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Created March 16, 2024 06:25
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package main
import "fmt"
type Set[T comparable] struct {
items map[T]struct{}
func NewSet[T comparable]() *Set[T] {
return &Set[T]{
items: make(map[T]struct{}),
func (s *Set[T]) Add(val T) {
s.items[val] = struct{}{}
func (s *Set[T]) Remove(val T) {
delete(s.items, val)
func (s *Set[T]) Pop() T {
if len(s.items) == 0 {
panic("Pop() from the emty Set")
for key := range s.items {
return key
var ans T
return ans
func (s *Set[T]) IsEmpty() bool {
return len(s.items) == 0
func (s *Set[T]) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", s.items)
type LFUCache[KeyT comparable, ValueT any] struct {
capacity int
values map[KeyT]ValueT
freqs map[KeyT]int
keys map[int]*Set[KeyT]
minFreq int
func NewLFUCache[KeyT comparable, ValueT any](capacity int) *LFUCache[KeyT, ValueT] {
return &LFUCache[KeyT, ValueT]{
capacity: capacity,
values: make(map[KeyT]ValueT),
freqs: make(map[KeyT]int),
keys: make(map[int]*Set[KeyT]),
minFreq: 0,
func (lfu *LFUCache[KeyT, ValueT]) Get(key KeyT) (any, bool) {
if _, ok := lfu.values[key]; !ok {
return nil, false
value := lfu.values[key]
freq := lfu.freqs[key]
lfu.update(key, value, freq)
return value, true
func (lfu *LFUCache[KeyT, ValueT]) Put(key KeyT, value ValueT) {
if _, ok := lfu.freqs[key]; ok {
freq := lfu.freqs[key]
lfu.update(key, value, freq)
} else {
if len(lfu.values) >= lfu.capacity {
lfu.values[key] = value
lfu.freqs[key] = 1
if _, ok := lfu.keys[1]; !ok {
lfu.keys[1] = NewSet[KeyT]()
lfu.minFreq = 1
func (lfu *LFUCache[KeyT, ValueT]) update(key KeyT, value ValueT, freq int) {
if lfu.keys[freq].IsEmpty() {
delete(lfu.keys, freq)
if lfu.minFreq == freq {
lfu.minFreq += 1
lfu.values[key] = value
lfu.freqs[key] = freq + 1
if _, ok := lfu.keys[freq+1]; !ok {
lfu.keys[freq+1] = NewSet[KeyT]()
func (lfu *LFUCache[KeyT, ValueT]) evict() {
key := lfu.keys[lfu.minFreq].Pop()
if lfu.keys[lfu.minFreq].IsEmpty() {
delete(lfu.keys, lfu.minFreq)
delete(lfu.values, key)
delete(lfu.freqs, key)
func main() {
Assert := func(ok bool) {
if !ok {
panic("Assertion is failed")
lfu := NewLFUCache[int, string](3)
lfu.Put(1, "A")
lfu.Put(2, "B")
got, ok := lfu.Get(1)
Assert(ok && got == "A")
lfu.Put(3, "C")
got, ok = lfu.Get(2)
Assert(ok && got == "B")
lfu.Put(4, "D")
got, ok = lfu.Get(3)
got, ok = lfu.Get(1)
Assert(ok && got == "A")
got, ok = lfu.Get(2)
Assert(ok && got == "B")
got, ok = lfu.Get(4)
Assert(ok && got == "D")
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