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Last active May 14, 2024 07:17
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Issue Template

Multiple Issue Templates Arranged by Type

  1. Test issue template

TITLE : feat: create test for "<use_case_title>" use case <user_case_number>

The label should be named: Test with color: #

**User Story**
As a developer, I want to make sure that when I push code to <branche_name>, users can still <explain_your_action>.

**Quick description**
- On <page_name> page, allow <explain_your_action>.

**Nominal Process:**

1. Your First process
2. Your second process
3. Third process
4. process XYZ
  1. Bug issue template

TITLE : fix: <brief_description> The label should be named: Bug with color: #

**Describe the bug**
A clear and concise description of what the bug is. Ex. As a [user or developer], I want to...

**Steps to reproduce**
1. Go to '...'
2. Click on '....'
3. Scroll down to '....'
4. Run the following command line: <your_bash_script>
5. See error

If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.

**Reproducable on**
- [ ] <branch_name>
- [ ] <branch_name Ex.local>
- [ ] <branch_name Ex.staging>
- [ ] <branch_name>

**Expected output**

**Additional context**
Add any other context about the problem here.
  1. Feature issue template

TITLE : feat: <brief_description> The label should be called: <enchancement|feature|feat> with color: #a2eeef

**User story**
A clear and concise description of what the feature is. Ex. As a [user or developer], I want to...

 The main goal of your feature. Ex. Make sure that the user sees the success popup when, they validate a form.

 **Expected output**
A list of what to expect as a result, screenshot can be added
1. Your First expect
2. Your second expect
3. Third expect
4. expect XYZ 

**Some use cases**
A list of use cases from your documentation
1. Your First use case
2. Your second use case
3. Third use case
4. use case XYZ 

**Screenshots** (if any)
Additional Screenshots here

**Definition of done**
- [ ] <merged into branch_name?>
- [ ] <dev auto test? Ex.Test cases>
- [ ] <Added to the documentation? ex.Documentation>

New list Item starter

TITLE : <feat|fix|...>: <brief_description> <your_list_number>. ### <template_type> issue template

The label should be called: <template_type> with color: #

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