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Created September 17, 2009 21:52
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[mmalone]: and there are a lot of things here that are pissing me off :/
[idangazit]: mmalone: can't say I've used it much, but I'm playing with it right now too
[idangazit]: what's bugging you?
[mmalone]: heh
[mmalone]: where should I start... :/
Gulopine joined the chat room.
[mmalone]: lemme dpaste my notes
[idangazit]: I'm still at the wrapping-my-brain-around-it phase, the lack of nontrivial examples is making that harder
[mmalone]: yea, and the example that ships with it is broken
[mmalone]: I've just been reading the code
[idangazit]: yeah, same here
[idangazit]: but a nice tidy larger-than-toy example would be nice
[jlilly]: so part of making a facebook app is being on facebook.
[mmalone]: idangazit: agree
[jlilly]: new favorite quote "Always go to other people's funerals, because if you don't go to theirs, they won't come to yours."
[mmalone]: maybe one of the _20 forks_ has a better example :P
[mmalone]: jlilly: I don't get it, they're dead :/
[jlilly]: mmalone: exactly my point.
•jlilly is constantly amazed at how stupid some of the people he knows are.
[mmalone]: I was just being a jerk and pretending I didn't get it :/
[jlilly]: I also played mafia wars for a moment. Stupid and simple, but mindlessly enjoyable.
[mmalone]: idangazit: also, piston doesn't seem to provide _that much_... I've written custom REST API stuff that's more sophisticated than this for individual projects
[mmalone]: I should just factor some of that code out and make my own library :P
[mmalone]: too bad I'm lazy
[idangazit]: mmalone: eh, lazy is what led me to piston
[idangazit]: I mean, I could just write views that generate XML
[mmalone]: that's a bad idea :/
[mmalone]: you need class-based views
[mmalone]: and you should be able to return resources from the view methods
[mmalone]: instead of returning HttpResponses
[mmalone]: those are good things that piston does, but they're not that hard to do yourself
[jezdez]: mmalone: stop being lazy!
[mmalone]: plus I don't like the way piston does class-based views
[jezdez]: I was of course kidding
[jlilly]: pro tip: if you're using the wrong api key.. shit tends to not work.
[idangazit]: well, so it's an abstraction of views, so instead of returning HttpResponse I return instances of models or querysets?
[idangazit]: lazy = somebody else's code doing that for me
[jezdez]: jlilly: oh, I hear yah, multiple heads against walls here because of that
[mmalone]: idangazit: yea, basically
[mmalone]: or you return a "Resource" type
[idangazit]: mmalone: I agree with your simpler 'WTF naming' notes
[mmalone]: and you create something like a ModelResource
[idangazit]: I haven't spent enough time with piston to appreciate the deeper issues you point out
[mmalone]: yea, I don't like how they're trying to rename HTTP concepts
[mmalone]: it just confuses things
[mmalone]: I really think the Handler / Resource concepts are reversed
[idangazit]: agree
[idangazit]: handler = view, resource = the thing supplying the data according to some mapping
[idangazit]: err s/mapping/logic
[jezdez]: ericflo: hm, someone sent me a pull request for django-threadedcomments, specifically the 0.5.X branch:
[idangazit]: bah, I don't have time to rewrite all this now though
[robhudson]: what's HATEOAS?
[idangazit]: Hypertext as the engine of app state
[idangazit]: also, my favorite acronym
[robhudson]: wow
[mmalone]: yea, it's a horrible acronym
[idangazit]: I imagine that everybody says it "Hate: O-A-S"
[mmalone]: it basically means that if you have a representation of a resource it should have hyperlinks representing all of the transitions to new states
[mmalone]: that may be interesting
[mmalone]: so like, if you fetch a blog post
ericflo left the chat room. (Remote closed the connection)
ericflo joined the chat room.
[mmalone]: there should be hyperlinks to the blog it's on, the list of comments, the uri to create a comment, etc.
[idangazit]: mmalone: why would you want to retain state in Resource or Handler objs?
[idangazit]: (Not asking rhetorically, I'm curious)
[mmalone]: suppose you receive a conditional get
[idangazit]: seems kinda against the point of idempotency
[mmalone]: and you have an etag() method on your handler
[robhudson]: seems like a contrived acronym for the concept
[mmalone]: you may want to fetch stuff from the DB in your etag() method
[mmalone]: to calculate a hash
[ericflo]: I have one thing to say to you all right now!
Gulopine1 left the chat room. (Connection timed out)
[mmalone]: and save that stuff on the instance
[mmalone]: so that when your read() method is called you don't have to do the DB lookup again
[mmalone]: ericflo: that's amazing.
[robhudson]: ericflo: a robocop glittercorn would be even better
[idangazit]: ericflo: this is so going into somebody's next "I want a pony... WITH ROBOCOP" on it
[ericflo]: :D :D
[idangazit]: err, going into somebody's preso at DC
[Gulopine]: sigh
[robhudson]: oh dang, it's sparklecorn:
[robhudson]: can't even get my hornycorns straight
[mmalone]: idangazit: I've argued the "storing state on the class-based view" thing with Jacob before too... there aren't _that_ many places where it's useful, but the biggest problem is that there's nothing obviously wrong about it
[mmalone]: so people will do it
[mmalone]: and won't understand why their shit breaks in really weird and unpredictable ways
[mmalone]: and, in the places where it is useful, it's _really_ useful
[mmalone]: it's hard to hack around
[mmalone]: so, you may as well support it
[idangazit]: shrug, this might be one of those things which just need to be documented "here be dragons, don't touch if you don't know what you're about"
[idangazit]: but tbh I don't understand the use-case well enough.
