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Last active December 30, 2023 16:36
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Advent of Code 2023 - Day 22
use std::{
collections::{HashMap, HashSet, VecDeque},
// Point is used to track the start and end of a block.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
struct Point {
x: usize,
y: usize,
z: usize,
// Used to parse the input.
impl From<&str> for Point {
fn from(input: &str) -> Self {
let mut split = input.split(',');
let x =;
let y =;
let z =;
Self { x, y, z }
// Block represents a block within the grid.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
struct Block {
start: Point,
end: Point,
// Used to parse the input.
impl From<&str> for Block {
fn from(input: &str) -> Self {
let mut split = input.split('~');
let start =;
let end =;
Self { start, end }
impl Block {
// A lot of these functions assume that the start is the "min" and
// the end is the "max". As such, we don't have to do any checks
// for lower/higher bounds.
// Check if the given block intersects with this block in only the
// X and Y Direction. We ignore Z here becaus the methods below
// are interested in blocks that are above or below.
fn intersects_xy(&self, other: &Block) -> bool {
self.start.x <= other.end.x
&& self.end.x >= other.start.x
&& self.start.y <= other.end.y
&& self.end.y >= other.start.y
// Find any block below us in the z direction that we'd collide
// with. Return that z's value
fn highest_z(&self, others: &[Block]) -> usize {
.filter(|b| *b != self)
.filter(|b| self.intersects_xy(b))
.map(|b| b.end.z)
// Find any block directly above (z + 1) above us. These would be
// blocks that are resting on us.
fn blocks_above(&self, others: &[Block]) -> Vec<Block> {
.filter(|b| *b != self && self.intersects_xy(b) && b.start.z == self.end.z + 1)
// Find any block directly below (z - 1) us. These would be blocks
// that w are sitting on.
fn blocks_below(&self, others: &[Block]) -> Vec<Block> {
.filter(|b| *b != self && self.intersects_xy(b) && b.end.z == self.start.z - 1)
// Check if the given block is safe to remove. This means that any
// blocks above myself would still be supported by some other
// block.
fn safe_to_remove(&self, others: &[Block]) -> bool {
let above = self.blocks_above(others);
if above.is_empty() {
return true;
let to_check = others
.filter(|b| *b != self)
for above in above.iter() {
let below = above.blocks_below(&to_check);
if below.is_empty() {
return false;
// Second implementation. We basically are slowly removing blocks
// that would fall and then check if that fall would cause others
// to fall.
fn falls_faster(&self, others: &[Block]) -> usize {
let mut fallen = HashSet::new();
let mut frontier = VecDeque::new();
let mut remaining = others.to_vec();
// Note, I struggled for a bit thinking about blocks where
// there are two or more supporting them. By checking all
// blocks that fall, if all of them are going to be removed,
// we'll eventually get to a point where the block above would
// fall.
while let Some(block) = frontier.pop_front() {
// If I've already fallen because of something else, I
// don't need to be checked again.
if fallen.contains(&block) {
// Add myself the list of blocks that would fall and
// remove my self from the remaining list of blocks.
remaining.retain(|p| *p != block);
// Find any blocks that would now fall because I'm gone.
let new_fallen = block
.filter(|b| b.blocks_below(&remaining).is_empty())
// Add them to the frontier to be checked.
// Self is included here, so subtract 1.
fallen.len() - 1
// First implementation. It works but takes about a minute to finish.
fn falls(&self, others: &[Block]) -> usize {
// Start out the list of blocks minus mine.
let mut cur = others
.filter(|b| *b != self)
let mut count = 0;
loop {
// Find any blocks that would fall because I'm missing.
let falls = cur
.filter(|b| b.blocks_below(&cur).is_empty() && b.start.z != 1)
if falls.is_empty() {
// If there are no more blocks that would fall, we are done.
// Increase our fallen count.
count += falls.len();
// Remove any of the blocks that have fallen.
cur = cur
.filter(|b| !falls.contains(b))
fn main() {
// Make the blocks and then sort them by their z axis. We'll want
// to move lower ones first.
let input = std::fs::read_to_string("input").unwrap();
let mut blocks: Vec<Block> = input.lines().map(|line| line.into()).collect();
// Sorting is important here. I also did some sanity checks to
// simplify intersection checking.
blocks.sort_by_key(|b| b.start.z.min(b.end.z));
assert!(blocks.iter().all(|b| b.start.x <= b.end.x));
assert!(blocks.iter().all(|b| b.start.y <= b.end.y));
assert!(blocks.iter().all(|b| b.start.z <= b.end.z));
let org_time = std::time::Instant::now();
// Now we can drop the blocks one by one. If a block collides with
// any other block, we can't drop it anymore.
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
let mut dropped = Vec::new();
for block in blocks.iter() {
let mut block = block.clone();
let lowest = block.highest_z(&dropped);
// We assume the blocks Z directions start lower than they end.
let diff = block.end.z - block.start.z;
block.start.z = lowest + 1;
block.end.z = block.start.z + diff;
// We want to see which blocks can be removed and wouldn't cause a
// drop. For each block, see if any are above it. If not, we can
// clearly remove it. If there are, make sure there is at least
// one other block below it that could support it.
let p1 = dropped
.filter(|b| b.safe_to_remove(&dropped))
println!("p1: {} ({:?})", p1, now.elapsed());
// For part 2, we now want to find which of the blocks would cause
// the most to fall. We start by seeing if removing the given
// block would cause the block above it to fall. If so, we can
// check the block above it. We do this recursively until the
// block wouln't fall.
