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Last active December 31, 2023 20:35
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Advent of Code 2023 - Day 25
import networkx as nx
import time
# Create our graph.
G = nx.Graph()
# Add all the nodes.
for line in open("input").readlines():
k, vv = line.split(": ")
for v in vv.split():
# Add edge in both directions per the problem. Capacity is
# used for minimum cut.
G.add_edge(k, v, capacity=1.0)
G.add_edge(v, k, capacity=1.0)
# Use Stoer-Wagner to find the minimum cut.
now = time.perf_counter()
(_, partitions) = nx.algorithms.connectivity.stoerwagner.stoer_wagner(G)
"p1: ",
len(partitions[0]) * len(partitions[1]),
f"({time.perf_counter() - now:0.4f}s)",
# Alternatively, we can use the minimum cut algorithm and just go
# through all the nodes until we find the one that cuts the graph into
# 3 pieces.
now = time.perf_counter()
for a in G.nodes():
for b in G.nodes():
if a == b:
cuts, partition = nx.minimum_cut(G, a, b)
if cuts == 3:
"p1-min-cut: ",
len(partition[0]) * len(partition[1]),
f"({time.perf_counter() - now:0.4f}s)",
use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque};
use priority_queue::PriorityQueue;
use rustworkx_core::{connectivity::stoer_wagner_min_cut, petgraph::prelude::UnGraph};
// We'll create a graph to simplify graph interactions with the
// algorithm.
struct Graph<'a> {
// A list of all nodes in the graph.
nodes: HashSet<&'a str>,
// All of the edges in the graph.
edges: HashMap<&'a str, HashMap<&'a str, usize>>,
impl<'a> Graph<'a> {
fn new(input: &'a str) -> Self {
// Build the graph from our input.
let mut graph = Graph {
nodes: HashSet::new(),
edges: HashMap::new(),
for line in input.lines() {
let mut parts = line.split(": ");
let node =;
let edges =' ');
for edge in edges {
graph.add_edge(node, edge, 1);
fn add_edge(&mut self, s: &'a str, t: &'a str, w: usize) {
// We add it both directions here because it's an undirected graph.
self.edges.entry(s).or_default().insert(t, w);
self.edges.entry(t).or_default().insert(s, w);
fn get_edges(&self, node: &'a str) -> Vec<(&'a str, usize)> {
// Get all edges from the given node and their weights.
.map(|(node, weight)| (*node, *weight))
fn update_edge(&mut self, s: &'a str, t: &'a str, w: usize) {
// This is used during the contraction phase to update the
// edge weights. We want to update in both directions.
*self.edges.entry(s).or_default().entry(t).or_insert(0) += w;
*self.edges.entry(t).or_default().entry(s).or_insert(0) += w;
fn remove(&mut self, node: &'a str) {
// Remove the node and it's edges from the graph.
// We also need to find it's edges in all other nodes and
// remove it there.
self.edges.iter_mut().for_each(|(_, edges)| {
fn minimum_cut_phase<'a>(graph: &Graph<'a>, verbose: bool) -> (&'a str, &'a str, usize) {
// We'll use a priority queue to find the "most tightly connected"
// node. See the second paragraph of the "Running Time" section.
let mut queue = PriorityQueue::new();
graph.nodes.iter().for_each(|node| {
queue.push(*node, 0);
// Track our last phase as it will be the set we return.
let mut cut_weight = 0;
let mut s = "-";
let mut t = "-";
// We'll slowly pop items out of the queue. Eventually we'll get
// the last two items and they'll be the s and t we return.
while let Some((node, weight)) = queue.pop() {
// Update our trackers
s = t;
t = node;
cut_weight = weight;
// Now we need to update the edges in our priority queue so
// the next queue pop gets the "most tightly connected".
for (edge, weight) in graph.get_edges(node) {
queue.change_priority_by(edge, |cur| *cur += weight);
if verbose {
println!(" queue: {} {} {}", s, t, cut_weight);
if verbose {
println!("phase: {} {} {}", s, t, cut_weight);
(s, t, cut_weight)
fn stoer_wagner<'a>(graph: &'a Graph, verbose: bool) -> (usize, Vec<&'a str>) {
// Make a copy of the graph so we can perform contractions on it.
