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Created May 4, 2017 12:52
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  • Save idl0r/02202b5f8fc58f9c0382c6dd7c1127c9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save idl0r/02202b5f8fc58f9c0382c6dd7c1127c9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
14:30:10 FileGen::init() - creating required directories
14:30:10 created 8 extra paths
14:30:10 Please enter your database credentials.
Press any key to continue: 
14:30:11 select a numerical index to use the corresponding entry
14:30:11 [0] aowow OK mysqli://<hidden>:****************@localhost/<hidden> table prefix: aowow_
14:30:11 [1] world OK mysqli://<hidden>:****************@localhost/<hidden>
14:30:11 [2] auth OK mysqli://<hidden>:****************@localhost/<hidden>
14:30:11 [3] add an additional Character DB

14:30:12 [INFO] leaving db setup...
14:30:12 SITE_HOST and STATIC_HOST must be set. Also enable FORCE_SSL if needed. You may also want to change other variables such as NAME, NAME_SHORT OR LOCALES.
Press any key to continue: 
14:30:16 select a numerical index to use the corresponding entry
14:30:16 ===== Site =====
14:30:16 [3] AOWOW BATTLEGROUP [str] Pure Pwnage
14:30:16 [4] AOWOW BOARD_URL [str]
14:30:16 [5] AOWOW CONTACT_EMAIL [str]
14:30:16 [6] AOWOW DEBUG [bool] <Disabled>
14:30:16 [7] AOWOW FORCE_SSL [bool] <Disabled>
14:30:16 [8] AOWOW LOCALES [mask] [x]English [ ]French [ ]German [ ]Spanish [ ]Russian
14:30:16 [9] AOWOW MAINTENANCE [bool] <Disabled>
14:30:16 [10] AOWOW NAME [str] Aowow Database Viewer (ADV)
14:30:16 [11] AOWOW NAME_SHORT [str] Aowow
14:30:16 [12] AOWOW SCREENSHOT_MIN_SIZE [int] 200
14:30:16 [13] AOWOW SITE_HOST [str] <hidden>
14:30:16 [14] AOWOW SQL_LIMIT_DEFAULT [int] 300
14:30:16 [15] AOWOW SQL_LIMIT_NONE [int] 0
14:30:16 [16] AOWOW SQL_LIMIT_QUICKSEARCH [int] 10
14:30:16 [17] AOWOW SQL_LIMIT_SEARCH [int] 500
14:30:16 [18] AOWOW STATIC_HOST [str] <hidden>
14:30:16 [19] AOWOW TTL_RSS [int] 60
14:30:16 [20] AOWOW USER_MAX_VOTES [int] 50
14:30:16 ===== Caching =====
14:30:16 [21] AOWOW CACHE_DECAY [int] 25200
14:30:16 [22] AOWOW CACHE_DIR <empty>
14:30:16 [23] AOWOW CACHE_MODE [mask] [x]filecache [ ]memcached
14:30:16 ===== Account =====
14:30:16 [24] AOWOW ACC_ALLOW_REGISTER [bool] <Enabled>
14:30:16 [25] AOWOW ACC_AUTH_MODE [opt] [x]aowow [ ]TC auth-table [ ]external script
14:30:16 [26] AOWOW ACC_CREATE_SAVE_DECAY [int] 604800
14:30:16 [27] AOWOW ACC_FAILED_AUTH_BLOCK [int] 900
14:30:16 [28] AOWOW ACC_FAILED_AUTH_COUNT [int] 5
14:30:16 [29] AOWOW ACC_RECOVERY_DECAY [int] 300
14:30:16 ===== Session =====
14:30:16 [30] PHP session.gc_divisor [str] 100
14:30:16 [31] PHP session.gc_maxlifetime [str] 604800
14:30:16 [32] PHP session.gc_probability [str] 1
14:30:16 [33] AOWOW SESSION_CACHE_DIR <empty>
14:30:16 [34] AOWOW SESSION_TIMEOUT_DELAY [int] 3600
14:30:16 ===== Site Reputation =====
14:30:16 [35] AOWOW REP_REQ_COMMENT [int] 75
14:30:16 [36] AOWOW REP_REQ_DOWNVOTE [int] 250
14:30:16 [37] AOWOW REP_REQ_PREMIUM [int] 25000
14:30:16 [38] AOWOW REP_REQ_REPLY [int] 75
14:30:16 [39] AOWOW REP_REQ_SUPERVOTE [int] 2500
14:30:16 [40] AOWOW REP_REQ_UPVOTE [int] 125
14:30:16 [41] AOWOW REP_REQ_VOTEMORE_ADD [int] 250
14:30:16 [42] AOWOW REP_REQ_VOTEMORE_BASE [int] 2000
14:30:16 [43] AOWOW REP_REWARD_ARTICLE [int] 100
14:30:16 [44] AOWOW REP_REWARD_BAD_REPORT [int] 0
14:30:16 [45] AOWOW REP_REWARD_COMMENT [int] 1
14:30:16 [46] AOWOW REP_REWARD_DAILYVISIT [int] 5
14:30:16 [47] AOWOW REP_REWARD_DOWNVOTED [int] 0
14:30:16 [48] AOWOW REP_REWARD_GOOD_REPORT [int] 10
14:30:16 [49] AOWOW REP_REWARD_REGISTER [int] 100
14:30:16 [50] AOWOW REP_REWARD_UPLOAD [int] 10
14:30:16 [51] AOWOW REP_REWARD_UPVOTED [int] 5
14:30:16 [52] AOWOW REP_REWARD_USER_SUSPENDED [int] -200
14:30:16 [53] AOWOW REP_REWARD_USER_WARNED [int] -50
14:30:16 ===== Google Analytics =====
14:30:16 [54] AOWOW ANALYTICS_USER <empty>
14:30:16 ===== Other =====
14:30:16 [0] PHP default_charset [str] UTF-8
14:30:16 [1] PHP memory_limit [str] 3500M
14:30:16 [2] PHP serialize_precision [int] 5
14:30:16 [55] add another php configuration

14:30:16 [INFO] site configuration aborted
14:30:16 SqlGen::generate() - copying achievement_category.dbc into aowow_achievementcategory
14:30:16 reading MPQdata from setup/mpqdata/ to list for first time use...