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
let p2 = dropped
.map(|b| b.falls_faster(&dropped))
println!("p2: {} ({:?})", p2, now.elapsed());
println!("total-time-initial: {:?}", org_time.elapsed());
// Generate a graph of the blocks to solve both parts.
let total_time = std::time::Instant::now();
let mut dropped: Vec<Block> = Vec::new();
// We'll use these to keep our "directed" edges in the graph.
let mut aboves: HashMap<Block, Vec<Block>> = HashMap::new();
let mut belows: HashMap<Block, Vec<Block>> = HashMap::new();
// We'll start by dropping the blocks and then updating the edges.
for block in blocks.iter() {
// This logic is essentially the same as the first solution,
// we still need to find it's new position in the world.
let mut block = block.clone();
let lowest = block.highest_z(&dropped);
let diff = block.end.z - block.start.z;
block.start.z = lowest + 1;
block.end.z = block.start.z + diff;
// Find all the blocks below me.
let below = dropped
.filter(|b| b.end.z == block.start.z - 1 && b.intersects_xy(&block))
// Add myself to the list of blocks above the blocks below me.
.for_each(|b| aboves.entry(b.clone()).or_default().push(block.clone()));
// Part 1 using the above and below edges.
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
let p1 = dropped
.filter(|b| {
// All of the blocks above me need to have one other block
// below them.
.map(|bs| {
.all(|b| belows.get(b).map(|bs| bs.len() > 1).unwrap_or(false))
println!("p1: {} ({:?})", p1, now.elapsed());
// Part 2 using the above and below edges.
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
let p2 = dropped
.map(|b| falls_graph(b, &aboves, &belows))
println!("p2: {} ({:?})", p2, now.elapsed());
println!("total-time-hashmaps: {:?}", total_time.elapsed());
// Use an acual graph.
let total_time = std::time::Instant::now();
let mut dropped: Vec<Rc<RefCell<GraphBlock>>> = Vec::new();
for block in blocks {
// Again this part is essentially the same but now we are
// using a GraphBlock.
let mut block = GraphBlock::new(&block);
let lowest = block.highest_z(&dropped);
let diff = block.end.z - block.start.z;
block.start.z = lowest + 1;
block.end.z = block.start.z + diff;
// Add myself to the list of blocks.
let block = Rc::new(RefCell::new(block));
// Update the above and below edges for the blocks.
.filter(|b| {
&& b.borrow().end.z == block.borrow().start.z - 1
.for_each(|b| {
// Part 1 using the graph.
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
let p1 = dropped
.filter(|b| {
// All of the blocks above me need to have one other block below them
b.borrow().above.iter().all(|b| b.borrow().below.len() > 1)
println!("p1: {} ({:?})", p1, now.elapsed());
// Part 2 using the graph.
let now = std::time::Instant::now();
let p2 = dropped
.map(|b| b.borrow().falls())
println!("p2: {} ({:?})", p2, now.elapsed());
println!("total-time-graph: {:?}", total_time.elapsed());
fn falls_graph(
block: &Block,
aboves: &HashMap<Block, Vec<Block>>,
belows: &HashMap<Block, Vec<Block>>,
) -> usize {
// This is essentially the same as the falls_faster method above, but
// we can use the aboves and belows to find the new frontier blocks
// instead of having to calculate them each time.
let mut fallen = HashSet::new();
let mut frontier = VecDeque::new();
while let Some(block) = frontier.pop_front() {
if fallen.contains(&block) {
// Fand any blocks above me that have no other blocks below
// them when we remove the fallen blocks from their belows.
let new_fallen = aboves
.map(|bs| {
.filter(|b| {
.map(|bs| bs.iter().filter(|b| !fallen.contains(b)).count() < 1)
fallen.len() - 1
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq)]
struct GraphBlock {
start: Point,
end: Point,
above: Vec<Rc<RefCell<GraphBlock>>>,
below: Vec<Rc<RefCell<GraphBlock>>>,
impl std::hash::Hash for GraphBlock {
fn hash<H: std::hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
impl PartialEq for GraphBlock {
fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool {
self.start == other.start && self.end == other.end
impl GraphBlock {
fn new(block: &Block) -> Self {
let start = block.start;
let end = block.end;
Self {
above: Vec::new(),
below: Vec::new(),
fn intersects_xy(&self, other: &GraphBlock) -> bool {
self.start.x <= other.end.x
&& self.end.x >= other.start.x
&& self.start.y <= other.end.y
&& self.end.y >= other.start.y
fn highest_z(&self, others: &[Rc<RefCell<GraphBlock>>]) -> usize {
.filter(|b| *b.borrow() != *self)
.filter(|b| self.intersects_xy(&b.borrow()))
.map(|b| b.borrow().end.z)
fn falls(&self) -> usize {
use std::ops::Deref;
// This is essentially the same as the falls_faster method above, but
// we can use the graph now.
let mut fallen = HashSet::new();
let mut frontier = VecDeque::new();
while let Some(block) = frontier.pop_front() {
if fallen.contains(&block) {
// Add any blocks that are above me and have no other
// blocks below them to the frontier.
for above in block.above.iter() {
if above
.filter(|b| !fallen.contains(b.borrow().deref()))
< 1
fallen.len() - 1
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