let mut contracted_graph = graph.clone();
// Track the best phase and cut value and the contractions done
// during each phase.
let mut best_phase = 0;
let mut best_cut_weight = usize::MAX;
let mut contractions = Vec::new();
// We are going to contract the gaph until we have only one node.
for phase in 0..graph.nodes.len() - 1 {
// Perform the minimum cut phase.
let (s, t, cut_weight) = minimum_cut_phase(&contracted_graph, verbose);
// If this is the best phase, save it.
if cut_weight < best_cut_weight {
best_phase = phase;
best_cut_weight = cut_weight;
// Add our contraction to the list.
contractions.push((s, t));
// Perform the contraction. This is essentially getting all
// the nodes linked to t and linking them to s. If one node is
// connected to both, then the new weight is the sum of both.
for (node, cost) in contracted_graph.get_edges(t) {
contracted_graph.update_edge(s, node, cost);
// Remove the contracted node.
// We don't have a list of contractions. In the original paper,
// the partitions were tracked at eah phase. Instead of doing
// that, we can create a graph of the contractions up to the best
// phase and then do a bfs to find the partition.
// This works becaus the contractions can be thought of as merging
// the nodes. So the links between all merged nodes would be the
// partition.
if verbose {
println!("best-phase: {}", best_phase);
println!("contractions: {:?}", contractions[..best_phase].to_vec());
// Make the graph.
let mut graph = HashMap::new();
for (s, t) in contractions.iter().take(best_phase) {
// Do a bfs.
let mut visited = HashSet::new();
let mut frontier = VecDeque::new();
while let Some(node) = frontier.pop_front() {
if visited.contains(node) {
if let Some(edges) = graph.get(node) {
for edge in edges {
// The partition is the visited nodes.
(best_cut_weight, visited.into_iter().collect())
fn main() {
// Example graph from paper. We pick nodes to start arbitratily,
// so it won't look quite the same, but it should give you an idea
// of what the algorithm is doing.
let mut graph = Graph::new("");
graph.add_edge("A", "B", 2);
graph.add_edge("A", "E", 3);
graph.add_edge("B", "E", 3);
graph.add_edge("B", "C", 3);
graph.add_edge("B", "F", 2);
graph.add_edge("C", "G", 2);
graph.add_edge("C", "D", 4);
graph.add_edge("F", "E", 3);
graph.add_edge("F", "G", 1);
graph.add_edge("G", "D", 2);
graph.add_edge("D", "H", 2);
graph.add_edge("G", "H", 3);
let (cut, partition) = stoer_wagner(&graph, true);
println!("minimum-cut: {}", cut);
println!("partition: {:?}", partition);
// Build a graph and run our version of Stoer-Wagner.
let input = std::fs::read_to_string("input").unwrap();
let graph = Graph::new(&input);
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
let (cut, partition) = stoer_wagner(&graph, false);
println!("minimum-cut: {}", cut);
let p1 = partition.len() * (graph.nodes.len() - partition.len());
println!("p1: {} ({:?})", p1, now.elapsed());
// Use rustworkx to build a graph and run Stoer-Wagner.
let mut graph: UnGraph<&str, ()> = rustworkx_core::petgraph::Graph::new_undirected();
let mut nodes = HashMap::new();
for line in input.lines() {
let mut parts = line.split(": ");
let node =;
let node = *nodes.entry(node).or_insert_with(|| graph.add_node(node));
let edges =' ');
for edge in edges {
let edge = *nodes.entry(edge).or_insert_with(|| graph.add_node(edge));
graph.add_edge(node, edge, ());
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
match stoer_wagner_min_cut(&graph, |_| Ok::<i32, ()>(1)) {
Err(_) => unreachable!(),
Ok(None) => println!("no solution found"),
Ok(Some((cut, partition))) => {
println!("rustworkx-minmum-cut: {}", cut);
let p1 = partition.len() * (nodes.len() - partition.len());
println!("p1-rustworkx: {} ({:?})", p1, now.elapsed());
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