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Igor de Alcantara Barroso idabmat

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idabmat / dpg
Created August 13, 2023 17:08
dockerized PG
#!/bin/env ruby
require "thor"
require "json"
class PG < Thor
package_name "Dockerized PG"
include Thor::Actions
class SequentialWorkflow < Zenaton::Interfaces::Workflow
include Zenaton::Traits::Zenatonable
def handle
a = # Let's store the return value from the task
if a > 0 # And use that value to determine which task to run next
class TaskA < Zenaton::Interfaces::Task
include Zenaton::Traits::Zenatonable
def handle
puts 'Task A starts'
sleep 3 # Task takes some time to complete
puts 'Task A ends'
0 # The result of the task
idabmat / launch_workflow.rb
Last active August 15, 2018 08:58
Zenaton Ruby
require 'zenaton'
app_id, # You application ID
api_token, # Your API token
app_env # production, staging, development, or whatever you want
public class Employee {
public Money calculatePay();
public void save();
public String reportHours();

Keybase proof

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  • I am idabmat on github.
  • I am idabmat ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASC07dnb_2HMEgfBSR2qXrcRQWoRwxOaxm8XCKlmw7k7Ago

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