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Last active September 28, 2020 23:49
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Visual Studio Code Settings Sync Gist
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// Place your global snippets here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a scope, prefix, body and
// description. Add comma separated ids of the languages where the snippet is applicable in the scope field. If scope
// is left empty or omitted, the snippet gets applied to all languages. The prefix is what is
// used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:
// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders.
// Placeholders with the same ids are connected.
// Example:
// "Print to console": {
// "scope": "javascript,typescript",
// "prefix": "log",
// "body": [
// "console.log('$1');",
// "$2"
// ],
// "description": "Log output to console"
// }
"Value from Dot Notation": {
"prefix": "Value from Dot Notation",
"body": [
"const obj = { a: 2, b: { a: 'x', b: [1, { a: 3 }] } };",
"const access = (obj, path) => {",
" return path",
" .split('.')",
" .reduce(",
" (myObj, key) => (myObj && myObj[key] ? myObj[key] : undefined),",
" obj",
" );",
"console.log(access(obj, 'a'));",
"console.log(access(obj, 'b.a'));",
"console.log(access(obj, 'b.b.1'));",
"console.log(access(obj, 'b.b.1.a'));",
"console.log(access(obj, 'b.b.5.c'));",
"description": "value from dot notation"
"Flatten Object with Keys Preserving Heirarchy": {
"prefix": "Flatten Object with Keys Preserving Heirarchy",
"body": [
"const user = {",
" name: 'Josh',",
" address: {",
" primary: {",
" house: '45',",
" street: {",
" main: '21',",
" cross: '32',",
" },",
" },",
" },",
"const flattenObject = (obj, keyName) => {",
" let flattendObj = {};",
" Object.keys(obj).forEach((key) => {",
" let newKey = `${keyName}_${key}`;",
" if (typeof obj[key] === 'object' && !flattendObj.hasOwnProperty(newKey)) {",
" Object.assign(flattendObj, flattenObject(obj[key], newKey));",
" } else {",
" flattendObj[newKey] = obj[key];",
" }",
" });",
" return flattendObj;",
"console.log(flattenObject(user, 'user'));"
"description": "Flatten Object with Keys Preserving Heirarchy"
"async await": {
"prefix": "async await",
"body": [
"async function getData(url) {",
" try {",
" const response = await fetch(url);",
" if (response.ok) {",
" const data = await response.json();",
" return data;",
" } else {",
" throw new Error(",
" `Data request failed due to http error code: ${response.status}`",
" );",
" }",
" } catch (error) {",
" console.log(error.message);",
" return false;",
" }",
"const fetchAndStore = (url, store) => {",
" getData(url).then((data) => {",
" if (data) {",
" store.push(;",
" appInit(store);",
" } else {",
" console.log(`Fetch data failed for: ${url}`);",
" }",
" });",
"description": "async await"
"Apply / Call example": {
"prefix": "Apply / Call example",
"body": [
"const obj1 = {",
" result: 0,",
"const obj2 = {",
" result: 0,",
"function reduceAdd() {",
" let result = 0;",
" for (let i = 0, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) {",
" result += arguments[i];",
" }",
" this.result = result;",
" return this;",
"reduceAdd.apply(obj1, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);",
", 6, 7, 8, 9, 10);",
"console.log(obj1); // { result: 15 }",
"console.log(obj2); // { result: 40 }",
"description": "Apply / Call example"
"Type Fuctions": {
"prefix": "Type Fuctions",
"body": [
"anythingGoes: (...args: any[]) => any;",
"firstArgString: (arg0: string) => any;",
"firstArgTypeSecondArgOption: (arg0: PlatformAuthProps, arg1: 'option 1' | 'option 2') => any;"
"description": "Type Fuctions"
"Create a type based on an array of another type": {
"prefix": "Create a type based on an array of another type",
"body": [
"type Experience = {",
" experienceDescription: string,",
" experienceEligibleProducts: string[],",
