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Created August 20, 2020 00:14
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  • Save idkjs/d24b04a64a1375b255ae0aa1d409016b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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// This is a proper alternative to
// The one in that file uses Promise, but that's *wrong*.
// We only used promise as a demo of its API. We'll remove it soon.
// As you can see below, the pure XMLHttpRequest code is just as clean,
// less mysterious for all, more performant, extensible, and actually correct.
// Ignore these externals for now. They're just for illustration
// purposes. I just copy pasted the Js code from
// and translated it to Reason
// function reqListener () {
// console.log(this.responseText);
// }
// var oReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
// oReq.addEventListener("load", reqListener);
//"GET", "");
// oReq.send();
// dependencies
// [`@reasonml-community/graphql-ppx`](
let makeErrorJson = err => {
let error = Js.String.make(err);
let json = Js.Dict.empty();
Js.Dict.set(json, "error", Js.Json.string(error));
type dogs = array(GraphqlPpxXml.Query.t_dogs);
type decoder = Js.Json.t => dogs;
let decoder = (response: Js.Json.t) => {
// get data object off of response
let data = Obj.magic(response)##data;
let typedDogs: Query.Raw.t = Query.unsafe_fromJson(data);
let dogs = Query.parse(typedDogs).dogs;
type request;
type response;
[] external makeXMLHttpRequest: unit => request = "XMLHttpRequest";
external addEventListener: (request, string, unit => unit) => unit =
[@bs.get] external response: request => response = "response";
[@bs.send] external open_: (request, string, string) => unit = "open";
[@bs.send] external send: request => unit = "send";
[@bs.send] external abort: request => unit = "abort";
[@bs.scope "JSON"] [@bs.val]
external parseError: response => {. "message": string} = "parse";
[@bs.scope "JSON"] [@bs.val] external parseData: response => decoder = "parse";
// ================ real parallel example to that linked file now
let endpoint = "";
// we can use the query string because we are using `application/graphql` as content type.
let querystring = endpoint ++ Query.query; // ++ "sss";
type state =
| LoadingDogs
| ErrorFetchingDogs
| LoadedDogs(dogs);
let imageStyle =
~boxShadow="0px 4px 16px rgb(200, 200, 200)",
let make = () => {
let (state, setState) = React.useState(() => LoadingDogs);
// Notice that instead of `useEffect`, we have `useEffect0`. See
// for more info
React.useEffect0(() => {
let request = makeXMLHttpRequest();
request->addEventListener("load", () => {
setState(_previousState =>
request->addEventListener("error", () => {
let error = request->response->parseError;
Js.log2("An error occurred!", error);
setState(_previousState => ErrorFetchingDogs);
request->open_("Post", querystring);
// the return value is called by React's useEffect when the component unmounts
Some(() => {request->abort});
{switch (state) {
| ErrorFetchingDogs => React.string("An error occurred!")
| LoadingDogs => React.string("Loading...")
| LoadedDogs(dogs) =>
// this API doesn't let you limit number of dogs so we are getting the first 3
Js.Array.slice(~start=0,~end_= 3,dogs)
->Belt.Array.mapWithIndex((i, dog) => {
let dog = dog.imageUrl;
let imageStyle =
~marginRight=i === Js.Array.length(dogs) - 1 ? "0px" : "8px",
~boxShadow="0px 4px 16px rgb(200, 200, 200)",
<div key=dog style=imageStyle />;
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