14:30:17 done
14:30:17 - reading and merging achievement_category.dbc for locales 0
14:30:17 SqlGen::generate() - copying achievement_criteria.dbc into aowow_achievementcriteria
14:30:17 - reading and merging achievement_criteria.dbc for locales 0
14:30:18 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_glyphproperties with data
14:30:18 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_itemenchantment with data
14:30:18 SqlGen::generate() - copying spellitemenchantmentcondition.dbc into aowow_itemenchantmentcondition
14:30:18 - reading spellitemenchantmentcondition.dbc for locales 0
14:30:18 SqlGen::generate() - copying itemextendedcost.dbc into aowow_itemextendedcost
14:30:18 - reading itemextendedcost.dbc for locales 0
14:30:18 SqlGen::generate() - copying itemlimitcategory.dbc into aowow_itemlimitcategory
14:30:18 - reading and merging itemlimitcategory.dbc for locales 0
14:30:18 SqlGen::generate() - copying randproppoints.dbc into aowow_itemrandomproppoints
14:30:18 - reading randproppoints.dbc for locales 0
14:30:18 SqlGen::generate() - copying lock.dbc into aowow_lock
14:30:18 - reading lock.dbc for locales 0
14:30:18 SqlGen::generate() - copying mailtemplate.dbc into aowow_mailtemplate
14:30:18 - reading and merging mailtemplate.dbc for locales 0
14:30:18 SqlGen::generate() - copying scalingstatdistribution.dbc into aowow_scalingstatdistribution
14:30:18 - reading scalingstatdistribution.dbc for locales 0
14:30:18 SqlGen::generate() - copying scalingstatvalues.dbc into aowow_scalingstatvalues
14:30:18 - reading scalingstatvalues.dbc for locales 0
14:30:18 SqlGen::generate() - copying spellfocusobject.dbc into aowow_spellfocusobject
14:30:18 - reading and merging spellfocusobject.dbc for locales 0
14:30:18 SqlGen::generate() - copying spellrange.dbc into aowow_spellrange
14:30:18 - reading and merging spellrange.dbc for locales 0
14:30:18 SqlGen::generate() - copying spelldescriptionvariables.dbc into aowow_spellvariables
14:30:18 - reading spelldescriptionvariables.dbc for locales 0
14:30:18 SqlGen::generate() - copying totemcategory.dbc into aowow_totemcategory
14:30:18 - reading and merging totemcategory.dbc for locales 0
14:30:18 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_talents with data
14:30:18 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_classes with data
14:30:19 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_factions with data
14:30:19 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_factiontemplate with data
14:30:19 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_holidays with data
14:30:19 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_icons with data
14:30:20 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_itemrandomenchant with data
14:30:20 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_races with data
14:30:20 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_shapeshiftforms with data
14:30:20 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_skillline with data
14:30:20 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_emotes with data
14:30:20 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_achievement with data
14:30:20 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_creature with data
14:30:20 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_currencies with data
14:30:20 [WARN] item #37711 required by currency #1 not in item_template
14:30:20 [WARN] item #37742 required by currency #2 not in item_template
14:30:20 [WARN] item #29434 required by currency #42 not in item_template
14:30:20 [WARN] item #41596 required by currency #61 not in item_template
14:30:20 [WARN] item #43016 required by currency #81 not in item_template
14:30:20 [WARN] item #44990 required by currency #241 not in item_template
14:30:20 [WARN] item #43307 required by currency #103 not in item_template
14:30:20 [WARN] item #43308 required by currency #104 not in item_template
14:30:20 [WARN] item #20560 required by currency #121 not in item_template
14:30:20 [WARN] item #20559 required by currency #122 not in item_template
14:30:20 [WARN] item #29024 required by currency #123 not in item_template
14:30:20 [WARN] item #42425 required by currency #124 not in item_template
14:30:20 [WARN] item #20558 required by currency #125 not in item_template
14:30:20 [WARN] item #43589 required by currency #126 not in item_template
14:30:20 [WARN] item #43228 required by currency #161 not in item_template
14:30:20 [WARN] item #44209 required by currency #181 not in item_template
14:30:20 [WARN] item #37836 required by currency #201 not in item_template
14:30:20 [WARN] item #47395 required by currency #321 not in item_template
14:30:20 [WARN] item #38644 required by currency #4 not in item_template
14:30:20 [WARN] item #40752 required by currency #101 not in item_template
14:30:20 [WARN] item #40753 required by currency #102 not in item_template
14:30:20 [WARN] item #45624 required by currency #221 not in item_template
14:30:20 [WARN] item #47241 required by currency #301 not in item_template
14:30:20 [WARN] item #49426 required by currency #341 not in item_template
14:30:20 [WARN] item #41749 required by currency #22 not in item_template
14:30:20 [WARN] item #43949 required by currency #141 not in item_template
14:30:20 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_events with data
14:30:20 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_objects with data
14:30:20 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_pet with data
14:30:21 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_quests with data
14:30:21 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_quests_startend with data
14:30:21 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_spell with data
14:30:21 - merging serverside spells into spell.dbc
14:30:21 - filling aowow_spell
14:30:21 * sets 1 - 3500
14:30:21 * sets 3501 - 6615
14:30:22 * sets 6616 - 8373
14:30:22 * sets 8374 - 10596
14:30:23 * sets 10597 - 12731
14:30:23 * sets 12732 - 14592
14:30:24 * sets 14593 - 16161
14:30:24 * sets 16162 - 17667
14:30:25 * sets 17668 - 19386
14:30:25 * sets 19387 - 21057
14:30:26 * sets 21058 - 23042
14:30:26 * sets 23043 - 24626
14:30:27 * sets 24627 - 26197
14:30:27 * sets 26198 - 27873
14:30:28 * sets 27874 - 29319
14:30:28 * sets 29320 - 30800
14:30:29 * sets 30801 - 32248
14:30:30 * sets 32249 - 33582
14:30:30 * sets 33583 - 34885
14:30:31 * sets 34886 - 36228
14:30:31 * sets 36229 - 37526
14:30:32 * sets 37527 - 38836
14:30:32 * sets 38837 - 40118
14:30:33 * sets 40119 - 41257
14:30:33 * sets 41258 - 42401
14:30:34 * sets 42402 - 43636
14:30:34 * sets 43637 - 44853
14:30:35 * sets 44854 - 46073
14:30:35 * sets 46074 - 47285
14:30:36 * sets 47286 - 48516
14:30:36 * sets 48517 - 49796
14:30:37 * sets 49797 - 50965
14:30:37 * sets 50966 - 52082
14:30:38 * sets 52083 - 53185
14:30:38 * sets 53186 - 54321
14:30:39 * sets 54322 - 55420
14:30:40 * sets 55421 - 56530
14:30:40 * sets 56531 - 57599
14:30:41 * sets 57600 - 58718
14:30:41 * sets 58719 - 59832
14:30:42 * sets 59833 - 60916
14:30:42 * sets 60917 - 62137
14:30:43 * sets 62138 - 63428
14:30:43 * sets 63429 - 64679
14:30:44 * sets 64680 - 66364
14:30:44 * sets 66365 - 67802