" experienceEnrollmentLimit: number,",
" experienceID: string,",
" experienceName: string,",
"export type Experiences = Array<Experience> | null;",
"description": "Create a type based on an array of another type"
"Merge two JSON by replacing one property with another": {
"prefix": "Merge two JSON by replacing one property with another",
"body": [
"const mergePeopleAndStarshipsData = () => {",
" PEOPLE_DATA.forEach((person) => {",
" STARSHIPS_DATA.forEach((starship) => {",
" starship.pilots.forEach((pilot) => {",
" if (pilot === person.url) {",
" const pilotStartshipIndex = PILOTS_STARSHIPS_DATA.findIndex(",
" (data) => data.url === person.url",
" );",
" const { pilots, ...starshipNoPilots } = starship;",
" if (pilotStartshipIndex > -1) {",
" PILOTS_STARSHIPS_DATA[pilotStartshipIndex].starships.push(",
" starshipNoPilots",
" );",
" } else {",
" PILOTS_STARSHIPS_DATA.push(person);",
" const pilotsStarhipsDataIndex =",
" ? PILOTS_STARSHIPS_DATA.length - 1",
" : 0;",
" PILOTS_STARSHIPS_DATA[pilotsStarhipsDataIndex].starships.length = 0;",
" PILOTS_STARSHIPS_DATA[pilotsStarhipsDataIndex].starships.push(",
" starshipNoPilots",
" );",
" }",
" }",
" });",
" });",
" });",
"description": "Merge two JSON by replacing one property with another"
"Array secondary sort": {
"prefix": "Array secondary sort",
"body": [
"const secondarySort = () => {",
" const sorted = PEOPLE_DATA;",
" sorted.sort((a, b) =>",
" a.homeworld > b.homeworld",
" ? 1",
" : a.homeworld === b.homeworld",
" ? >",
" ? 1",
" : -1",
" : -1",
" );",
" return sorted;",
"description": "Array secondary sort"
"Compositional Inheritance": {
"prefix": "Compositional Inheritance",
"body": [
"// We have some behaviors",
"const canSayHi = (self) => ({",
" sayHi: () => console.log(`Hi! I'm ${}`),",
"const canEat = () => ({",
" eat: (food) => console.log(`Eating ${food}...`),",
"const canPoop = () => ({",
" poop: () => console.log('Going to 💩...'),",
"// Combined previous behaviours",
"const socialBehaviors = (self) =>",
" Object.assign({}, canSayHi(self), canEat(), canPoop());",
"const alligator = (name) => {",
" const self = {",
" name,",
" };",
" const alligatorBehaviors = (self) => ({",
" bite: () => console.log('Yum yum!'),",
" });",
" return Object.assign(self, socialBehaviors(self), alligatorBehaviors(self));",
"const jack = alligator('jack');",
"jack.sayHi(); // Hi! I'm jack",
"'Banana'); // Eating Banana...",
"jack.bite(); // Yum yum!",
"description": "Compositional Inheritance"
"Object Inheritance": {
"prefix": "Object Inheritance",
"body": [
"class Person {",
" constructor(name) {",
" = name;",
" }",
"class Student extends Person {",
" constructor(grade, ...args) {",
" super(...args);",
" this.grade = grade;",
" }",
" takeTest() {",
" console.log( + \" takes a test\");",
" }",
" gotGrade() {",
" console.log( + \" got a grade of \" + this.grade);",
" }",
"class Teacher extends Student {",
" constructor(tenure, ...args) {",
" super(...args);",
" this.tenure = tenure;",
" }",
" gradesTest() {",
" console.log( + \" grades the test\");",
" }",
" hasTenure() {",
" console.log( + \" has \" + this.tenure + \" years of tenure.\");",
" }",
"class Principal extends Teacher {",
" constructor(cash, ...args) {",
" super(...args);",
" = cash;",
" }",
" hiresTeacher(description) {",
" console.log( + \" hires a \" + description + \" teacher\");",
" }",
"const Al = new Student(\"A\", \"Al\");",
"const Josh = new Teacher(5, \"B\", \"Josh\");",
"const Jess = new Principal(200, 10, \"C\", \"Jess\");",
"description": "Object Inheritance"
"Object Inheritance 2": {
"prefix": "Object Inheritance 2",
"body": [
"'use strict';",
"const Engine = {",
" accelerate(speed, incrementSpeed) {",
" return speed + incrementSpeed;",
" },",
" decelerate(speed, decrementSpeed) {",
" return speed - decrementSpeed;",
" },",
"const Breaks = {",
" stop(speed) {",
" if (speed > 0) this.stop(speed - 3);",
" return 0;",
" },",
"const Design = {",
