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Last active December 27, 2023 22:25
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Advent of Code 2023 - Day 24
use std::{ops::Sub, str::FromStr};
use nalgebra::{Matrix6, Matrix6x1, RowVector6};
use num::Num;
// Represents a point in 3D space.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
struct Point<N> {
x: N,
y: N,
z: N,
impl<N> From<&str> for Point<N>
N: Num + Copy + std::str::FromStr + std::fmt::Debug,
<N as FromStr>::Err: std::fmt::Debug,
fn from(input: &str) -> Self {
// We just split by comma, but we also trim because of extra
// whitespace in the input.
let mut split = input.split(", ");
let x =;
let y =;
let z =;
Self { x, y, z }
// Impl sub for points so we can do vector math.
impl<N> Sub for Point<N>
N: Num + Copy,
type Output = Self;
fn sub(self, other: Self) -> Self {
Self {
x: self.x - other.x,
y: self.y - other.y,
z: self.z - other.z,
// Represents a vector in 3D space.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct Vector<N> {
position: Point<N>,
velocity: Point<N>,
impl<N> From<&str> for Vector<N>
N: Num + Copy + std::str::FromStr + std::fmt::Debug,
<N as FromStr>::Err: std::fmt::Debug,
fn from(input: &str) -> Self {
// We can just split by the @ symbol.
let mut split = input.split(" @ ");
let position =;
let velocity =;
Self { position, velocity }
// Our intersect_xy will return this. It's possible they are the same
// line and as such they intersect at all points.
enum Intersection<N> {
impl<N> Vector<N>
N: Num + Copy + std::fmt::Debug + num::Zero + std::cmp::PartialOrd,
fn intersection_xy(&self, other: &Vector<N>) -> Option<Intersection<N>> {
// This is all based off of solving y = mx + b for two
// lines. We first need to find the lines and then solve for
// where they intersect.
// Calculate the slope and intercept for each vector.
let slope_self = self.velocity.y / self.velocity.x;
let slope_other = other.velocity.y / other.velocity.x;
let intercept_self = self.position.y - slope_self * self.position.x;
let intercept_other = other.position.y - slope_other * other.position.x;
// If they are the same line, then they always
// intersect. Otherwise, if the slopes are the same, then they
// never intersect because they are parallel.
if slope_self == slope_other && intercept_self == intercept_other {
return Some(Intersection::All);
} else if slope_self == slope_other {
return None;
// Solve for x and y.
let x = (intercept_other - intercept_self) / (slope_self - slope_other);
let y = slope_self * x + intercept_self;
Some(Intersection::Point(Point { x, y, z: N::zero() }))
fn in_past_xy(&self, point: &Point<N>) -> bool {
// We want to check if the point of intersection would be in
// the past. The simplest way to do this is to figure out the
// number of steps to get to the point and make sure it's not
// negative.
let x = point.x - self.position.x;
let y = point.y - self.position.y;
let x = x / self.velocity.x;
let y = y / self.velocity.y;
x < N::zero() && y < N::zero()
// For the real input:
const MIN: f64 = 200_000_000_000_000.0;
const MAX: f64 = 400_000_000_000_000.0;
// For the test input:
// const MIN: f64 = 7.0;
// const MAX: f64 = 27.0;
fn main() {
let input = std::fs::read_to_string("input").unwrap();
let vectors: Vec<Vector<f64>> = input.lines().map(|l| l.into()).collect();
let mut count = 0;
for i in 0..vectors.len() {
for j in i + 1..vectors.len() {
// Check to see if it intersects.
if let Some(point) = vectors[i].intersection_xy(&vectors[j]) {
match point {
// If it's all points, then it would definitely be
// in the grid.
Intersection::All => {
count += 1;
Intersection::Point(point) => {
// Otherwise, we need to check we are in the
// grid and not in the past.
if point.x >= MIN
&& point.x <= MAX
&& point.y >= MIN
&& point.y <= MAX
&& !vectors[i].in_past_xy(&point)
&& !vectors[j].in_past_xy(&point)
count += 1;
println!("p1: {}", count);
let vectors: Vec<Vector<i64>> = input.lines().map(|l| l.into()).collect();
fn p2_z3(vectors: &[Vector<i64>]) {
use z3::ast::{Ast, Int};
use z3::{Config, Context, SatResult, Solver};
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
// Setup our z3 context and solver.
let cfg = Config::new();
let ctx = Context::new(&cfg);
let solver = Solver::new(&ctx);
// These are the rocks position and velocity for which we are
// interested in solving.
let x = Int::new_const(&ctx, "x");
let y = Int::new_const(&ctx, "y");
let z = Int::new_const(&ctx, "z");
let vx = Int::new_const(&ctx, "vx");
let vy = Int::new_const(&ctx, "vy");
let vz = Int::new_const(&ctx, "vz");
// // These are our time variables for all the hailstones.
// let tt = (0..vectors.len())
// .map(|i| Int::new_const(&ctx, format!("t{}", i)))
// .take(3)
// .collect::<Vec<_>>();
// Add our hailstone constraints. Again, we should only need 3
// linearly independent hailstones, which for my input the first 3
// are.
for (i, v) in vectors.iter().enumerate().take(3) {
let t = Int::new_const(&ctx, format!("t{}", i));
let hx = Int::from_i64(&ctx, v.position.x);
let hy = Int::from_i64(&ctx, v.position.y);
let hz = Int::from_i64(&ctx, v.position.z);
let hvx = Int::from_i64(&ctx, v.velocity.x);
let hvy = Int::from_i64(&ctx, v.velocity.y);
let hvz = Int::from_i64(&ctx, v.velocity.z);
solver.assert(&(&x + &vx * &t)._eq(&(hx + &hvx * &t)));
solver.assert(&(&y + &vy * &t)._eq(&(hy + &hvy * &t)));
solver.assert(&(&z + &vz * &t)._eq(&(hz + &hvz * &t)));
// Check that the solver we created is satisfiable.
match solver.check() {
// We expect to get this. For other input sets, there may be
// no way to solve it.