14:30:45 * sets 67803 - 69740
14:30:45 * sets 69741 - 71258
14:30:46 * sets 71259 - 72813
14:30:46 * sets 72814 - 80864
14:30:47 - linking with skillineability
14:30:48 - linking with talent
14:30:48 - misc fixups & icons
14:30:51 - applying categories
14:30:52 - fixing glyph data
14:30:52 [WARN] could not match Glyph of the White Bear (54292) with affected spells
14:31:03 [WARN] could not match Glyph of the Black Bear (58132) with affected spells
14:31:11 [WARN] could not match Glyph of the Ghoul (58686) with affected spells
14:31:16 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_spelldifficulty with data
14:31:16 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_taxi with data
14:31:16 [WARN] - [1] "Northshire Abbey" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [2] "Stormwind, Elwynn" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [4] "Sentinel Hill, Westfall" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [5] "Lakeshire, Redridge" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [6] "Ironforge, Dun Morogh" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [7] "Menethil Harbor, Wetlands" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [8] "Thelsamar, Loch Modan" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [9] "Booty Bay, Stranglethorn" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [10] "The Sepulcher, Silverpine Forest" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [11] "Undercity, Tirisfal" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [12] "Darkshire, Duskwood" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [13] "Tarren Mill, Hillsbrad" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [14] "Southshore, Hillsbrad" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [16] "Refuge Pointe, Arathi" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [17] "Hammerfall, Arathi" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [18] "Booty Bay, Stranglethorn" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [19] "Booty Bay, Stranglethorn" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [20] "Grom'gol, Stranglethorn" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [21] "Kargath, Badlands" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [22] "Thunder Bluff, Mulgore" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [23] "Orgrimmar, Durotar" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [24] "Generic, World Target 002" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [25] "Crossroads, The Barrens" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [26] "Auberdine, Darkshore" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [27] "Rut'theran Village, Teldrassil" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [28] "Astranaar, Ashenvale" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [29] "Sun Rock Retreat, Stonetalon Mountains" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [30] "Freewind Post, Thousand Needles" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [31] "Thalanaar, Feralas" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [32] "Theramore, Dustwallow Marsh" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [33] "Stonetalon Peak, Stonetalon Mountains" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [36] "Generic, World Target 001" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [37] "Nijel's Point, Desolace" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [38] "Shadowprey Village, Desolace" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [39] "Gadgetzan, Tanaris" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [40] "Gadgetzan, Tanaris" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [41] "Feathermoon, Feralas" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [42] "Camp Mojache, Feralas" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [43] "Aerie Peak, The Hinterlands" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [44] "Valormok, Azshara" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [45] "Nethergarde Keep, Blasted Lands" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [48] "Bloodvenom Post, Felwood" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [49] "Moonglade" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [52] "Everlook, Winterspring" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [53] "Everlook, Winterspring" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [55] "Brackenwall Village, Dustwallow Marsh" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [56] "Stonard, Swamp of Sorrows" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [57] "Fishing Village, Teldrassil" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [58] "Zoram'gar Outpost, Ashenvale" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [61] "Splintertree Post, Ashenvale" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [62] "Nighthaven, Moonglade" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [63] "Nighthaven, Moonglade" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [64] "Talrendis Point, Azshara" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [65] "Talonbranch Glade, Felwood" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [66] "Chillwind Camp, Western Plaguelands" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [67] "Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [68] "Light's Hope Chapel, Eastern Plaguelands" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [69] "Moonglade" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [70] "Flame Crest, Burning Steppes" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [71] "Morgan's Vigil, Burning Steppes" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [72] "Cenarion Hold, Silithus" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [73] "Cenarion Hold, Silithus" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [74] "Thorium Point, Searing Gorge" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [75] "Thorium Point, Searing Gorge" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [76] "Revantusk Village, The Hinterlands" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [77] "Camp Taurajo, The Barrens" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [78] "Naxxramas" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [79] "Marshal's Refuge, Un'Goro Crater" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [80] "Ratchet, The Barrens" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [84] "Plaguewood Tower, Eastern Plaguelands" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [85] "Northpass Tower, Eastern Plaguelands" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [86] "Eastwall Tower, Eastern Plaguelands" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [87] "Crown Guard Tower, Eastern Plaguelands" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [99] "Thrallmar, Hellfire Peninsula" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [100] "Honor Hold, Hellfire Peninsula" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [101] "Temple of Telhamat, Hellfire Peninsula" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [102] "Falcon Watch, Hellfire