Gulopine left the chat room. (Nick collision from services.)
Gulopine1 joined the chat room.
Gulopine1 is now known as Gulopine.
[mmalone]: hold on, I'll find you a use case
Gulopine left the chat room. (Client Quit)
[mmalone]: so this is a snippet from one of the RESTful apps I've built
[mmalone]: the setup() method is always called
[mmalone]: and by default does nothing
[mmalone]: it's called before get/put/post/delete
[mmalone]: and the base RestView class does conditional dispatching based on whether the ETags / Last-Modified match
[mmalone]: so if I couldn't store state on an instance I couldn't set self.event in setup()
[mmalone]: and I'd have to do a DB lookup in etag(), last_modified(), and get()
[idangazit]: Right. I get it now.
[idangazit]: mmalone: this rest app you've written, the underlying stuff is published somewhere? Or private code?
[idangazit]: Sounds like something I could learn quite a bit from.
[mmalone]: it's private code at the moment, I can share some parts of it though probably
[idangazit]: particularly the dispatching that goes on in RestView, never done that before.
[mmalone]: yea, I'll find that
[idangazit]: 1.2 pony:
[mmalone]: :)
bastih joined the chat room.
[idangazit]: actually, of all the various ponies people want to put in contrib that seems like something that would make sense (well, at least to me)
[mmalone]: there are a couple things I'd do different if I were doing it over
[mmalone]: the biggest one though is I wouldn't have made RestView subclass HttpResponse
[mmalone]: the reason for that is to make it thread safe for storing state
[mmalone]: like I was talking about before
[mmalone]: but I found a better way... you can just make the dispatch method a class method
[mmalone]: and use that in your instead of just the class name
•idangazit is reading
[mmalone]: :)
[idangazit]: mmalone: then, where do you instantiate your subclasses of RestView?
[mmalone]: well, RestView is a subclass of HttpResponse
[mmalone]: so I don't explicitly instantiate them
[mmalone]: my just looks like (r'/blah/blah', RestViewSubclass),
[mmalone]: since the class is a callable
[mmalone]: the subclass is just instantiated
[idangazit]: right, the urldispatcher instantiates and calls
[mmalone]: and since it _is a_ HttpResponse it works :)
[mmalone]: well, it just instantiates
[mmalone]: but RestView subclasses HttpResponse
[mmalone]: it's kind of brainfuck, which is why I'd do it differently in the future
[ericflo]: I actually recently wrote an app that uses class-based generic views, for a small project...just to mess around with it. Here's how I did it if you guys are interested:
[mmalone]: but at the time I wrote that code it was the best way I could think of
•mmalone looks
•idangazit feels like he fell into some advanced django-fu
[mmalone]: ha
[mmalone]: ericflo: yea, that's the way I've seen a lot of people do it
[mmalone]: so you instantiate the class in then
[mmalone]: and the dispatcher calls it, which runs __call__
[ericflo]: mmalone: yeah
[mmalone]: yea, I feel like we've had this discussion before, but the thing I don't like about that instances are globals that stick around so you can't store state on them
[mmalone]: the way I'd do it today is by using a classmethod
[ericflo]: brb
[mmalone]: idangazit: class-based views aren't really that complicated...
[mmalone]: the contract is
[mmalone]: that a "view" function is a callable that returns an HttpResponse
[mmalone]: so in Eric's example he would create an instance of his class and use that in
[idangazit]: similar to piston's resource
[mmalone]: and the urldispatcher would call it, and that would run Blah.__call__
[mmalone]: yes
[mmalone]: same thing
[idangazit]: grokking is happening slowly
[mmalone]: so, in the code I pasted my RestView actually _subclasses_ HttpResponse
[mmalone]: so when I stick a RestView in
[mmalone]: the urldispatcher just _instantiates_ the RestView
[mmalone]: but since the RestView _is a_ HttpResponse then it still works
[mmalone]: it's still just a callable that returns an HttpResponse
[ericflo]: mmalone: Oh that's interesting. What's the advantage?
[mmalone]: it's kind of dirty, and a bit of a layering violation, but it works
[mmalone]: the advantage is that a new instance is created for each request
[mmalone]: so I can store state on the instances
[idangazit]: doesn't seem dirty
[ericflo]: I see
[ericflo]: What kind of state do you want to store?
[mmalone]: ericflo: like this
[mmalone]: but, like I was saying before, if I were doing it all over again I'd probably use a classmethod
[mmalone]: so I'd have a classmethod called dispatch, for example
[ericflo]: I see
[robhudson]: too me a minute to see where ericflo's code dispatched to different methods (e.g. json, xml, html). Slick.
[ericflo]: (sorry, jumped in the middle of this conversation)
[mmalone]: and that classmethod would instantiate the RestView, then return something like RestView.get_response() or something
[mmalone]: that way RestView doesn't have to subclass HttpResponse
[ericflo]: mmalone: That would make a lot of sense too
[mmalone]: yea, it'd be a really easy change for your code... and then you'd just have to change your files to point to ClassName.dispatch
[mmalone]: and you're done
[robhudson]: so the key to thread safety is to make sure objects don't outlive requests?
[mmalone]: robhudson: that's a good rule of thumb
[mmalone]: it's more that you don't want objects to be shared amongst threads
[mmalone]: I think Jacob was talking about making the urldispatcher a threadlocal, so that would solve the thread safety issues
[mmalone]: but you still have state hanging around beyond requests, which is bad
[mmalone]: so if you serialized a big object and stuck it on your object you want that to be garbage collected ASAP, you don't want it hanging around possibly confusing things when the next requ
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