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Created September 14, 2021 14:04
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TicTacToe in Scala
package tictactoe
import scala.annotation.tailrec
// model
trait Square
case object X extends Square {
override def toString: String = "X"
case object O extends Square {
override def toString: String = "O"
case object Empty extends Square {
override def toString: String = "."
case class Row(col1: Square, col2: Square, col3: Square) {
def toMap: Map[String, Square] = Map("A" -> col1, "B" -> col2, "C" -> col3)
case class Board(row1: Row, row2: Row, row3: Row) {
def toMap: Map[String, Row] = Map("1" -> row1, "2" -> row2, "3" -> row3)
// Game service
object GameService {
def receiveSquareInput(): Square = { match {
case "x" => X
case "o" => O
case _ =>
def receiveCoordinateInput(availableMoves: Iterable[String]): String = {
val coordinate =
availableMoves.find { move =>
move == coordinate
} match {
case Some(value) =>
case None =>
def showNextMoves(square: Square, board: Board): Iterable[String] = {
val availableMoves: Iterable[String] = for {
(rowKey, row) <- board.toMap
(colKey, square) <- row.toMap if square == Empty
} yield s"$colKey$rowKey"
val formattedAvailableMoves: String = availableMoves.toSeq.sorted.foldLeft("") {
case (moves, coordinate) => s"$moves $coordinate"
println(GameText.showNextMove(square, formattedAvailableMoves))
def switch(square: Square): Square = {
square match {
case X => O
case O => X
case Empty => Empty
def choosePlayer(): Square = {
def updateBoard(input: Square, coordinate: String, board: Board): Board = {
coordinate match {
case "A1" if board.row1.col1 == Empty =>
(board.copy(row1 = board.row1.copy(col1 = input)))
case "A2" if board.row2.col1 == Empty =>
(board.copy(row2 = board.row2.copy(col1 = input)))
case "A3" if board.row3.col1 == Empty =>
(board.copy(row3 = board.row3.copy(col1 = input)))
case "B1" if board.row1.col2 == Empty =>
(board.copy(row1 = board.row1.copy(col2 = input)))
case "B2" if board.row2.col2 == Empty =>
(board.copy(row2 = board.row2.copy(col2 = input)))
case "B3" if board.row3.col2 == Empty =>
(board.copy(row3 = board.row3.copy(col2 = input)))
case "C1" if board.row1.col3 == Empty =>
(board.copy(row1 = board.row1.copy(col3 = input)))
case "C2" if board.row2.col3 == Empty =>
(board.copy(row2 = board.row2.copy(col3 = input)))
case "C3" if board.row3.col3 == Empty =>
(board.copy(row3 = board.row3.copy(col3 = input)))
def collateSquareCoordinates(square: Square, board: Board): Iterable[String] = {
for {
(rowKey, row) <- board.toMap
(colKey, existingSquare) <- row.toMap if square == existingSquare
} yield s"$colKey$rowKey"
def checkColumnWinner(square: Square, board: Board): Option[Square] = {
val columnWinnerMatches: Seq[Seq[String]] =
Seq(Seq("A1", "A2", "A3"), Seq("B1", "B2", "B3"), Seq("C1", "C2", "C3"))
val existingSquareCoordinate = collateSquareCoordinates(square, board)
.map { win =>
win.forall { coordinate =>
existingSquareCoordinate.exists(_ == coordinate)
.collectFirst {
case matchAll if matchAll => square
def checkRowWinner(board: Board): Option[Square] = {
.find {
case (_, row) =>
row match {
case _ if row == Row(O, O, O) => true
case _ if row == Row(X, X, X) => true
case _ => false
.map {
case (_, row) =>
def checkDiagonalWinner(square: Square, board: Board): Option[Square] = {
val existingSquareCoordinate = collateSquareCoordinates(square, board)
val diagonalWinnerMatches = Seq(Seq("A1", "B2", "C3"), Seq("C1", "B2", "A3"))
.map { win =>
win.forall { coordinate =>
existingSquareCoordinate.exists(_ == coordinate)
.collectFirst {
case matchAll if matchAll => square
def checkWinner(square: Square, board: Board): Option[Square] = {
.orElse(checkColumnWinner(square, board))
.orElse(checkDiagonalWinner(square, board))
def checkFull(board: Board): Boolean = {
board.toMap.forall {
case (_, row) =>
row.toMap.forall {
case (_, square) =>
square != Empty
def gameLoop(player: Square, board: Board): Unit = {
val availableMoves: Iterable[String] = showNextMoves(player, board)
val coordinate: String = receiveCoordinateInput(availableMoves)
val updatedBoard: Board = updateBoard(player, coordinate, board)
checkWinner(player, updatedBoard) match {
case Some(square) =>
case None =>
if (checkFull(updatedBoard)) {
} else {
val otherPlayer = switch(player)
gameLoop(otherPlayer, updatedBoard)
def startGame(board: Board): Unit = {
val square = choosePlayer()
gameLoop(square, board)
// Game text
object GameText {
val invalidInput: String = "Invalid choice, try again"
val choosePlayer: String = "Please choose a player: X or O"
val draw: String = "It is a draw!!"
def displayBoard(board: Board): String = {
val boardDisplay =
| A B C
|1 ${board.row1.col1} ${board.row1.col2} ${board.row1.col3}
|2 ${board.row2.col1} ${board.row2.col2} ${board.row2.col3}
|3 ${board.row3.col1} ${board.row3.col2} ${board.row3.col3}
def win(square: Square): String = s"Player $square wins the game!!"
def showNextMove(square: Square, formattedMoves: String): String =
| Your next move with $square:
| $formattedMoves
// Game App
object TicTacToe extends App {
val board: Board =
Board(Row(Empty, Empty, Empty), Row(Empty, Empty, Empty), Row(Empty, Empty, Empty))
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