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Created October 2, 2014 01:10
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Browserify and Shim integration for window Base JS library via package.json
// Alias local file path for browserify
// so that they can be callable by shorter name in browserify
"browser": {
// alias name: 'local path (related to where package.json is?)'
"jquery": "./bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.js",
"jauery_ui": "./bower_components/jquery-ui/dist/jquery-ui.js",
"underscore": "./bower_components/underscore/underscore.js",
"backbone": "./bower_components/backbone-amd/backbone-min.js",
"modernizr": "./bower_components/modernizr/modernizr.dist.js",
"validator": "./bower_components/validator-js/validator.min.js"
// Setting for library dependency and so on
// Define shims in other file
// for later use of exporting global require object
// like in Gruntfile.js require same file as key reference
// : 'file path for setting'
"browserify-shim": "./config/shims.js",
# Simply exports an object
module.exports = {
# file_path_to_a_lib:
# exports: "when the library include noramly, it is available in window object by this key"
# depends:
# alias_name: "when this lib depends this lib via window object by this key"
# a lib just include then available in window object like jQuery
# exports as "$"
exports: "$"
# a lib depends on another lib, and it extends the dependant lib like jQuery-UI
# nothing to exports
depends: "jquery"
exports: "_"
# a lib depends on another lib expecting window object by some key like Backbone
# exports as "Backbone"
jquery: "$",
underscore: "_"
exports: "Backbone"
exports: "Modernizr"
exports: "validator"
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