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Created February 5, 2019 22:54
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# run `npx fetch-graphql-schema -o schema.graphql -r`
directive @rateLimit(max: Int, window: String, message: String, identityArgs: [String]) on FIELD_DEFINITION
type Address {
address: String
city: String
state: String
type Capsule {
id: ID
landings: Int
missions: [CapsuleMission]
original_launch: Date
reuse_count: Int
status: String
type: String
dragon: Dragon
type CapsuleMission {
flight: Int
name: String
input CapsulesFind {
id: ID
landings: Int
mission: String
original_launch: Date
reuse_count: Int
status: String
type: String
type Core {
asds_attempts: Int
asds_landings: Int
block: Int
id: ID
missions: [CapsuleMission]
original_launch: Date
reuse_count: Int
rtls_attempts: Int
rtls_landings: Int
status: String
water_landing: Boolean
type CoreMission {
name: String
flight: Int
input CoresFind {
asds_attempts: Int
asds_landings: Int
block: Int
id: String
missions: String
original_launch: Date
reuse_count: Int
rtls_attempts: Int
rtls_landings: Int
status: String
water_landing: Boolean
scalar Date
type Distance {
feet: Float
meters: Float
type Dragon {
active: Boolean
crew_capacity: Int
description: String
diameter: Distance
dry_mass_kg: Int
dry_mass_lb: Int
first_flight: String
heat_shield: DragonHeatShield
height_w_trunk: Distance
id: ID
launch_payload_mass: Mass
launch_payload_vol: Volume
name: String
orbit_duration_yr: Int
pressurized_capsule: DragonPressurizedCapsule
return_payload_mass: Mass
return_payload_vol: Volume
sidewall_angle_deg: Float
thrusters: [DragonThrust]
trunk: DragonTrunk
type: String
wikipedia: String
type DragonHeatShield {
dev_partner: String
material: String
size_meters: Float
temp_degrees: Int
type DragonPressurizedCapsule {
payload_volume: Volume
type DragonThrust {
amount: Int
fuel_1: String
fuel_2: String
pods: Int
thrust: Force
type: String
type DragonTrunk {
cargo: DragonTrunkCargo
trunk_volume: Volume
type DragonTrunkCargo {
solar_array: Int
unpressurized_cargo: Boolean
type Force {
kN: Float
lbf: Float
type History {
details: String
event_date_unix: Date
event_date_utc: Date
id: ID
links: Link
title: String
flight: Launch
input HistoryFind {
end: Date
flight_number: Int
id: ID
start: Date
type Info {
ceo: String
coo: String
cto_propulsion: String
cto: String
employees: Int
founded: Int
founder: String
headquarters: Address
launch_sites: Int
links: InfoLinks
name: String
summary: String
test_sites: Int
valuation: Float
vehicles: Int
type InfoLinks {
elon_twitter: String
flickr: String
twitter: String
website: String
type Landpad {
attempted_landings: String
details: String
full_name: String
id: ID
landing_type: String
location: Location
status: String
successful_landings: String
wikipedia: String
type Launch {
details: String
id: ID
is_tentative: Boolean
launch_date_local: Date
launch_date_unix: Date
launch_date_utc: Date
launch_site: LaunchSite
launch_success: Boolean
launch_year: String
links: LaunchLinks
mission_id: [String]
mission_name: String
rocket: LaunchRocket
static_fire_date_unix: Date
static_fire_date_utc: Date
telemetry: LaunchTelemetry
tentative_max_precision: String
upcoming: Boolean
ships: [Ship]
input LaunchFind {
apoapsis_km: Float
block: Int
cap_serial: String
capsule_reuse: String
core_flight: Int
core_reuse: String
core_serial: String
customer: String
eccentricity: Float
end: Date
epoch: Date
fairings_recovered: String
fairings_recovery_attempt: String
fairings_reuse: String
fairings_reused: String
fairings_ship: String
gridfins: String
id: ID
inclination_deg: Float
land_success: String
landing_intent: String
landing_type: String
landing_vehicle: String
launch_date_local: Date
launch_date_utc: Date
launch_success: String