Peninsula" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [117] "Telredor, Zangarmarsh" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [118] "Zabra'jin, Zangarmarsh" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [119] "Telaar, Nagrand" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [120] "Garadar, Nagrand" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [121] "Allerian Stronghold, Terokkar Forest" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [122] "Area 52, Netherstorm" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [123] "Shadowmoon Village, Shadowmoon Valley" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [124] "Wildhammer Stronghold, Shadowmoon Valley" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [125] "Sylvanaar, Blade's Edge Mountains" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [126] "Thunderlord Stronghold, Blade's Edge Mountains" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [127] "Stonebreaker Hold, Terokkar Forest" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [128] "Shattrath, Terokkar Forest" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [129] "Hellfire Peninsula, The Dark Portal, Alliance" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [130] "Hellfire Peninsula, The Dark Portal, Horde" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [139] "The Stormspire, Netherstorm" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [140] "Altar of Sha'tar, Shadowmoon Valley" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [141] "Spinebreaker Ridge, Hellfire Peninsula" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [142] "Hellfire Peninsula - Reaver's Fall" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [147] "Hellfire Peninsula - Force Camp Beach Head" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [149] "Shatter Point, Hellfire Peninsula" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [150] "Cosmowrench, Netherstorm" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [151] "Swamprat Post, Zangarmarsh" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [156] "Toshley's Station, Blade's Edge Mountains" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [159] "Sanctum of the Stars, Shadowmoon Valley" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [160] "Evergrove, Blade's Edge Mountains" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [163] "Mok'Nathal Village, Blade's Edge Mountains" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [164] "Orebor Harborage, Zangarmarsh" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [166] "Emerald Sanctuary, Felwood" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [167] "Forest Song, Ashenvale" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [168] "Filming" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [171] "Skettis" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [172] "Ogri'La" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [179] "Mudsprocket, Dustwallow Marsh" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [183] "Valgarde Port, Howling Fjord" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [184] "Fort Wildervar, Howling Fjord" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [185] "Westguard Keep, Howling Fjord" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [190] "New Agamand, Howling Fjord" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [191] "Vengeance Landing, Howling Fjord" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [192] "Camp Winterhoof, Howling Fjord" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [195] "Rebel Camp, Stranglethorn Vale" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [197] "Test SP2" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [216] "" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [217] "" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [220] "" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [221] "Amber Ledge, Borean (To Beryl)" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [222] "Beryl Point, Borean" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [224] "Borean Tundra, Naglevar" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [226] "Transitus Shield, Coldarra" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [234] "Coldarra Ledge, Coldarra" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [236] "Coldarra, Keristrasza to Malygos" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [237] "Coldarra, Keristrasza Landing" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [238] "" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [244] "Wintergarde Keep, Dragonblight" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [245] "Valiance Keep, Borean Tundra" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [246] "Fizzcrank Airstrip, Borean Tundra" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [247] "Stars' Rest, Dragonblight" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [248] "Apothecary Camp, Howling Fjord" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [249] "Camp Oneqwah, Grizzly Hills" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [250] "Conquest Hold, Grizzly Hills" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [251] "Fordragon Hold, Dragonblight" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [252] "Wyrmrest Temple, Dragonblight" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [253] "Amberpine Lodge, Grizzly Hills" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [254] "Venomspite, Dragonblight" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [255] "Westfall Brigade, Grizzly Hills" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [256] "Agmar's Hammer, Dragonblight" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [257] "Warsong Hold, Borean Tundra" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [258] "Taunka'le Village, Borean Tundra" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [259] "Bor'gorok Outpost, Borean Tundra" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [260] "Kor'koron Vanguard, Dragonblight" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [273] "Wyrmrest Temple - bottom to top, Dragonblight - Begin" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [275] "Wyrmrest Temple - top to bottom, Dragonblight - Begin" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [277] "Wyrmrest Temple - top to middle, Dragonblight - Begin" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [280] "Wyrmrest Temple - middle to top, Dragonblight - Begin" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [282] "Wyrmrest Temple - middle to bottom, Dragonblight - Begin" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [284] "Wyrmrest Temple - bottom to middle, Dragonblight - Begin" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [289] "Amber Ledge, Borean Tundra" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [290] "Argent Stand, Zul'Drak" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [291] "Ruined City Post 01, Zul'Drak" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [293] "Flavor - Stormwind Harbor - Stop" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [294] "Moa'ki, Dragonblight" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [295] "Kamagua, Howling