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Created November 19, 2023 01:28
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This script provides a user-friendly interface for locking and unlocking LUKS-encrypted volumes. It supports custom mount points, prompts for user input when necessary, and includes robust error handling for a smooth experience. Default actions are provided for ease of use, with the flexibility to specify devices and mount paths as arguments.
# Usage:
# Unlock a LUKS volume with a specified device and default mount path:
# ./ unlock /dev/sdx1
# Unlock a LUKS volume with a specified device and custom mount path:
# ./ unlock /dev/sdx1 /mnt/custom_mount
# Lock a LUKS volume with the default mount path:
# ./ lock
# Lock a LUKS volume with a custom mount path:
# ./ lock /mnt/custom_mount
# Interactive mode: prompts for action (unlock/lock) and required paths:
# ./
# Default mount path
# Function to unlock the LUKS volume
unlock_volume() {
local device=$1
local mount_path=${2:-$DEFAULT_MOUNT_PATH}
# Open the LUKS volume
echo "Opening the LUKS volume..."
if sudo cryptsetup open "$device" luks_volume; then
echo "LUKS volume opened successfully."
# Create a mount point and mount the volume
echo "Mounting the LUKS volume at $mount_path..."
mkdir -p "$mount_path"
if sudo mount /dev/mapper/luks_volume "$mount_path"; then
echo "The device $device is now unlocked and mounted at $mount_path."
echo "Failed to mount the LUKS volume."
# If mount fails, close the LUKS volume to clean up
sudo cryptsetup close luks_volume
exit 1
echo "Failed to open the LUKS volume."
exit 1
# Function to lock the LUKS volume
lock_volume() {
local mount_path=${1:-$DEFAULT_MOUNT_PATH}
# Check if the mount point is actually mounted
if mountpoint -q "$mount_path"; then
# Unmount the volume
echo "Unmounting the LUKS volume..."
if sudo umount "$mount_path"; then
echo "LUKS volume unmounted successfully."
echo "Failed to unmount the LUKS volume."
exit 1
echo "No LUKS volume mounted at $mount_path."
# Close the LUKS volume
echo "Closing the LUKS volume..."
if sudo cryptsetup close luks_volume; then
echo "The LUKS volume is now locked."
echo "Failed to close the LUKS volume."
exit 1
# Main script logic
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]]; then
# No arguments provided, prompt the user for action
echo "Please select an action:"
echo "1) Unlock LUKS volume"
echo "2) Lock LUKS volume"
read -rp "Enter your choice (1 or 2): " action
case $action in
read -rp "Enter the LUKS device to unlock (e.g., /dev/mmcblk0p2): " DEVICE
unlock_volume "$DEVICE"
read -rp "Enter the mount path to lock (default: $DEFAULT_MOUNT_PATH): " MOUNT_PATH
echo "Invalid choice. Exiting."
exit 1
elif [[ $1 == "unlock" ]]; then
# Unlock action specified
if [[ -n $2 ]]; then
# Device provided as argument
unlock_volume "$2" "$3"
# No device provided, prompt the user
read -rp "Enter the LUKS device to unlock (e.g., /dev/mmcblk0p2): " DEVICE
unlock_volume "$DEVICE"
elif [[ $1 == "lock" ]]; then
# Lock action specified
lock_volume "$2"
echo "Invalid action. Usage: $0 [unlock|lock] [device] [mount_path]"
exit 1
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