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Last active March 1, 2024 17:42
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elixir aliases
alias mxclean="rm -rf deps _build .elixir_ls assets/node_modules"
alias mxcompile="mix do deps.get, format, compile"
alias mxcredo="mix credo --strict"
alias mxdepsclean="mix deps.clean --unused --unlock"
alias mxectoreset="mix ecto.drop && sleep 3 && mix ecto.reset"
alias mxectomigrate="mix ecto.migrate"
alias mxgraph="mix xref graph --format dot && dot -Tpng -o xref_graph.png"
alias mxhexoutdated="mix hex.outdated --all | grep -ve 'Up-to-date' -e 'not possible'"
alias mxiex="iex -S mix"
alias mxlocals="mix local.hex --force && mix local.rebar --force"
alias mxrunnohalt="mix run --no-halt"
alias mxsrver="mix do deps.get, format, phx.server"
alias mxstup="mix setup"
export ERL_AFLAGS="-kernel shell_history enabled -kernel shell_history_file_bytes 1024000"
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