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Last active December 26, 2023 10:25
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Playmaker VS Code Shortcut

Visual Studio Shortcuts


description keybinding
View: toggle terminal ctrl + ù
Go to line/column... ctrl + g
Change when expression ctrl + k + ctrl + e
Terminal clear ctrl + l
Outdent line ctrl + oem_4
Toggle fold ctrl + k + l
trim whitespace from a line ctrl + k + x
Transform to Lowercase ctrl + alt + l
Transform to Uppercase ctrl + alt + u
Toggle block comment shift + alt + a
select from anchor to cursor ctrl + k + k
set selection anchor ctrl + k + b
select all occurrences of find match ctrl + shift + l
Organize imports shift + alt + o
Indent line ctrl + ^
Open keyboard shortcut reference ctrl + k ctrl + r
Go to previous change shift + alt + f5
Go to Previous Problem shift + f8
Go to Next Problem f8
Go to last edition location ctrl + k + q
Go to implementation ctrl + f12
Go to bracket ctrl + shift + *
Format Selection shift + k + f
Format Document shift + alt + f
Fold All Block Comments ctrl + k + :
File save without formating ctrl + k + ctrl + shift + s
Open recent ctrl + r
Open folder or file ctrl + o
File: Open Active File in New Window ctrl + k o
File: New Untitled Text File ctrl + n
Delete Line ctrl + shift + k
Expand Line Selection ctrl + l
Expand Selection shift+ alt + right
Developer: Reload Window ctrl + r
New window ctrl + shift + n
Add cursor above ctrl + alt + up
Add cursor below ctrl + alt + down
Toggle line comment ctrl + oem_2
Copy line down shift + alt + down
Copy line up shift + alt + up
Preferences: Open Keyboard Shortcuts ctrl + k ctrl + s
Go Back alt + left
Go Forward alt + right
Quick Fix... ctrl + oem_period
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