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Last active April 29, 2019 14:43
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Before/after (Either)
// before
override def receive(ev: AnyRef)(implicit self: ItemValue) = ev match {
case ev: MsgItems.ApplyAction if ev.getChoice == ActionChoice.Activate =>
if (ev.getArgsCount > 0) {
val arg = ev.getArgs(0)
cfg.targets.lift(arg) match {
case Some(target) =>
items.syncBroadcast(SyncToolForUpgrade(typeId = target.toolTypeId)).info match {
case Some(tool) =>
target.nextUpgrade(upgradesHave = tool.upgrades) match {
case Some(upgrade) =>
val spilUpdate = context.registerSpilInventoryUpdate(SpilUpdateReason.ToolUpgrade)
val reason = SpendReason.toolUpgrade(
itemType = tool.item.typeId,
gmaItemId = gamec.toolAnalyticItemIds(tool.item.typeId),
val price = upgrade.price
paidAction(ev, price, reason, "[Lab] [Activate]") {
case None =>
logger.warning(s"[Lab] [Activate] [upgrade is not available] upgrades=${tool.upgrades}")
case None =>
logger.warning(s"[Lab] [Activate] [tool not found] $arg")
case None =>
logger.warning(s"[Lab] [Activate] [target not found] $arg")
else {
logger.warning(s"[Lab] [Activate] [no args]")
case _ => super.receive(ev)
// after
override def receive(ev: AnyRef)(implicit self: ItemValue) = ev match {
case ev: MsgItems.ApplyAction if ev.getChoice == ActionChoice.Activate =>
val result = for {
arg <- Either.cond(ev.getArgsCount > 0, ev.getArgs(0), s"[no args]")
target <- VectorUtils.getOrLeft(cfg.targets, arg, s"[target not found] $arg")
sync = items.syncBroadcast(SyncToolForUpgrade(typeId = target.toolTypeId))
tool <- s"[tool not found] arg=$arg type=${sync.typeId}")
upgrade <- target.nextUpgrade(upgradesHave = tool.upgrades).toRight(s"[upgrade is not available] upgrades=${tool.upgrades}")
} yield {
val spilUpdate = context.registerSpilInventoryUpdate(SpilUpdateReason.ToolUpgrade)
val reason = SpendReason.toolUpgrade(
itemType = tool.item.typeId,
gmaItemId = gamec.toolAnalyticItemIds(tool.item.typeId),
val price = upgrade.price
paidAction(ev, price, reason, "[Lab] [Activate]"){
result.left.foreach(msg => logger.warning(s"[Lab] [Activate] $msg"))
case _ => super.receive(ev)
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