrinting file");
try( printer = new;
for( int i=0; i<from.length; ++i ){
for( int j=0; j<from[0].length; ++j ){
if( from[i][j] ){
printer.println(i + " " +j);
// Animation to visualize Game of Life on standard output
public void animate( int iterations, int steps, int delay, int row, int col, int rows, int cols ){
String line; {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for( int i=0; i<cols; ++i ) builder.append('-');
line = builder.toString();
for( int i = 0; i < iterations; i+= steps ){
try {Thread.sleep(delay);} catch (InterruptedException e){}
private void print( int row, int col, int rows, int cols, String line ){
for( int i=row; i<row+rows; ++i ){
for( int j=col; j<col+cols; ++j ){
System.out.print(from[i][j]?'@':' ');
// Measuring execution time
public long measure( int iterations ){
long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
// executorService.execute(this::userInput);
long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
return endTime-startTime;
// main
public static void main( String[] args ) throws Exception {
if( args.length < 5 ){
// Life life = new Life(20,50,false, 5);
// new Life(50,50,false).acorn(25,25).animate(200,1,100,0,0,50,50);
// new Life(500,500,false).inf10(5,20).animate(100,1,100,0,0,20,50);
// new Life(500,500,false, 10).gosperGliderGun(5,5).animate(200,1,100,0,0,50,80);
Life life = new Life(300,300,false, 5);
// life.gosperGliderGun(5,5).animate(111,5,100,0,0,50,80);
System.out.println("Computation lasted "+ life.gosperGliderGun(0,0).measure(5) +" milliseconds.");
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