SatResult::Sat => {
// Get the model from the check().
let model = solver.get_model().unwrap();
// Use the model to get the get the values of x, y, and z
// and add them together.
let solution = model.eval(&(x + y + z), true).unwrap();
println!("p2-z3: {:?} ({:?})", solution, now.elapsed());
_ => {
println!("p2-z3: no solution ({:?})", now.elapsed());
fn p2_nalgrebra(vectors: &[Vector<f64>]) {
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
let p0 = &vectors[0].position;
let p1 = &vectors[1].position;
let p2 = &vectors[2].position;
let v0 = &vectors[0].velocity;
let v1 = &vectors[1].velocity;
let v2 = &vectors[2].velocity;
let b = Matrix6x1::from_row_slice(&[
((p0.y as i128 * v0.x as i128 - p1.y as i128 * v1.x as i128)
- (p0.x as i128 * v0.y as i128 - p1.x as i128 * v1.y as i128)) as f64,
((p0.y as i128 * v0.x as i128 - p2.y as i128 * v2.x as i128)
- (p0.x as i128 * v0.y as i128 - p2.x as i128 * v2.y as i128)) as f64,
((p0.z as i128 * v0.x as i128 - p1.z as i128 * v1.x as i128)
- (p0.x as i128 * v0.z as i128 - p1.x as i128 * v1.z as i128)) as f64,
((p0.z as i128 * v0.x as i128 - p2.z as i128 * v2.x as i128)
- (p0.x as i128 * v0.z as i128 - p2.x as i128 * v2.z as i128)) as f64,
((p0.z as i128 * v0.y as i128 - p1.z as i128 * v1.y as i128)
- (p0.y as i128 * v0.z as i128 - p1.y as i128 * v1.z as i128)) as f64,
((p0.z as i128 * v0.y as i128 - p2.z as i128 * v2.y as i128)
- (p0.y as i128 * v0.z as i128 - p2.y as i128 * v2.z as i128)) as f64,
let a = Matrix6::from_rows(&[
RowVector6::new(v1.y - v0.y, v0.x - v1.x, 0.0, p0.y - p1.y, p1.x - p0.x, 0.0),
RowVector6::new(v2.y - v0.y, v0.x - v2.x, 0.0, p0.y - p2.y, p2.x - p0.x, 0.0),
RowVector6::new(v1.z - v0.z, 0.0, v0.x - v1.x, p0.z - p1.z, 0.0, p1.x - p0.x),
RowVector6::new(v2.z - v0.z, 0.0, v0.x - v2.x, p0.z - p2.z, 0.0, p2.x - p0.x),
RowVector6::new(0.0, v1.z - v0.z, v0.y - v1.y, 0.0, p0.z - p1.z, p1.y - p0.y),
RowVector6::new(0.0, v2.z - v0.z, v0.y - v2.y, 0.0, p0.z - p2.z, p2.y - p0.y),
let r =;
"p2-nalgebra: {:?} ({:?})",
(r[0] + r[1] + r[2]).round() as i128,
from dataclasses import dataclass
import numpy as np
class Point:
x: int
y: int
z: int
class Vector:
position: Point
velocity: Point
vectors = []
for line in open("input").read().strip().split("\n"):
position, velocity = line.replace(" ", " ").split(" @ ")
Point(*map(int, position.split(", "))),
Point(*map(int, velocity.split(", "))),
# We only need three vectors that are linearly independent and then
# can solve it using linear algebra.
v0 = vectors[0].velocity
v1 = vectors[1].velocity
v2 = vectors[2].velocity
p0 = vectors[0].position
p1 = vectors[1].position
p2 = vectors[2].position
# Solving A * x = b
A = np.array(
[v1.y - v0.y, v0.x - v1.x, 0.0, p0.y - p1.y, p1.x - p0.x, 0.0],
[v2.y - v0.y, v0.x - v2.x, 0.0, p0.y - p2.y, p2.x - p0.x, 0.0],
[v1.z - v0.z, 0.0, v0.x - v1.x, p0.z - p1.z, 0.0, p1.x - p0.x],
[v2.z - v0.z, 0.0, v0.x - v2.x, p0.z - p2.z, 0.0, p2.x - p0.x],
[0.0, v1.z - v0.z, v0.y - v1.y, 0.0, p0.z - p1.z, p1.y - p0.y],
[0.0, v2.z - v0.z, v0.y - v2.y, 0.0, p0.z - p2.z, p2.y - p0.y],
b = [
(p0.y * v0.x - p1.y * v1.x) - (p0.x * v0.y - p1.x * v1.y),
(p0.y * v0.x - p2.y * v2.x) - (p0.x * v0.y - p2.x * v2.y),
(p0.z * v0.x - p1.z * v1.x) - (p0.x * v0.z - p1.x * v1.z),
(p0.z * v0.x - p2.z * v2.x) - (p0.x * v0.z - p2.x * v2.z),
(p0.z * v0.y - p1.z * v1.y) - (p0.y * v0.z - p1.y * v1.z),
(p0.z * v0.y - p2.z * v2.y) - (p0.y * v0.z - p2.y * v2.z),
rock = np.linalg.solve(A, b)
print("p2: ", round(rock[0] + rock[1] + rock[2]))
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