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Created December 6, 2023 18:58
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Advent of Code 2023 - Day 5
use nom::{
bytes::complete::{tag, take_until},
use rayon::prelude::*;
use std::ops::Range;
struct Mapping {
range: Range<isize>,
delta: isize,
impl Mapping {
fn new(source: isize, destination: isize, length: isize) -> Self {
Self {
range: source..source + length,
delta: destination - source,
fn contains(&self, value: isize) -> bool {
fn apply(&self, value: isize) -> isize {
value +
fn parse(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Self> {
let (input, (destination, _, source, _, length)) =
tuple((digit1, tag(" "), digit1, tag(" "), digit1))(input)?;
struct Almanac {
seeds: Vec<isize>,
mappings: Vec<Vec<Mapping>>,
impl Almanac {
fn new(seeds: Vec<isize>, mappings: Vec<Vec<Mapping>>) -> Self {
Self { seeds, mappings }
fn apply_seed(&self, seed: isize) -> isize {
let mut value = seed;
for mapping in &self.mappings {
'range: for m in mapping {
if m.contains(value) {
value = m.apply(value);
break 'range;
fn p1(&self) -> isize {
.map(|s| self.apply_seed(*s))
fn p2(&self) -> isize {
.map(|ss| self.helper(ss[0], ss[0] + ss[1], 0))
fn helper(&self, start: isize, end: isize, depth: usize) -> isize {
// We are at the end of the mappings, so it's just the lowerst
// values (the start).
if depth == self.mappings.len() {
return start;
// If our range is below all the mappings, we don't have to do
// anything at this depth.
if start < self.mappings[depth][0].range.start && end < self.mappings[depth][0].range.end {
return self.helper(start, end, depth + 1);
// Loop through all the mappings at this depth.
for mapping in &self.mappings[depth] {
if start < mapping.range.start {
// If the start is below the mapping but the end is
// not, break it into two pieces were we can recheck
// the inclusive part but move on for the exclusive
// part.
return std::cmp::min(
// NOTE: We don't apply here because the end could
// be above of the range as well. When we recurse,
// the following else if blocks will handle it.
self.helper(mapping.range.start, end, depth),
self.helper(start, mapping.range.start - 1, depth + 1),
} else if start < mapping.range.end && end <= mapping.range.end {
// In this case, the entire range is covered by this
// mapping, so we can apply the mapping and go down
// another level.
return self.helper(mapping.apply(start), mapping.apply(end), depth + 1);
} else if start < mapping.range.end {
// This is like the second case, but the other end of
// the range is encompassed in the mapping.
return std::cmp::min(
depth + 1,
self.helper(mapping.range.end, end, depth),
// Othwerise, it's bigger than the range, so we move to
// the next mapping.
// Final case, we didn't find a mapping, so the whole thing
// moves to the next level.
self.helper(start, end, depth + 1)
// 94120ms LOL and off by one?
fn p2_original(&self) -> isize {
.map(|ss| {
(ss[0][0] + ss[1])
.map(|s| self.apply_seed(s))
fn parse_mappings(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Vec<Mapping>> {
let (input, _) = tuple((take_until("\n"), tag("\n")))(input)?;
let (input, mapping) = separated_list0(tag("\n"), Mapping::parse)(input)?;
// Note: This is important for part 2.
let mut mapping = mapping;
mapping.sort_by(|a, b| a.range.start.cmp(&b.range.start));
Ok((input, mapping))
fn parse(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Self> {
let (input, (_, seeds)) =
tuple((tag("seeds: "), separated_list0(tag(" "), digit1)))(input)?;
let seeds = seeds.iter().map(|s| s.parse().unwrap()).collect();
let (input, _) = tag("\n\n")(input)?;
let (input, mappings) = separated_list0(tag("\n\n"), Almanac::parse_mappings)(input)?;
Ok((input, Self::new(seeds, mappings)))
fn main() {
let input = std::fs::read_to_string("input").unwrap();
let (_, almanac) = Almanac::parse(&input).unwrap();
println!("p1: {}", almanac.p1());
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
println!("p2: {}", almanac.p2());
println!("took: {}ms", now.elapsed().as_millis());
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