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Created February 14, 2020 00:12
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datatype instr = halt | plus of int * int | minus of int * int * int;
exception invalid;
(* Decode list/program from int *)
fun decode_pair x = let
fun h pos 0 = raise invalid
| h pos n = if n mod 2 = 0 then h (pos + 1) (n div 2) else (pos, n div 2)
in h (Int.toLarge 0) x end
fun decode_instr 0 = halt
| decode_instr x = let val (f, s) = decode_pair x in
if f mod 2 = 0
then plus (Int.fromLarge (f div 2), Int.fromLarge s)
else let val (j, k) = decode_pair (s + 1)
in minus (Int.fromLarge (f div 2), Int.fromLarge j, Int.fromLarge k) end end
fun decode_list 0 = []
| decode_list x = let
val (a, b) = decode_pair x
in a :: (decode_list b) end
fun decode_program x = map decode_instr (decode_list x);
(* Encode list/program to int *)
fun sqr ( = x * x
fun pow(x, 0) = 1
| pow(x, 1) = x
| pow(x, n) = if n mod 2 = 0
then sqr(pow(x, n div 2))
else x * sqr(pow(x, (n - 1) div 2))
fun encode_pair(x, y) = pow(2, x) * (2 * y + 1)
fun encode_instr halt = 0
| encode_instr (plus(r, l)) = encode_pair(2 * (Int.toLarge r), (Int.toLarge l))
| encode_instr (minus(r, l, l')) = encode_pair(2 * (Int.toLarge r) + 1, encode_pair(Int.toLarge l, Int.toLarge l') - 1)
fun encode_list nil = 0
| encode_list (x::lst) = encode_pair(x, encode_list lst)
fun encode_program p = encode_list(map encode_instr p)
(* Run programs *)
fun max (x, y) = if x > y then x else y
fun max_register prog = let
fun reg halt = 0
| reg (plus(r, _)) = r
| reg (minus(r, _, _)) = r
in foldl max 0 (map reg prog) end;
fun empty_list n = List.tabulate(max(0, n), fn x => Int.toLarge 0)
fun run p reg = let
exception stop;
val prog = Array.fromList p
val registers = Array.fromList((0 :: reg) @ empty_list ((max_register p) - (length reg)))
val pc = ref 0;
fun run halt = raise stop
| run (plus(r, l)) = (Array.update(registers, r, (Array.sub(registers, r)) + 1); l)
| run (minus(r, l, l')) = let val v = Array.sub(registers, r)
in if v = 0 then l' else (Array.update(registers, r, v - 1); l) end
fun step () = let
val i = Array.sub(prog, !pc) handle Subscript => raise stop
in ((pc := run i); step()) end
in step() handle stop => (Int.toLarge (!pc)) :: (Array.foldr op:: [] registers) end
(* Examples *)
val add = [minus(1,1,2), plus(0,0), minus(2,3,4), plus(0,2), halt];
val multiply = [minus(1,1,6), minus(2,2,4), plus(0,3), plus(3,1), minus(3,5,0), plus(2,4), halt];
use "register_machine.sml";
Compiles the universal turing machine from the provided blocks
Seems to work on small examples only using one or two R+ instructions
Programs longer than a few instructions or that
use R- (which maps to much larger numbers) seems to be infesible
local val x = ref ~1
in fun alloc_link () = let val r = !x in (x := r - 1; r) end end
val code = ref [] : instr list ref;
fun edit_program adjust = let
fun h (halt) = halt
| h (plus(r, l)) = plus(r, adjust l)
| h (minus(r, l, l')) = minus(r, adjust l, adjust l')
in map h end;
fun base_label b = edit_program (fn x => if x < 0 then x else x + b)
fun link_label from to = code := (edit_program (fn x => if x = from then to else x) (!code))
fun add_code prog = let
val index = length (!code)
in (code := !code @ (base_label index prog); index) end;
val p = 1
val a = 2
val pc = 3
val n = 4
val c = 5
val r = 6
val s = 7
val t = 8
val z = 9
fun assignment_block(s, r) = let
val link1 = alloc_link()
in (add_code [
minus(s, 0, 1),
minus(r, 2, 4),
plus(z, 3),
plus(s, 1),
minus(z, 5, link1),
plus(r, 4)
], link1) end;
fun push_block(x, l) = let
val link1 = alloc_link()
in (add_code [
plus(z, 1),
minus(l, 2, 3),
plus(z, 0),
minus(z, 4, 5),
plus(l, 3),
minus(x, 1, link1)
], link1) end;
fun pop_block(l, x) = let
val link1 = alloc_link()
val link2 = alloc_link()
in (add_code [
minus(x, 0, 1),
minus(l, 2, link2),
plus(l, 3),
minus(l, 4, 5),
plus(z, 3),
minus(z, 7, 6),
plus(x, 3),
minus(z, 8, link1),
plus(l, 5)
], link1, link2) end;
fun plus_block(r) = let
val link1 = alloc_link()
in (add_code [plus(r, link1)], link1) end;
fun minus_block(r) = let
val link1 = alloc_link()
val link2 = alloc_link()
in (add_code [minus(r, link1, link2)], link1, link2) end;
val (_, l1) = push_block(0, a)
val (in2, l2) = assignment_block(t, p)
val (in3, l3, l'3) = pop_block(t, n)
val (in4, l4, l'4) = minus_block(pc)
val (in5, l5, l'5) = pop_block(n, c)
val (in6, l6, l'6) = pop_block(a, 0)
val (in7, l7, l'7) = pop_block(a, r)
val (in8, l8, l'8) = minus_block(c)
val (in9, l9) = plus_block(r)
val (in10, l10) = assignment_block(pc, n)
val (in11, l11) = push_block(r, a)
val (in12, l12, l'12) = pop_block(s, r)
val (in13, l13, l'13) = minus_block(c)
val (in14, l14) = push_block(r, s)
val (in15, l15) = plus_block(n)
val (in16, l16, l'16) = pop_block(n, pc)
val (in17, l17, l'17) = minus_block(r)
val halt' = add_code [halt]
val _ = link_label l1 in2
val _ = link_label l2 in3
val _ = link_label l3 in4
val _ = link_label l'3 in6
val _ = link_label l4 in3
val _ = link_label l'4 in5
val _ = link_label l5 in7
val _ = link_label l'5 in6
val _ = link_label l6 halt'
val _ = link_label l'6 halt'
val _ = link_label l7 in8
val _ = link_label l'7 in8
val _ = link_label l8 in13
val _ = link_label l'8 in9
val _ = link_label l9 in10
val _ = link_label l10 in11
val _ = link_label l11 in12
val _ = link_label l12 in11
val _ = link_label l'12 in2
val _ = link_label l13 in14
val _ = link_label l'13 in15
val _ = link_label l14 in7
val _ = link_label l15 in16
val _ = link_label l16 in17
val _ = link_label l'16 in17
val _ = link_label l17 in11
val _ = link_label l'17 in10
val U = !code
(* never going to work... it's way too big *)
(* val encoded = encode_program(U) *)
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