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Created March 16, 2022 12:23
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module Any = {
// borrowed from
type t;
external make: 'a => t = "%identity";
external fromString: string => t = "%identity";
external fromInt: int => t = "%identity";
external unsafeToString: 'a => string = "%identity";
external unsafeToInt: 'a => int = "%identity";
external unsafeGetValue: t => 'a = "%identity";
module Symbol = {
type t = Js.t({.});
[@bs.val] [@bs.scope "Object"]
external _defineSymbol: ('a, t, 'b) => unit = "defineProperty";
let create: string => t = [%raw
function(key){ return Symbol(key) }
let getValue = (obj, symbol: t) =>
Js.Dict.unsafeGet(Obj.magic(obj), Obj.magic(symbol));
let setValue = (obj, symbol, value) =>
_defineSymbol(obj, symbol, {"value": value, "writable": false});
[@bs.send] external toString: t => string = "toString";
type event =
| DomContentLoadedEvent
| LoadedEvent
| FullSnapshotEvent
| IncrementalSnapshotEvent
| MetaEvent
| CustomEvent
| PluginEvent;
type eventWithTime = {
timestamp: int,
delay: option(int),
type playerProps;
external playerProps:
~events: array(eventWithTime)=?,
~width: int=?,
~height: int=?,
~autoPlay: bool=?,
~speed: int=?,
~speedOption: array(int)=?,
~showController: bool=?,
~tags: (string, string)=?,
) =>
module Player = {
[@bs.module "rrweb-player"] [@new] [@react.component]
// ~ref: ReactDOM.domRef,
external make:
(~target: Js.Nullable.t('a), ~props: playerProps=?) => React.element =
module Attributes: {
type t;
let string: string => t;
let number: int => t;
let bool: bool => t;
} = {
type t =
| Any('a): t;
let string = (v: string) => Any(v);
let number = (v: int) => Any(v);
let bool = (v: bool) => Any(v);
type attributes = Attributes.t;
type node =
| Document({
childNodes: array(node),
compatMode: option(string),
| DocumentType({
name: string,
publicId: string,
systemdId: string,
| Element({
tagName: string,
isSVG: option(bool),
needBlock: option(bool),
| Text({
textContent: string,
isStyle: option(bool),
| CDATA({textContent: string})
| Comment({textContent: string});
type serializedNode =
| Document({
childNodes: array(node),
compatMode: option(string),
rootId: option(int),
isShadowHost: option(bool),
isShadow: option(bool),
| DocumentType({
name: string,
publicId: string,
systemdId: string,
rootId: option(int),
isShadowHost: option(bool),
isShadow: option(bool),
| Element({
tagName: string,
isSVG: option(bool),
needBlock: option(bool),
rootId: option(int),
isShadowHost: option(bool),
isShadow: option(bool),
| Text({
textContent: string,
isStyle: option(bool),
rootId: option(int),
isShadowHost: option(bool),
isShadow: option(bool),
textContent: string,
rootId: option(int),
isShadowHost: option(bool),
isShadow: option(bool),
| Comment({
textContent: string,
rootId: option(int),
isShadowHost: option(bool),
isShadow: option(bool),
type serializedNodeWithId =
| Document({
childNodes: array(node),
compatMode: option(string),
rootId: option(int),
isShadowHost: option(bool),
isShadow: option(bool),
id: int,
| DocumentType({
name: string,
publicId: string,
systemdId: string,
rootId: option(int),
isShadowHost: option(bool),
isShadow: option(bool),
id: int,
| Element({
tagName: string,
isSVG: option(bool),
needBlock: option(bool),
rootId: option(int),
isShadowHost: option(bool),
isShadow: option(bool),
id: int,
| Text({
textContent: string,
isStyle: option(bool),
rootId: option(int),
isShadowHost: option(bool),
isShadow: option(bool),
id: int,
textContent: string,
rootId: option(int),
isShadowHost: option(bool),
isShadow: option(bool),
id: int,
| Comment({
textContent: string,
rootId: option(int),
isShadowHost: option(bool),
isShadow: option(bool),
id: int,
module Snapshot = {
type slimDOMOptions = {
script: bool,
comment: bool,
headFavicon: bool,
headWhitespace: bool,
headMetaDescKeywords: bool,
headMetaSocial: bool,
headMetaRobots: bool,
headMetaHttpEquiv: bool,
headMetaAuthorship: bool,
headMetaVerification: bool,
type slimDOM = {
type maskAllOptions = {
color: bool,
date: bool,
[@as "datetime-local"]
datetimeLocal: bool,
email: bool,
month: bool,
number: bool,
range: bool,
search: bool,
tel: bool,
text: bool,
time: bool,
url: bool,
week: bool,
// unify textarea and select element with text input
textarea: bool,
select: bool,
password: bool,
type maskAllInputs = {
type buildCache = {stylesWithHoverClass: (string, string)};
type dataURLOptions = {
[@as "type"]
type_: string,
quality: int,
type maskTextFn = (~text: string) => string;
type maskInputFn = (~text: string) => string;
type keepIframeSrcFn = (~src: string) => bool;
type unknown =
| Any('a): unknown;
type nodeType =
| Document
| DocumentType
