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Created December 19, 2023 21:51
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Advent of Code 2023 - Day 19
use std::collections::HashMap;
use nom::{
character::complete::{alpha1, digit1, one_of},
// A destination describes either a final state (accept or reject) or
// the next workflow to consider.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
enum Destination {
impl Destination {
fn parse(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Destination> {
let (input, destination) = alt((tag("A"), tag("R"), alpha1))(input)?;
match destination {
"A" => Ok((input, Destination::Accept)),
"R" => Ok((input, Destination::Reject)),
_ => Ok((input, Destination::Workflow(destination.to_string()))),
// A condition describes a comparison between a variable and a
// value. Each workflow will have some number of rules, some of which
// will have conditions to check.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
enum Condition {
LessThan(char, isize),
GreaterThan(char, isize),
LessThanEqual(char, isize),
GreaterThanEqual(char, isize),
impl Condition {
// For part 2, during our tree traversal, any previous conditions
// will turn into their opposites.
fn opposite(&self) -> Self {
match self {
Self::LessThan(var, val) => Self::GreaterThanEqual(*var, *val),
Self::GreaterThan(var, val) => Self::LessThanEqual(*var, *val),
Self::LessThanEqual(var, val) => Self::GreaterThan(*var, *val),
Self::GreaterThanEqual(var, val) => Self::LessThan(*var, *val),
// We are simply evaluating the condition against the part here.
fn evaluate(&self, part: Part) -> bool {
match self {
Self::LessThan(var, val) if part.value(var) < *val => true,
Self::GreaterThan(var, val) if part.value(var) > *val => true,
Self::LessThanEqual(var, val) if part.value(var) <= *val => true,
Self::GreaterThanEqual(var, val) if part.value(var) >= *val => true,
_ => false,
fn parse(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Condition> {
let (input, (var, op, val)) = tuple((one_of("xmas"), one_of("<>"), digit1))(input)?;
let val = val.parse().unwrap();
let condition = match op {
'<' => Condition::LessThan(var, val),
'>' => Condition::GreaterThan(var, val),
_ => unreachable!(),
Ok((input, condition))
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
enum Rule {
Evaluation(Condition, Destination),
impl Rule {
fn evaluate(&self, part: Part) -> Option<Destination> {
match self {
// If it's an evaluation, we only return the destination
// if the condition is true.
Self::Evaluation(condition, destination) => {
if condition.evaluate(part) {
} else {
// If it's a fallthrough, we always return the destination.
Self::Fallthrough(destination) => Some(destination.clone()),
fn parse(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Rule> {
tuple((Condition::parse, tag(":"), Destination::parse)),
|(c, _, d)| Rule::Evaluation(c, d),
map(Destination::parse, Rule::Fallthrough),
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Workflow {
name: String,
rules: Vec<Rule>,
impl Workflow {
fn parse(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Workflow> {
let (input, name) = alpha1(input)?;
let name = name.to_string();
let (input, _) = tag("{")(input)?;
let (input, rules) = separated_list1(tag(","), Rule::parse)(input)?;
let (input, _) = tag("}")(input)?;
Ok((input, Workflow { name, rules }))
fn evaluate(&self, part: &Part) -> Destination {
// Because of how we defined the rules, we can simply find the
// first that evaluates to a Destination using find_map. We
// can unwrap here because we assume all rules will have a
// fallthrough.
.find_map(|rule| rule.evaluate(part.clone()))
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Part {
x: isize,
m: isize,
a: isize,
s: isize,
impl Part {
// For part 1, it's a sum of the ratings.
fn total_rating(&self) -> isize {
self.x + self.m + self.a + self.s
// A helper functions to set the appropriate value of the part.
fn set(&mut self, var: char, val: isize) {
match var {
'x' => self.x = val,
'm' => self.m = val,
'a' => self.a = val,
's' => self.s = val,
_ => unreachable!(),
// A helper function to get the appropriate value of the part.
fn value(&self, var: &char) -> isize {
match var {
'x' => self.x,
'm' => self.m,
'a' => self.a,
's' => self.s,
_ => unreachable!(),
fn parse(input: &str) -> IResult<&str, Part> {
let (input, _) = tag("{x=")(input)?;
let (input, x) = digit1(input)?;
let x = x.parse().unwrap();
let (input, _) = tag(",m=")(input)?;
let (input, m) = digit1(input)?;
let m = m.parse().unwrap();
let (input, _) = tag(",a=")(input)?;
let (input, a) = digit1(input)?;
let a = a.parse().unwrap();
let (input, _) = tag(",s=")(input)?;
let (input, s) = digit1(input)?;
let s = s.parse().unwrap();
let (input, _) = tag("}")(input)?;
Ok((input, Part { x, m, a, s }))
fn process(&self, workflows: &HashMap<String, Workflow>) -> Destination {
// We start at in.
let mut cur = workflows.get("in").unwrap();
loop {
// Evaluate the function.
match cur.evaluate(self) {
// If we accept or rject, we are done.