" colour: 'Orange',",
" model: 'Huracan Spyder',",
"const Lambo = function (Design, Engine, Breaks) {",
" const design = Object.create(Design);",
" const engine = Object.create(Engine);",
" const breaks = Object.create(Breaks);",
" const props = {",
" speed: 0,",
" colour: design.colour,",
" model: design.model,",
" seats: design.seats,",
" toilet: design.toilet,",
" };",
" Object.seal(props);",
" return {",
" set(name, value) {",
" props[name] = value;",
" },",
" get(name) {",
" return props[name];",
" },",
" log(name) {",
" console.log(`${name}: ${props[name]}`);",
" },",
" slowDown() {",
" props.speed = engine.decelerate(props.speed, 3);",
" },",
" speedUp() {",
" props.speed = engine.accelerate(props.speed, 3);",
" },",
" stop() {",
" props.speed = breaks.stop(props.speed);",
" },",
" };",
"const lambo = Lambo(Design, Engine, Breaks);",
"lambo.set('speed', 200);",
"lambo.log('speed'); //-> 3",
"lambo.log('speed'); //-> 0",
"lambo.log('colour'); //-> orange",
"// we can change the colour",
"lambo.set('colour', 'black');",
"// see it has changed",
"lambo.log('colour'); //-> black",
"const bookah = Lambo(Design, Engine, Breaks);",
"bookah.set('seats', 'velvet');",
"bookah.set('rims', 'chrome');",
"description": "Object Inheritance 2"
"Recursion 1": {
"prefix": "Recursion 1",
"body": [
"let company = {",
" // the same object, compressed for brevity",
" sales: [",
" { name: \"John\", salary: 1000 },",
" { name: \"Alice\", salary: 1600 },",
" ],",
" development: {",
" sites: [",
" { name: \"Peter\", salary: 2000 },",
" { name: \"Alex\", salary: 1800 },",
" ],",
" internals: [{ name: \"Jack\", salary: 1300 }],",
" },",
"// The function to do the job",
"function sumSalaries(department) {",
" if (Array.isArray(department)) {",
" // case (1)",
" return department.reduce((prev, current) => prev + current.salary, 0); // sum the array",
" } else {",
" // case (2)",
" console.log(\"wut\");",
" let sum = 0;",
" for (let subdep of Object.values(department)) {",
" sum += sumSalaries(subdep); // recursively call for subdepartments, sum the results",
" }",
" return sum;",
" }",
"console.log(sumSalaries(company)); // 7700",
"console.log(sumSalaries(company.sales)); // 2600",
"description": "Recursion 1"
"Linked List": {
"prefix": "Linked List",
"body": [
"function LinkedList() {",
" this.head = null;",
" this.tail = null;",
"function Node(value, next, prev) {",
" this.value = value;",
" = next;",
" this.prev = prev;",
"// Add nodes methods",
"LinkedList.prototype.addToHead = function (value) {",
" const newNode = new Node(value, this.head, null);",
" if (this.head) this.head.prev = newNode;",
" else this.tail = newNode;",
" this.head = newNode;",
"LinkedList.prototype.addToTail = function (value) {",
" const newNode = new Node(value, null, this.tail);",
" if (this.tail) = newNode;",
" else this.head = newNode;",
" this.tail = newNode;",
"// Remove nodes methods",
"LinkedList.prototype.removeHead = function () {",
" if (!this.head) return null;",
" let value = this.head.value;",
" this.head =;",
" if (this.head) this.head.prev = null;",
" else this.tail = null;",
" return value;",
"LinkedList.prototype.removeTail = function () {",
" if (!this.tail) return null;",
" let value = this.tail.value;",
" this.tail = this.tail.prev;",
" if (this.tail) = null;",
" else this.head = null;",
" return value;",
"// Search method",
" = function (searchValue) {",
" let currentNode = this.head;",
" while (currentNode) {",
" if (currentNode.value === searchValue) return currentNode;",
" currentNode =;",
" }",
" return null;",
"const list = new LinkedList();",
"description": "Linked List"
"Linked List - SwapEveryTwo": {
"prefix": "Linked List - SwapEveryTwo",
"body": [
"function LinkedList() {",
" this.head = null;",
" this.tail = null;",
"function Node(value, next) {",
" this.value = value;",
" = next;",
"function swapEveryTwo(head) {",
" if (!head || ! {",
" return head;",
