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Created August 20, 2012 14:26
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  • Save ideamonk/3404700 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ideamonk/3404700 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
; this solution reads the problem & wikipedia in order to find the answer :)
(ns one.core
(:require [net.cgrand.enlive-html :as html])
(:use [clojure.string :as str :only [split]] :reload))
; part one - encrypt & decrypt
(println "Task 1 - encrypts THECAKEISALIE and decrypts it back -")
(def N (count charset))
(defn value-for [x]
(.indexOf charset (str x)))
(defn char-for [x]
(nth charset x))
(defn combine [op & l]
(char-for (mod (reduce op (map value-for l)) N)))
(defn crypto [op]
(fn [subject op-key]
(apply str
(map #(combine op %1 %2) subject (cycle op-key)))))
(def encrypt (crypto +))
(def decrypt (crypto -))
(println (encrypt "THECAKEISALIE" "GLADOS"))
(println (decrypt "ZSEFOCKTSDZAK" "GLADOS"))
; now comes the juicy part -
; part two - find key and decrypt challenge
(println "Task 2 - decrypts challenge -")
; - [1]
(defn fetch-url
"gets an html resource for url"
(html/html-resource ( url)))
(defn cleanup
"replaces non-letters with replacement, defaults to space"
([dom] (cleanup dom " ")) ; - [2]
([dom replacement]
(.replaceAll (.toUpperCase (html/text dom)) "[^A-Z]" replacement)))
(println " ... fetching reddit post")
; grab reddit post & build search space
(def page-html (fetch-url "ère_cipher/"))
(def problem-html (second (html/select page-html [:div.usertext-body])))
(def problem-text (apply str (map cleanup (:content problem-html))))
(def key-space (set (split problem-text #"\s+")))
(def challenge-text (cleanup (nth (html/select problem-html [:pre]) 2) ""))
(defn get-words
"grabs n-hundred words from wiki"
([] (get-words 1))
(let [ words-html (fetch-url "") ]
(map #(.toUpperCase (first (:content %1)))
(html/select (take n (nthrest (html/select words-html [ :p]) 2)) [:a])))))
(println " ... fetching word frequency")
; grab 200 most frequent english words to do probabilistic match
(def words-en-200 (get-words 2))
(defn decryption-score
"scores decryption for similarity with English, returns [score, decryption, key-used] vector"
[decryption key-used]
[ (count (filter #(> (.indexOf decryption %1) 0) words-en-200)), decryption, key-used ])
(println " ... finding best match")
(def best-match (apply max-key first (pmap #(decryption-score (decrypt challenge-text %1) %1) key-space)))
(println "The secret message is - " (second best-match) " (" (first best-match) " matching words ). Key used - " (last best-match))
; Refs
; [1] -
; [2] -
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