Fjord" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [296] "Unu'pe, Borean Tundra" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [303] "Valiance Landing Camp, Wintergrasp" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [304] "The Argent Stand, Zul'Drak" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [305] "Ebon Watch, Zul'Drak" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [306] "Light's Breach, Zul'Drak" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [307] "Zim'Torga, Zul'Drak" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [308] "River's Heart, Sholazar Basin" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [309] "Nesingwary Base Camp, Sholazar Basin" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [310] "Dalaran" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [315] "Acherus: The Ebon Hold" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [320] "K3, The Storm Peaks" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [321] "Frosthold, The Storm Peaks" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [322] "Dun Nifflelem, The Storm Peaks" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [323] "Grom'arsh Crash-Site, The Storm Peaks" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [324] "Camp Tunka'lo, The Storm Peaks" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [325] "Death's Rise, Icecrown" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [326] "Ulduar, The Storm Peaks" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [327] "Bouldercrag's Refuge, The Storm Peaks" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [331] "Gundrak, Zul'Drak" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [332] "Warsong Camp, Wintergrasp" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [333] "The Shadow Vault, Icecrown" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [334] "The Argent Vanguard, Icecrown" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [335] "Crusaders' Pinnacle, Icecrown" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [336] "Windrunner's Overlook, Crystalsong Forest" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [337] "Sunreaver's Command, Crystalsong Forest" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [340] "Argent Tournament Grounds, Icecrown" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [353] "" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [357] "" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [375] "REUSEME" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [376] "AAAIcecrown Raid - Airship Battle Taxi Paths" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [377] "Icecrown Dungeon - Gunships" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [383] "Thondoril River, Western Plaguelands" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [384] "The Bulwark, Tirisfal" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [82] "Silvermoon City" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [83] "Tranquillien, Ghostlands" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [93] "Blood Watch, Bloodmyst Isle" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [94] "The Exodar" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [111] "Eversong - Duskwither Teleport" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [205] "Zul'Aman, Ghostlands" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 [WARN] - [213] "Shattered Sun Staging Area" has no NPC assigned ... skipping
14:31:16 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_titles with data
14:31:16 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_items with data
14:31:16 FileGen::generate() - gathering data for complexImg
14:31:16 Processing 33 files from TalentFrame/ ...
14:31:16 [OK] - 1/33 (3.03%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/mage_1.jpg written
14:31:17 [OK] - 2/33 (6.06%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/warrior_1.jpg written
14:31:17 [OK] - 3/33 (9.09%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/rogue_1.jpg written
14:31:17 [OK] - 4/33 (12.12%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/priest_1.jpg written
14:31:17 [OK] - 5/33 (15.15%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/shaman_1.jpg written
14:31:17 [OK] - 6/33 (18.18%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/druid_1.jpg written
14:31:17 [OK] - 7/33 (21.21%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/warlock_1.jpg written
14:31:17 [OK] - 8/33 (24.24%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/hunter_1.jpg written
14:31:17 [OK] - 9/33 (27.27%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/paladin_1.jpg written
14:31:17 [OK] - 10/33 (30.30%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/deathknight_1.jpg written
14:31:18 [OK] - 11/33 (33.33%) - image static/images/wow/hunterpettalents/bg_2.jpg written
14:31:18 [OK] - 12/33 (36.36%) - image static/images/wow/hunterpettalents/bg_1.jpg written
14:31:18 [OK] - 13/33 (39.39%) - image static/images/wow/hunterpettalents/bg_3.jpg written
14:31:18 [OK] - 14/33 (42.42%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/mage_2.jpg written
14:31:18 [OK] - 15/33 (45.45%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/warrior_2.jpg written
14:31:18 [OK] - 16/33 (48.48%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/rogue_2.jpg written
14:31:18 [OK] - 17/33 (51.52%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/priest_2.jpg written
14:31:18 [OK] - 18/33 (54.55%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/shaman_2.jpg written
14:31:19 [OK] - 19/33 (57.58%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/druid_2.jpg written
14:31:19 [OK] - 20/33 (60.61%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/warlock_2.jpg written
14:31:19 [OK] - 21/33 (63.64%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/hunter_2.jpg written
14:31:19 [OK] - 22/33 (66.67%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/paladin_2.jpg written
14:31:19 [OK] - 23/33 (69.70%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/deathknight_2.jpg written
14:31:19 [OK] - 24/33 (72.73%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/mage_3.jpg written
14:31:19 [OK] - 25/33 (75.76%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/warrior_3.jpg written
14:31:19 [OK] - 26/33 (78.79%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/rogue_3.jpg written
14:31:19 [OK] - 27/33 (81.82%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/priest_3.jpg written
14:31:19 [OK] - 28/33 (84.85%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/shaman_3.jpg written
14:31:20 [OK] - 29/33 (87.88%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/druid_3.jpg written
14:31:20 [OK] - 30/33 (90.91%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/warlock_3.jpg written
14:31:20 [OK] - 31/33 (93.94%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/hunter_3.jpg written
14:31:20 [OK] - 32/33 (96.97%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/paladin_3.jpg written
14:31:20 [OK] - 33/33 (100.00%) - image static/images/wow/talents/backgrounds/deathknight_3.jpg written
14:31:20 Processing 110 files from WorldMap/ ...