" }",
" let second =;",
" let third =;",
" = head;",
" = swapEveryTwo(third);",
" return second;",
"const list = new Node(1);",
" = new Node(2);",
" = new Node(3);",
" = new Node(4);",
"description": "Linked List - SwapEveryTwo"
"uuid": {
"prefix": "uuid",
"body": [
"function uuidv4() {",
" return ([1e7] + -1e3 + -4e3 + -8e3 + -1e11).replace(/[018]/g, (c) =>",
" (",
" c ^",
" (crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(1))[0] & (15 >> (c / 4)))",
" ).toString(16)",
" );",
"function uuidv4Basic() {",
" return \"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx\".replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) {",
" var r = (Math.random() * 16) | 0,",
" v = c == \"x\" ? r : (r & 0x3) | 0x8;",
" return v.toString(16);",
" });",
"description": "uuid"
"Event Delegation": {
"prefix": "Event Delegation",
"body": [
"function addEvent(el, event, callback, useCapture = false) {",
" if (!el || !event || !callback || typeof callback !== \"function\") return;",
" if (typeof el === \"string\") {",
" el = document.querySelector(el);",
" }",
" el.addEventListener(event, callback, useCapture);",
"addEvent(document, \"DOMContentLoaded\", () => {",
" const child = document.querySelector(\".child\");",
" const parent = document.querySelector(\".parent\");",
" const grandparent = document.querySelector(\".grandparent\");",
" addEvent(child, \"click\", function (e) {",
" console.log(\"child\");",
" });",
" addEvent(parent, \"click\", function (e) {",
" console.log(\"parent\");",
" });",
" addEvent(grandparent, \"click\", function (e) {",
" console.log(\"grandparent\");",
" });",
" addEvent(document, \"click\", function (e) {",
" console.log(\"document\");",
" });",
" addEvent(\"html\", \"click\", function (e) {",
" console.log(\"html\");",
" });",
" addEvent(window, \"click\", function (e) {",
" console.log(\"window\");",
" });",
"description": "Event Delegation"
"Filter Map Reduce": {
"prefix": "Filter Map Reduce",
"body": [
"function filter(arr, filterCallback) {",
" if (!Array.isArray(arr) || !arr.length || typeof filterCallback !== 'function') ",
" {",
" return [];",
" } else {",
" let result = [];",
" for (let i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) {",
" if (filterCallback(arr[i], i, arr)) { ",
" result.push(arr[i]);",
" }",
" }",
" return result;",
" }",
"function map(arr, mapCallback) {",
" if (!Array.isArray(arr) || !arr.length || typeof mapCallback !== 'function') { ",
" return [];",
" } else {",
" let result = [];",
" for (let i = 0, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) {",
" result.push(mapCallback(arr[i], i, arr)); ",
" }",
" return result;",
" }",
"function reduce(arr, reduceCallback, initialValue) {",
" if (!Array.isArray(arr) || !arr.length || typeof reduceCallback !== 'function') ",
" {",
" return [];",
" } else {",
" let hasInitialValue = initialValue !== undefined;",
" let value = hasInitialValue ? initialValue : arr[0];",
" for (let i = hasInitialValue ? 0 : 1, len = arr.length; i < len; i++) {",
" value = reduceCallback(value, arr[i], i, arr); ",
" }",
" return value;",
" }",
"description": "Filter Map Reduce"
"settimeout iife": {
"prefix": "settimeout iife",
"body": [
"for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {",
" ((n) => {",
" setTimeout(() => {",
" console.log(n);",
" }, 1000);",
" })(i);",
"description": "settimeout iife"
"Recursion Basic": {
"prefix": "Recursion Basic",
"body": [
"function factorial(num) {",
" if (num === 1) {",
" return num;",
" } else {",
" return num * factorial(num - 1);",
" }",
"description": "Recursion Basic"
"balanced sets matched pairs": {
"prefix": "Balanced Sets Matched Pairs",
"body": [
"let isBalancedParenthesis = (str) => {",
" return !str.split(\"\").reduce((uptoPrevChar, thisChar) => {",
" if (thisChar === \"(\" || thisChar === \"{\" || thisChar === \"[\") {",
" return ++uptoPrevChar;",
" } else if (thisChar === \")\" || thisChar === \"}\" || thisChar === \"]\") {",
