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Created December 17, 2024 02:11
Advent of Code 2024 - Day 16
use std::{
collections::{BinaryHeap, HashMap, HashSet},
use itertools::Itertools;
use strum::{EnumIter, IntoEnumIterator};
// Track our state in the priority queue. We only are interested sorting by
// cost. The rest of the information is simply used for
// tracking and finding neighbors.
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
struct State {
point: Point,
direction: Direction,
cost: usize,
path: Vec<Point>,
impl State {
fn new(point: Point, direction: Direction, cost: usize, path: Vec<Point>) -> Self {
Self {
impl Ord for State {
fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering {
impl PartialOrd for State {
fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> {
// The directions the robot can move. We use strum's EnumIter to iterate over
// all the variants.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, EnumIter)]
enum Direction {
impl Direction {
// Given a point, return the new point after moving in the direction.
fn go(&self, point: &Point) -> Point {
match self {
Direction::North => Point::new(point.x, point.y - 1),
Direction::South => Point::new(point.x, point.y + 1),
Direction::West => Point::new(point.x - 1, point.y),
Direction::East => Point::new(point.x + 1, point.y),
// Return the opposite direction.
fn opposite(&self) -> Self {
match self {
Direction::North => Direction::South,
Direction::South => Direction::North,
Direction::West => Direction::East,
Direction::East => Direction::West,
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
struct Point {
x: usize,
y: usize,
impl Point {
fn new(x: usize, y: usize) -> Self {
Self { x, y }
// Find all the neighbors of a point in all directions except the opposite.
// The cost is 1 if the same direction is maintained, 1001 otherwise.
fn neighbors(&self, direction: Direction) -> Vec<(Point, Direction, usize)> {
.filter(|d| *d != direction.opposite())
.map(|d| {
let cost = if direction != d { 1001 } else { 1 };
(d.go(self), d, cost)
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Map {
nodes: HashSet<Point>,
start: Point,
end: Point,
impl Map {
fn new(input: &str) -> Self {
let mut nodes = HashSet::new();
let mut start = Point { x: 0, y: 0 };
let mut end = Point { x: 0, y: 0 };
// Add all the nodes and find the start and end points.
for (y, line) in input.lines().enumerate() {
for (x, c) in line.chars().enumerate() {
if c == 'S' {
start = Point { x, y };
} else if c == 'E' {
end = Point { x, y };
if c != '#' {
nodes.insert(Point { x, y });
Self { nodes, start, end }
// Find all the neighbors of a point and the cost to reach them.
fn neighbors(&self, point: Point, direction: Direction) -> Vec<(Point, Direction, usize)> {
// We can just use the Points neighbor function but filter out nodes not
// in the map.
.filter(|(p, _, _)| self.nodes.contains(p))
// Return the length of the shortest path and all the paths that could get
// there in that distance.
fn shortest_paths(&self) -> (usize, Vec<Vec<Point>>) {
// Track all our paths and best cost.
let mut paths = Vec::new();
let mut best = std::usize::MAX;
// Track all nodes we've seen and the cost to get there. We can use
// this to avoid revisiting nodes with a higher cost.
let mut visited: HashMap<(Point, Direction), usize> = HashMap::new();
// Use a priority queue to explore the nodes with the lowest cost first.
// This will help us find the shortest path and avoid exploring paths
// that are already more expensive than the best path.
let mut frontier = BinaryHeap::new();
frontier.push(State::new(self.start, Direction::East, 0, vec![self.start]));
// Loop through the frontier.
while let Some(State {
}) = frontier.pop()
// If we have already visited this node with a lower cost, skip it.
// Otherwise, add it to the visited nodes.
if let Some(&prev_cost) = visited.get(&(point, direction)) {
if cost > prev_cost {
} else {
visited.insert((point, direction), cost);
// If we've reached the end node, because we are using a priority queue,
// we'll have found one shortest path. We can add it to the paths and
// update the best cost.
if point == self.end && cost <= best {
best = cost;
for (neighbor, new_direction, neighbor_cost) in self.neighbors(point, direction) {
frontier.push(State::new(neighbor, new_direction, cost + neighbor_cost, {
let mut path = path.clone();
(best, paths)
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
let input = include_str!("input.txt");
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
let map = Map::new(input);
let (p1, paths) = map.shortest_paths();
println!("p1: {:?}", p1);
let p2 = paths.iter().flatten().unique().count();
println!("p2: {:?}", p2);
println!("Time: {:?}", now.elapsed());
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