Destination::Accept => return Destination::Accept,
Destination::Reject => return Destination::Reject,
// Otherwise, we'll need to keep evaluating.
Destination::Workflow(name) => {
cur = workflows.get(&name).unwrap();
fn generate_accepted_paths(
workflows: &HashMap<String, Workflow>,
cur: &str,
parents: &[Condition],
) -> Vec<Vec<Condition>> {
// We are going to recursively walk through the tree of
// workflows. Parents is used to track the previous conditions we
// encountered that got use to cur. Paths are the list of path's
// that have ended in an accepted state.
// As we iterate through the rules, any previous rules are also
// tracked. We keep the "opposite" of the rule because in order to
// get to a current rule, the previous opposites would have to be
// true.
// This will be the list of paths that end in an accepted state
// from this position.
let mut paths = vec![];
// We start at the current workflow.
let workflow = workflows.get(cur).unwrap();
let mut previous_conditions = vec![];
// Each rule is a potential child of our parents.
for rule in &workflow.rules {
// We want to our new list of parents and include any previous
// conditions we've encountered in previous rules.
let mut new_parents = parents.to_vec();
match rule {
Rule::Evaluation(condition, dest) => {
// We have a new condition to add.
// Add the opposite of the condition to the
// previous_conditions so later rules can have them as
// new parents.
match dest {
Destination::Accept => {
// We found an acccepted path, so add it to
// the list.
Destination::Reject => {}
Destination::Workflow(name) => {
// We need to keep going further down this
// branch.
paths.extend(generate_accepted_paths(workflows, name, &new_parents));
Rule::Fallthrough(dest) => match dest {
Destination::Accept => {
// We found an acccepted path, so add it to the
// list.
Destination::Reject => {}
Destination::Workflow(name) => {
// We need to keep going further down this branch.
paths.extend(generate_accepted_paths(workflows, name, &new_parents));
fn calculate_possible_combinations(path: &[Condition]) -> isize {
// Track our minimum and maximum values.
let mut min_part = Part {
x: 1,
m: 1,
a: 1,
s: 1,
let mut max_part = Part {
x: 4000,
m: 4000,
a: 4000,
s: 4000,
for condition in path {
// For each condition, we reduce our max values or increase
// our min values base on the given condition.
match condition {
Condition::LessThan(var, val) => {
max_part.set(*var, max_part.value(var).min(val - 1));
Condition::LessThanEqual(var, val) => {
max_part.set(*var, max_part.value(var).min(*val));
Condition::GreaterThan(var, val) => {
min_part.set(*var, min_part.value(var).max(val + 1));
Condition::GreaterThanEqual(var, val) => {
min_part.set(*var, min_part.value(var).max(*val));
// Potential off by one error here. Remember it's inclusive, so we
// need to add one.
(max_part.x - min_part.x + 1)
* (max_part.m - min_part.m + 1)
* (max_part.a - min_part.a + 1)
* (max_part.s - min_part.s + 1)
fn main() {
let input = std::fs::read_to_string("input").unwrap();
// Collect the workflows and store them in a HashMap for easy
// lookup.
let (rest, workflows) = separated_list1(tag("\n"), Workflow::parse)(&input).unwrap();
let workflows = workflows
.map(|w| (, w.clone()))
.collect::<HashMap<String, Workflow>>();
// The rest of the input is the parts.
let parts = rest
.map(|line| Part::parse(line).unwrap().1)
// For part one, we simply process each part and sum the total
// ratings.
let p1 = parts
.filter(|p| p.process(&workflows) == Destination::Accept)
.map(|p| p.total_rating())
println!("p1: {}", p1);
// For part two, we now need to find all the possible values. We
// are going to treat the workflows like a tree and walk through
// it. We'll keep track of the paths that end in an accepted
// state. We'll then calculate the possible combinations for each
// path and sum them up.
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
let paths = generate_accepted_paths(&workflows, "in", &[]);
let p2 = paths
.map(|p| calculate_possible_combinations(p))
println!("p2: {} ({:?})", p2, now.elapsed());
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