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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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In and Out Transforms with Reagent Cursor
(ns main.hello
[clojure.walk :as walk]
[reagent.core :as reagent :refer [atom]]))
; example state ratom
(def state (atom {:parentX {
:childX 42
:parentY {
:childY 23
:parentZ {
:childZ 7
(defmulti set-multi
(fn [k v] k))
(defmulti get-multi
(fn [k] k))
(defn set-get-multi
([k] (get-multi k))
([k v] (set-multi k v)))
;; cursors
(def cursorX (reagent/cursor set-get-multi [:parentX :childX]))
(def cursorY (reagent/cursor set-get-multi [:parentY :childY]))
(def cursorZ (reagent/cursor set-get-multi [:parentZ :childZ]))
(def cursorY-No-Out-Transform (reagent/cursor state [:parentY :childY]))
;; update function
(defn update! [s v]
(reset! s v))
;; transformers
(defn double-it [v]
(* v 2))
(defn make-keymap [string-map]
(walk/keywordize-keys string-map))
;; in-transforms, for matched paths and default
(defmethod set-multi :default [k v]
(swap! state assoc-in k v))
(defmethod set-multi [:parentX :childX] [k v]
(swap! state assoc-in k (double-it v)))
(defmethod set-multi [:parentZ :childZ] [k v]
(swap! state assoc-in k (make-keymap v)))
;; out-transforms, for matched paths and default
(defmethod get-multi :default [k]
(get-in @state k))
(defmethod get-multi [:parentY :childY] [k]
(double-it (get-in @state k)))
;; use the cursor to set a value
(update! cursorX 6)
;; log state to test in-transform
(println "in-transform changes actual value of cursor: node pointed to by cursorX is now 12 (2X value) after being set to 6 \n" @state)
;; node pointed to by cursorX is now 12 (2X value) after being set to 6
;; log cursor to test out-transform
(println "out-transform changes return value: cursorY returns 2X its actual value of 23, --> " @cursorY)
;; cursorY returns 2X its actual value
;; log state to test in-transform
(println "out-transform doesn't change actual value of cursor: node pointed to by cursorY still shows 23 as value \n" @state)
;; node pointed to by cursorY is still 23
(println "You can still get at cursorY's actual value via @cursorY-No-Transform " @cursorY-No-Out-Transform)
;; set curzorZ to string map
(update! cursorZ {"x" 5 "y" 6})
;; out-transform will keywordize the map
(println @cursorZ )
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Here is a better and more useful pattern using Protocols and Records:

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