14:31:20 [INFO] - using files from enGB/ for locale enus
14:31:20 World [-1]
14:31:20 - area has only base level
14:31:21 [OK] - 0/110 (0.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/-1.jpg written
14:31:21 [OK] - 0/110 (0.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/-1.jpg written
14:31:21 [OK] - 0/110 (0.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/-1.jpg written
14:31:21 [OK] - 0/110 (0.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/-1.jpg written
14:31:21 Cosmic [-4]
14:31:21 - area has only base level
14:31:22 [OK] - 1/110 (0.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/-4.jpg written
14:31:22 [OK] - 1/110 (0.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/-4.jpg written
14:31:22 [OK] - 1/110 (0.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/-4.jpg written
14:31:22 [OK] - 1/110 (0.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/-4.jpg written
14:31:22 Durotar [14]
14:31:22 - area has 11 overlays
14:31:23 - creating spawn map
14:31:23 - area has only base level
14:31:24 [OK] - 2/110 (1.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/14.jpg written
14:31:24 [OK] - 2/110 (1.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/14.jpg written
14:31:24 [OK] - 2/110 (1.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/14.jpg written
14:31:24 [OK] - 2/110 (1.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/14.jpg written
14:31:24 Mulgore [215]
14:31:24 - area has 14 overlays
14:31:25 - creating spawn map
14:31:26 - area has only base level
14:31:26 [OK] - 3/110 (2.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/215.jpg written
14:31:27 [OK] - 3/110 (2.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/215.jpg written
14:31:27 [OK] - 3/110 (2.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/215.jpg written
14:31:27 [OK] - 3/110 (2.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/215.jpg written
14:31:27 Barrens [17]
14:31:27 - area has 25 overlays
14:31:28 - creating spawn map
14:31:28 - area has only base level
14:31:29 [OK] - 4/110 (3.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/17.jpg written
14:31:29 [OK] - 4/110 (3.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/17.jpg written
14:31:29 [OK] - 4/110 (3.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/17.jpg written
14:31:29 [OK] - 4/110 (3.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/17.jpg written
14:31:29 Kalimdor [-6]
14:31:29 - area has only base level
14:31:30 [OK] - 5/110 (4.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/-6.jpg written
14:31:30 [OK] - 5/110 (4.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/-6.jpg written
14:31:30 [OK] - 5/110 (4.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/-6.jpg written
14:31:30 [OK] - 5/110 (4.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/-6.jpg written
14:31:30 Azeroth [-3]
14:31:30 - area has only base level
14:31:30 [OK] - 6/110 (5.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/-3.jpg written
14:31:30 [OK] - 6/110 (5.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/-3.jpg written
14:31:30 [OK] - 6/110 (5.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/-3.jpg written
14:31:31 [OK] - 6/110 (5.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/-3.jpg written
14:31:31 Alterac [36]
14:31:31 - area has 15 overlays
14:31:33 - creating spawn map
14:31:33 - area has only base level
14:31:34 [OK] - 7/110 (6.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/36.jpg written
14:31:34 [OK] - 7/110 (6.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/36.jpg written
14:31:34 [OK] - 7/110 (6.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/36.jpg written
14:31:34 [OK] - 7/110 (6.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/36.jpg written
14:31:34 Arathi [45]
14:31:34 - area has 16 overlays
14:31:35 - creating spawn map
14:31:36 - area has only base level
14:31:36 [OK] - 8/110 (7.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/45.jpg written
14:31:36 [OK] - 8/110 (7.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/45.jpg written
14:31:36 [OK] - 8/110 (7.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/45.jpg written
14:31:37 [OK] - 8/110 (7.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/45.jpg written
14:31:37 Badlands [3]
14:31:37 - area has 14 overlays
14:31:38 - creating spawn map
14:31:39 - area has only base level
14:31:39 [OK] - 9/110 (8.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/3.jpg written
14:31:39 [OK] - 9/110 (8.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/3.jpg written
14:31:39 [OK] - 9/110 (8.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/3.jpg written
14:31:39 [OK] - 9/110 (8.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/3.jpg written
14:31:39 BlastedLands [4]
14:31:39 - area has 9 overlays
14:31:41 - creating spawn map
14:31:41 - area has only base level
14:31:42 [OK] - 10/110 (9.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4.jpg written
14:31:42 [OK] - 10/110 (9.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4.jpg written
14:31:42 [OK] - 10/110 (9.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4.jpg written
14:31:42 [OK] - 10/110 (9.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4.jpg written
14:31:42 Tirisfal [85]
14:31:42 - area has 16 overlays
14:31:43 - creating spawn map
14:31:44 - area has only base level
14:31:45 [OK] - 11/110 (10.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/85.jpg written
14:31:45 [OK] - 11/110 (10.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/85.jpg written
14:31:45 [OK] - 11/110 (10.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/85.jpg written
14:31:45 [OK] - 11/110 (10.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/85.jpg written
14:31:45 Silverpine [130]
14:31:45 - area has 15 overlays
14:31:46 - creating spawn map
