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Last active October 1, 2019 21:17
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Save ideag/5523992 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A very basic framework for creating front-end forms for WordPress.
// a framework to handle frontend form submission
// written by Arūnas Liuiza | tinyStudio |
// Usage: use [tiny_form1] shortcode or get_tiny_form1()/the_tiny_form1() template tags
// Arguments: one (optional) argument 'redirect': pass url where to redirect after successful login (default: false);
// Localization: replace 'theme' with your text domain string.
// ======= FORM 1 =====>
// return form #1
// usage: $result = get_tiny_form1();
function get_tiny_form1($redirect=false) {
$return = "<form action=\"\" method=\"post\" class=\"tiny_form tiny_form1\">\r\n";
// add as many inputs, selects, textareas as needed
$return .= " <p>
<label for=\"tiny_password\">".__('Password','theme')."</label>
<input type=\"password\" id=\"tiny_password\" name=\"password\"/>
// where to redirect on success
if ($redirect)
$return .= " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"redirect\" value=\"{$redirect}\">\r\n";
$return .= " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tiny_action\" value=\"form1\">\r\n";
$return .= " <button type=\"submit\">".__('Login','theme')."</button>\r\n";
$return .= "</form>\r\n";
return $return;
// print form #1
/* usage: <?php the_tiny_form1(); ?> */
function the_tiny_form1($redirect=false) {
echo get_tiny_form1($redirect);
// shortcode for form #1
// usage: [tiny_form1] in post/page content
function tiny_form1_shortcode ($atts,$content=false) {
$atts = shortcode_atts(array(
'redirect' => false
), $atts);
return get_tiny_form1($atts['redirect']);
// <============== FORM 1
// ======= FORM 2 =====>
// return form #2
// usage: $result = get_tiny_form2();
function get_tiny_form2($redirect=false) {
$return = "<form action=\"\" method=\"post\" class=\"tiny_form tiny_form2\">\r\n";
// add as many inputs, selects, textareas as needed
$return .= " <p>
<label for=\"tiny_password\">".__('Password','theme')."</label>
<input type=\"password\" id=\"tiny_password\" name=\"password\"/>
// where to redirect on success
if ($redirect)
$return .= " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"redirect\" value=\"{$redirect}\">\r\n";
// which action handler to use
$return .= " <input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tiny_action\" value=\"form2\">\r\n";
$return .= " <button type=\"submit\">".__('Login','theme')."</button>\r\n";
$return .= "</form>\r\n";
return $return;
// print form #1
/* usage: <?php the_tiny_form2(); ?> */
function the_tiny_form2($redirect=false) {
echo get_tiny_form2($redirect);
// shortcode for form #1
// usage: [tiny_form2] in post/page content
function tiny_form2_shortcode ($atts,$content=false) {
$atts = shortcode_atts(array(
'redirect' => false
), $atts);
return get_tiny_form2($atts['redirect']);
// <============== FORM 2
function tiny_handle() {
if (isset($_POST['tiny_action'])) {
switch ($_POST['tiny_action']) {
case 'form1':
// handle form #1 submission
// write data to db or perform other actions
// if actions vere successful
$success = true;
case 'form2':
// handle form #2 submission
// write data to db or perform other actions
// if actions vere successful
$success = true;
// add more cases if you have more forms
// if redirect is set and action was successful
if (isset($_POST['redirect']) && $_POST['redirect'] && $success) {
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