| Element
| Text
| CData
| Comment
| Unknown;
type options;
external options:
~blockClass: string=?,
~blockSelector: string=?,
~maskTextClass: string=?,
~maskTextSelector: string=?,
~inlineStylesheet: bool=?,
~maskAllInputs: maskAllInputs=?,
~maskTextFn: maskTextFn=?,
~maskInputFn: maskTextFn=?,
~slimDOM: slimDOM=?,
~dataURLOptions: dataURLOptions=?,
~inlineImages: bool=?,
~recordCanvas: bool=?,
~preserveWhiteSpace: bool=?,
~onSerialize: node => unknown=?,
~onIframeLoad: (~iframeINode: node, ~node: serializedNodeWithId) =>
~iframeLoadTimeout: int=?,
~keepIframeSrcFn: keepIframeSrcFn=?,
) =>
type buildNodeOptions;
external buildNodeOptions:
~doc: Dom.document=?,
~skipChild: bool=?,
~hackCss: bool,
~afterAppend: (~n: node) => unknown=?,
~cache: buildCache,
) =>
type rebuildOptions;
external rebuildOptions:
~doc: Dom.document,
~onVisit: (~node: node) => unknown=?,
~hackCss: bool=?,
~afterAppend: (~n: node) => unknown=?,
~cache: buildCache,
) =>
[@bs.module "rrweb-snapshot"]
external snapshot: (~n: React.element, ~options: options=?) => unit =
[@bs.module "rrweb-snapshot"]
external serializedNodeWithId: (~n: node, ~options: options=?) => unit =
[@bs.module "rrweb-snapshot"]
external rebuild:
(~n: serializedNodeWithId, ~options: rebuildOptions) => unit =
[@bs.module "rrweb-snapshot"]
external buildNodeWithSN:
(~n: serializedNodeWithId, ~options: buildNodeOptions) =>
Js.Nullable.t(node) =
[@bs.module "rrweb-snapshot"]
external addHoverClass: (~cssText: string, ~cache: buildCache) => string =
[@bs.module "rrweb-snapshot"] external createCache: unit = "createCache";
[@bs.module "rrweb-snapshot"]
external transformAttribute:
~doc: Dom.document,
~tagName: string=?,
~name: string=?,
~value: string=?
) =>
unit =
[@bs.module "rrweb-snapshot"]
external visitSnapshot:
~node: serializedNodeWithId,
~onVisit: (~node: serializedNodeWithId) => unknown
) =>
unit =
[@bs.module "rrweb-snapshot"]
external cleanupSnapshot: unit = "cleanupSnapshot";
[@bs.module "rrweb-snapshot"]
external needMaskingText:
(~node: node=?, ~maskTextClass: string=?, ~maskTextSelector: string=?) =>
unit =
type throttleOptions = {
leading: bool,
trailing: bool,
module PropertyKey: {
type t;
let string: string => t;
let number: int => t;
let symbol: Symbol.t => t;
} = {
type t =
| Any('a): t;
let string = (v: string) => Any(v);
let number = (v: int) => Any(v);
let symbol = (v: Symbol.t) => Any(v);
type propertyKey = PropertyKey.t;
type propertyDescriptor = {
configurable: bool,
enumerable: bool,
value: Any.t,
writable: bool,
get: unit => Any.t,
set: (~v: Any.t) => unit,
module BlockClass: {
type t;
let string: string => t;
let regExp: Js.Re.t => t;
} = {
type t =
| Any('a): t;
let string = (v: string) => Any(v);
let regExp = (v: Js.Re.t) => Any(v);
type blockClass = BlockClass.t;
type addedNodeMutation = {
parentId: int,
previousId: int,
nextId: int,
node: serializedNodeWithId,
type resolveTree = {
value: addedNodeMutation,
children: array(resolveTree),
parent: Js.Nullable.t(resolveTree),
type documentDimension = {
x: int,
y: int,
relativeScale: int,
absoluteScale: int,
type mirror = {
map: node,
getId: (~n: node) => int,
getNode: (~id: int) => Js.Nullable.t(node),
removeNodeFromMap: (~n: node) => unit,
has: (~id: int) => bool,
reset: unit => unit,
type utils('t) = {
on: (~type_: string, ~fn: Dom.event => unit, ~target: Dom.document) => unit,
throttle: (~arg: 't, ~wait: int, ~options: throttleOptions=?) => unit,
~target: 't,
~key: propertyKey,
~d: propertyDescriptor,
~isRevoked: bool=?
) =>
patch: (~source: string, ~name: string, ~replacement: 't => Any.t) => unit,
getWindowHeight: unit => int,
getWindowWidth: unit => int,
isBlocked: (~node: node=?, ~blockClass: blockClass) => bool,
isIgnored: (~node: node) => bool,
isAncestorRemoved: (~target: node, ~mirror: mirror) => bool,
isTouchEvent: (~event: 't) => bool,
polyfill: (~win: Dom.window) => unit,
queueToResolveTrees: (~queue: addedNodeMutation) => resolveTree,
(~tree: resolveTree, ~cb: (~mutation: addedNodeMutation) => unit) => unit,
isIframeINode: (~node: node) => bool,
getBaseDimension: (~node: node, ~rootIframe: node) => documentDimension,
hasShadowRoot: (~n: 't) => bool,
[@module "rrweb"] external utils: utils('a) = "utils";
type emit('eventWithTime) = {emit: 'eventWithTime => unit};
[@module "rrweb"] [@new]
external record: emit('eventWithTime) => unit = "record";
[@module "rrweb"]
external addCustomEvent: (~tag: string, ~payload: 't) => unit =
[@module "rrweb"] external freezePage: unit => unit = "freezePage";
[@module "rrweb"] [@new] external replayer: 'a => unit = "Replayer";
[@module "rrweb"] external mirror: mirror = "mirror";
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