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Created August 9, 2019 18:57
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<ul uk-tab uk-switcher="animation: uk-animation-fade">
<li><a href="#">
<li><a href="#">
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<div id='loghtml'></div>
<div id='planned'></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
url: "/changelog/changelog.html",
dataType: "text", //数据格式
type: "get", //请求方式
async: true, //是否异步请求
success: function(data) {
let html_log = "";
html_log += data;
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
url: "/changelog/Planned.html",
dataType: "text", //数据格式
type: "get", //请求方式
async: true, //是否异步请求
success: function(data) {
let html_plan = "";
html_plan += data;
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