14:31:46 - area has only base level
14:31:47 [OK] - 12/110 (10.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/130.jpg written
14:31:47 [OK] - 12/110 (10.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/130.jpg written
14:31:47 [OK] - 12/110 (10.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/130.jpg written
14:31:47 [OK] - 12/110 (10.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/130.jpg written
14:31:47 WesternPlaguelands [28]
14:31:47 - area has 13 overlays
14:31:49 - creating spawn map
14:31:49 - area has only base level
14:31:50 [OK] - 13/110 (11.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/28.jpg written
14:31:50 [OK] - 13/110 (11.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/28.jpg written
14:31:50 [OK] - 13/110 (11.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/28.jpg written
14:31:50 [OK] - 13/110 (11.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/28.jpg written
14:31:50 EasternPlaguelands [139]
14:31:50 - area has 23 overlays
14:31:53 - creating spawn map
14:31:53 - area has only base level
14:31:54 [OK] - 14/110 (12.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/139.jpg written
14:31:54 [OK] - 14/110 (12.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/139.jpg written
14:31:54 [OK] - 14/110 (12.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/139.jpg written
14:31:54 [OK] - 14/110 (12.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/139.jpg written
14:31:54 Hilsbrad [267]
14:31:54 - area has 12 overlays
14:31:55 - creating spawn map
14:31:56 - area has only base level
14:31:57 [OK] - 15/110 (13.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/267.jpg written
14:31:57 [OK] - 15/110 (13.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/267.jpg written
14:31:57 [OK] - 15/110 (13.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/267.jpg written
14:31:57 [OK] - 15/110 (13.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/267.jpg written
14:31:57 Hinterlands [47]
14:31:57 - area has 14 overlays
14:31:58 - creating spawn map
14:31:58 - area has only base level
14:31:59 [OK] - 16/110 (14.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/47.jpg written
14:31:59 [OK] - 16/110 (14.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/47.jpg written
14:31:59 [OK] - 16/110 (14.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/47.jpg written
14:31:59 [OK] - 16/110 (14.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/47.jpg written
14:31:59 DunMorogh [1]
14:31:59 - area has 18 overlays
14:32:00 - creating spawn map
14:32:01 - area has only base level
14:32:02 [OK] - 17/110 (15.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/1.jpg written
14:32:02 [OK] - 17/110 (15.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/1.jpg written
14:32:02 [OK] - 17/110 (15.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/1.jpg written
14:32:02 [OK] - 17/110 (15.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/1.jpg written
14:32:02 SearingGorge [51]
14:32:02 - area has 7 overlays
14:32:03 - creating spawn map
14:32:04 - area has only base level
14:32:04 [OK] - 18/110 (16.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/51.jpg written
14:32:04 [OK] - 18/110 (16.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/51.jpg written
14:32:04 [OK] - 18/110 (16.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/51.jpg written
14:32:04 [OK] - 18/110 (16.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/51.jpg written
14:32:04 BurningSteppes [46]
14:32:04 - area has 10 overlays
14:32:06 - creating spawn map
14:32:06 - area has only base level
14:32:07 [OK] - 19/110 (17.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/46.jpg written
14:32:07 [OK] - 19/110 (17.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/46.jpg written
14:32:07 [OK] - 19/110 (17.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/46.jpg written
14:32:07 [OK] - 19/110 (17.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/46.jpg written
14:32:07 Elwynn [12]
14:32:07 - area has 12 overlays
14:32:08 - creating spawn map
14:32:09 - area has only base level
14:32:10 [OK] - 20/110 (18.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/12.jpg written
14:32:10 [OK] - 20/110 (18.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/12.jpg written
14:32:10 [OK] - 20/110 (18.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/12.jpg written
14:32:10 [OK] - 20/110 (18.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/12.jpg written
14:32:10 DeadwindPass [41]
14:32:10 - area has 3 overlays
14:32:10 - creating spawn map
14:32:11 - area has only base level
14:32:11 [OK] - 21/110 (19.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/41.jpg written
14:32:11 [OK] - 21/110 (19.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/41.jpg written
14:32:11 [OK] - 21/110 (19.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/41.jpg written
14:32:11 [OK] - 21/110 (19.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/41.jpg written
14:32:11 Duskwood [10]
14:32:11 - area has 13 overlays
14:32:13 - creating spawn map
14:32:14 - area has only base level
14:32:14 [OK] - 22/110 (20.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/10.jpg written
14:32:15 [OK] - 22/110 (20.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/10.jpg written
14:32:15 [OK] - 22/110 (20.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/10.jpg written
14:32:15 [OK] - 22/110 (20.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/10.jpg written
14:32:15 LochModan [38]
14:32:15 - area has 11 overlays
14:32:16 - creating spawn map
14:32:17 - area has only base level
14:32:17 [OK] - 23/110 (20.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/38.jpg written
14:32:17 [OK] - 23/110 (20.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/38.jpg written
14:32:17 [OK] - 23/110 (20.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/38.jpg written