launch_year: String
legs: String
lifespan_years: Float
longitude: Float
manufacturer: String
mean_motion: Float
mission_id: String
mission_name: String
nationality: String
norad_id: Int
orbit: String
payload_id: String
payload_type: String
periapsis_km: Float
period_min: Float
raan: Float
reference_system: String
regime: String
reused: String
rocket_id: String
rocket_name: String
rocket_type: String
second_stage_block: String
semi_major_axis_km: Float
ship: String
side_core1_reuse: String
side_core2_reuse: String
site_id: String
site_name_long: String
site_name: String
start: Date
tbd: String
tentative_max_precision: String
tentative: String
type LaunchLinks {
article_link: String
flickr_images: [String]
mission_patch_small: String
mission_patch: String
presskit: String
reddit_campaign: String
reddit_launch: String
reddit_media: String
reddit_recovery: String
video_link: String
wikipedia: String
type Launchpad {
attempted_launches: Int
details: String
id: ID
location: Location
name: String
status: String
successful_launches: Int
vehicles_launched: [Rocket]
wikipedia: String
type LaunchRocket {
fairings: LaunchRocketFairings
first_stage: LaunchRocketFirstStage
rocket_name: String
rocket_type: String
rocket: Rocket
second_stage: LaunchRocketSecondStage
type LaunchRocketFairings {
recovered: Boolean
recovery_attempt: Boolean
reused: Boolean
ship: String
type LaunchRocketFirstStage {
cores: [LaunchRocketFirstStageCore]
type LaunchRocketFirstStageCore {
block: Int
core: Core
flight: Int
gridfins: Boolean
land_success: Boolean
landing_intent: Boolean
landing_type: String
landing_vehicle: String
legs: Boolean
reused: Boolean
type LaunchRocketSecondStage {
block: Int
payloads: [Payload]
type LaunchSite {
site_id: String
site_name_long: String
site_name: String
type LaunchTelemetry {
flight_club: String
type Link {
article: String
reddit: String
wikipedia: String
type Location {
latitude: Float
longitude: Float
name: String
region: String
type Mass {
kg: Int
lb: Int
type Mission {
description: String
id: ID
manufacturers: [String]
name: String
twitter: String
website: String
wikipedia: String
payloads: [Payload]
input MissionsFind {
id: ID
manufacturer: String
name: String
payload_id: String
scalar ObjectID
type Payload {
customers: [String]
id: ID
manufacturer: String
nationality: String
norad_id: [Int]
orbit_params: PayloadOrbitParams
orbit: String
payload_mass_kg: Float
payload_mass_lbs: Float
payload_type: String
reused: Boolean
type PayloadOrbitParams {
apoapsis_km: Float
arg_of_pericenter: Float
eccentricity: Float
epoch: Date
inclination_deg: Float
lifespan_years: Float
longitude: Float
mean_anomaly: Float
mean_motion: Float
periapsis_km: Float
period_min: Float
raan: Float
reference_system: String
regime: String
semi_major_axis_km: Float
input PayloadsFind {
apoapsis_km: Float
customer: String
eccentricity: Float
epoch: Date
inclination_deg: Float
lifespan_years: Float
longitude: Float
manufacturer: String
mean_motion: Float
nationality: String
norad_id: Int
orbit: String
payload_id: ID
payload_type: String
periapsis_km: Float
period_min: Float
raan: Float
reference_system: String
regime: String
reused: Boolean
semi_major_axis_km: Float
type Query {
capsules(find: CapsulesFind, limit: Int, offset: Int, order: String, sort: String): [Capsule]
capsulesPast(find: CapsulesFind, limit: Int, offset: Int, order: String, sort: String): [Capsule]
capsulesUpcoming(find: CapsulesFind, limit: Int, offset: Int, order: String, sort: String): [Capsule]
capsule(id: ID!): Capsule
company: Info
cores(find: CoresFind, limit: Int, offset: Int, order: String, sort: String): [Core]
coresPast(find: CoresFind, limit: Int, offset: Int, order: String, sort: String): [Core]
coresUpcoming(find: CoresFind, limit: Int, offset: Int, order: String, sort: String): [Core]