" return --uptoPrevChar;",
" }",
" return uptoPrevChar;",
" }, 0);",
"console.log(isBalancedParenthesis(\"[()]{}{[()()]()}\")); // returns true",
"console.log(isBalancedParenthesis(\"[{()()}({[]})]({}[({})])((((((()[])){}))[]{{{({({({{{{{{}}}}}})})})}}}))[][][]\")); // returns true",
"console.log(isBalancedParenthesis(\"({(()))}}\")); // returns false"
"description": "balanced sets matched pairs"
"Traverse Object": {
"prefix": "Traverse Object",
"body": [
"const traverse = (x) => {",
" if (isArray(x)) {",
" traverseArray(x)",
" } else if ((typeof x === 'object') && (x !== null)) {",
" traverseObject(x)",
" } else {",
" }",
"const traverseArray = (arr) => {",
" arr.forEach(function (x) {",
" traverse(x)",
" })",
"const traverseObject = (obj) => {",
" for (const key in obj) {",
" if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {",
" traverse(obj[key])",
" }",
" }",
"const isArray = (o) => {",
" return === '[object Array]'",
"// usage:",
"description": "Traverse Object"
"Recursive Directory Print": {
"prefix": "Recursive Directory Print",
"body": [
"function printSubFiles(dir) {",
" files = fs.readdirSync(dir);",
" files.forEach(function (file) {",
" absName = `${dir}/${file}`;",
" if (fs.statSync(absName).isDirectory()) {",
" printSubFiles(absName);",
" } else {",
" // base case, stop recurring",
" console.log(file);",
" }",
" });",
"description": "Recursive Directory Print"
"SQL Queries": {
"prefix": "SQL Queries",
"body": [
"-- Inner Join",
"FROM Table_A",
"JOIN Table_B;",
"FROM Table_A",
"INNER JOIN Table_B;",
"-- Left Outer Join",
"FROM Table_A A",
"LEFT JOIN Table_B B",
"ON A.col = B.col;",
"-- Right Outer Join",
"FROM Table_A A",
"ON A.col = B.col;",
"-- Full Outer Join",
"FROM Table_A A",
"FULL JOIN Table_B B",
"ON A.col = B.col;",
"-- Self Join",
"SELECT A.emp_id AS \"Emp_ID\",A.emp_name AS \"Employee\",",
"B.emp_id AS \"Sup_ID\",B.emp_name AS \"Supervisor\"",
"FROM employee A, employee B",
"WHERE A.emp_sup = B.emp_id;",
"-- Cross Join",
"SELECT, sub.subject ",
"FROM students AS stu",
"CROSS JOIN subjects AS sub;",
"-- Sub / Nested Query",
"SELECT name, email, mob, address",
"FROM myDb.contacts",
"WHERE roll_no IN (",
"\\t SELECT roll_no",
"\\t FROM myDb.students",
"\\t WHERE subject = 'Maths');",
"-- Match options:",
"SELECT * \\t /* Matches first names with five or more letters OR where K is the 3rd letter */",
"FROM students",
"WHERE first_name LIKE '_____%' OR LIKE '__K%'",
"-- Return limi",
"FROM students",
"description": "SQL Queries"
"CSS JSS ordered list": {
"prefix": "CSS JSS ordered list",
"body": [
"ol: {",
" '& > li': {",
" listStyleType: 'none',",
" marginBottom: '0.75rem'",
" },",
" '& > li::before': {",
" content: 'counter(ordered-list) \". \"',",
" 'counter-increment': 'ordered-list'",
" },",
" '& li > ol': {",
" 'counter-reset': 'nestedOrdered-list'",
" },",
" '& li > ol > li::before': {",
" content: 'counter(nestedOrdered-list, lower-roman) \". \"',",
" 'counter-increment': 'nestedOrdered-list'",
" },",
" '& ul > li::before': {",
" content: 'none'",
" },",
" 'counter-reset': 'ordered-list',",
" listStyleType: 'none'",
"description": "CSS JSS ordered list"
"cURL commands": {
"prefix": "cURL commands",
"body": [
" * Basic GET",
" * curl",
" * Return only headers",
" * curl -I",
" * Add additional header",
" * curl -H \"X-Header: value\"",
" * Resume Download",
" * curl -C - -O",
" * Test Download Time",
" * curl -D - -o /dev/null",
" * Set Max Transfer rate (can set K, M, G)",
" * curl --limit-rate 200K -O ",
" * HTTP/2 support check",
" * curl -I --http2",
" * Retrieving a particular byte-range",
" * curl -r 0-20000 -o",
" * Request methods DELETE, GET, POST, PUT",
" * curl --request GET ",
" * Send data with cURL",
" * curl -X POST -d 'username=yourusername&password=yourpassword'",
"*/ ",
"description": "cURL commands"
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