core(id: ID!): Core
dragons(limit: Int, offset: Int): [Dragon]
dragon(id: ID!): Dragon
histories(find: HistoryFind, limit: Int, offset: Int, order: String, sort: String): [History]
history(id: ID!): History
landpads(limit: Int, offset: Int): [Landpad]
landpad(id: ID!): Landpad
launches(find: LaunchFind, limit: Int, offset: Int, order: String, sort: String): [Launch]
launchesPast(find: LaunchFind, limit: Int, offset: Int, order: String, sort: String): [Launch]
launchesUpcoming(find: LaunchFind, limit: Int, offset: Int, order: String, sort: String): [Launch]
launch(id: ID!): Launch
launchLatest(offset: Int): Launch
launchNext(offset: Int): Launch
launchpads(limit: Int, offset: Int): [Launchpad]
launchpad(id: ID!): Launchpad
missions(find: MissionsFind, limit: Int, offset: Int): [Mission]
mission(id: ID!): Mission
payloads(find: PayloadsFind, limit: Int, offset: Int, order: String, sort: String): [Payload]
payload(id: ID!): Payload
roadster: Roadster
rockets(limit: Int, offset: Int): [Rocket]
rocket(id: ID!): Rocket
ships(find: ShipsFind, limit: Int, offset: Int, order: String, sort: String): [Ship]
ship(id: ID!): Ship
type Roadster {
apoapsis_au: Float
details: String
earth_distance_km: Float
earth_distance_mi: Float
eccentricity: Float
epoch_jd: Float
inclination: Float
launch_date_unix: Date
launch_date_utc: Date
launch_mass_kg: Int
launch_mass_lbs: Int
longitude: Float
mars_distance_km: Float
mars_distance_mi: Float
name: String
norad_id: Int
orbit_type: Float
periapsis_arg: Float
periapsis_au: Float
period_days: Float
semi_major_axis_au: Float
speed_kph: Float
speed_mph: Float
wikipedia: String
type Rocket {
active: Boolean
boosters: Int
company: String
cost_per_launch: Int
country: String
description: String
diameter: Distance
engines: RocketEngines
first_flight: Date
first_stage: RocketFirstStage
height: Distance
id: ID
landing_legs: RocketLandingLegs
mass: Mass
name: String
payload_weights: [RocketPayloadWeight]
second_stage: RocketSecondStage
stages: Int
success_rate_pct: Int
type: String
wikipedia: String
type RocketEngines {
number: Int
type: String
version: String
layout: String
engine_loss_max: String
propellant_1: String
propellant_2: String
thrust_sea_level: Force
thrust_vacuum: Force
thrust_to_weight: Float
type RocketFirstStage {
burn_time_sec: Int
engines: Int
fuel_amount_tons: Float
reusable: Boolean
thrust_sea_level: Force
thrust_vacuum: Force
type RocketLandingLegs {
number: Int
material: String
type RocketPayloadWeight {
id: String
kg: Int
lb: Int
name: String
type RocketSecondStage {
burn_time_sec: Int
engines: Int
fuel_amount_tons: Float
payloads: RocketSecondStagePayloads
thrust: Force
type RocketSecondStagePayloadCompositeFairing {
height: Distance
diameter: Distance
type RocketSecondStagePayloads {
option_1: String
composite_fairing: RocketSecondStagePayloadCompositeFairing
type Ship {
abs: Int
active: Boolean
attempted_landings: Int
class: Int
course_deg: Int
home_port: String
id: ID
image: String
imo: Int
missions: [ShipMission]
mmsi: Int
model: String
name: String
position: ShipLocation
roles: [String]
speed_kn: Float
status: String
successful_landings: Int
type: String
url: String
weight_kg: Int
weight_lbs: Int
year_built: Int
type ShipLocation {
latitude: Float
longitude: Float
type ShipMission {
flight: String
name: String
input ShipsFind {
id: ID
name: String
model: String
type: String
role: String
active: Boolean
imo: Int
mmsi: Int
abs: Int
class: Int
weight_lbs: Int
weight_kg: Int
year_built: Int
home_port: String
status: String
speed_kn: Int
course_deg: Int
latitude: Float
longitude: Float
successful_landings: Int
attempted_landings: Int
mission: String
type Volume {
cubic_feet: Int
cubic_meters: Int
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