14:32:17 [OK] - 23/110 (20.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/38.jpg written
14:32:17 Redridge [44]
14:32:17 - area has 11 overlays
14:32:19 - creating spawn map
14:32:20 - area has only base level
14:32:20 [OK] - 24/110 (21.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/44.jpg written
14:32:20 [OK] - 24/110 (21.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/44.jpg written
14:32:20 [OK] - 24/110 (21.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/44.jpg written
14:32:20 [OK] - 24/110 (21.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/44.jpg written
14:32:20 Stranglethorn [33]
14:32:20 - area has 27 overlays
14:32:22 - creating spawn map
14:32:22 - area has only base level
14:32:23 [OK] - 25/110 (22.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/33.jpg written
14:32:23 [OK] - 25/110 (22.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/33.jpg written
14:32:23 [OK] - 25/110 (22.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/33.jpg written
14:32:23 [OK] - 25/110 (22.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/33.jpg written
14:32:23 SwampOfSorrows [8]
14:32:23 - area has 11 overlays
14:32:25 - creating spawn map
14:32:26 - area has only base level
14:32:27 [OK] - 26/110 (23.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/8.jpg written
14:32:27 [OK] - 26/110 (23.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/8.jpg written
14:32:27 [OK] - 26/110 (23.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/8.jpg written
14:32:27 [OK] - 26/110 (23.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/8.jpg written
14:32:27 Westfall [40]
14:32:27 - area has 14 overlays
14:32:29 - creating spawn map
14:32:29 - area has only base level
14:32:30 [OK] - 27/110 (24.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/40.jpg written
14:32:30 [OK] - 27/110 (24.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/40.jpg written
14:32:30 [OK] - 27/110 (24.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/40.jpg written
14:32:30 [OK] - 27/110 (24.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/40.jpg written
14:32:30 Wetlands [11]
14:32:30 - area has 15 overlays
14:32:32 - creating spawn map
14:32:32 - area has only base level
14:32:33 [OK] - 28/110 (25.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/11.jpg written
14:32:33 [OK] - 28/110 (25.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/11.jpg written
14:32:33 [OK] - 28/110 (25.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/11.jpg written
14:32:33 [OK] - 28/110 (25.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/11.jpg written
14:32:33 Teldrassil [141]
14:32:33 - area has 11 overlays
14:32:34 - creating spawn map
14:32:34 - area has only base level
14:32:35 [OK] - 29/110 (26.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/141.jpg written
14:32:35 [OK] - 29/110 (26.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/141.jpg written
14:32:35 [OK] - 29/110 (26.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/141.jpg written
14:32:35 [OK] - 29/110 (26.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/141.jpg written
14:32:35 Darkshore [148]
14:32:35 - area has 9 overlays
14:32:36 - creating spawn map
14:32:36 - area has only base level
14:32:37 [OK] - 30/110 (27.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/148.jpg written
14:32:37 [OK] - 30/110 (27.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/148.jpg written
14:32:37 [OK] - 30/110 (27.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/148.jpg written
14:32:37 [OK] - 30/110 (27.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/148.jpg written
14:32:37 Ashenvale [331]
14:32:37 - area has 18 overlays
14:32:39 - creating spawn map
14:32:39 - area has only base level
14:32:40 [OK] - 31/110 (28.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/331.jpg written
14:32:40 [OK] - 31/110 (28.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/331.jpg written
14:32:40 [OK] - 31/110 (28.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/331.jpg written
14:32:40 [OK] - 31/110 (28.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/331.jpg written
14:32:40 ThousandNeedles [400]
14:32:40 - area has 9 overlays
14:32:41 - creating spawn map
14:32:42 - area has only base level
14:32:42 [OK] - 32/110 (29.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/400.jpg written
14:32:42 [OK] - 32/110 (29.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/400.jpg written
14:32:42 [OK] - 32/110 (29.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/400.jpg written
14:32:42 [OK] - 32/110 (29.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/400.jpg written
14:32:42 StonetalonMountains [406]
14:32:42 - area has 11 overlays
14:32:43 - creating spawn map
14:32:44 - area has only base level
14:32:45 [OK] - 33/110 (30.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/406.jpg written
14:32:45 [OK] - 33/110 (30.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/406.jpg written
14:32:45 [OK] - 33/110 (30.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/406.jpg written
14:32:45 [OK] - 33/110 (30.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/406.jpg written
14:32:45 Desolace [405]
14:32:45 - area has 15 overlays
14:32:46 - creating spawn map
14:32:47 - area has only base level
14:32:47 [OK] - 34/110 (30.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/405.jpg written
14:32:48 [OK] - 34/110 (30.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/405.jpg written
14:32:48 [OK] - 34/110 (30.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/405.jpg written
14:32:48 [OK] - 34/110 (30.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/405.jpg written
14:32:48 Feralas [357]
14:32:48 - area has 16 overlays
14:32:49 - creating spawn map
14:32:49 - area has only base level
14:32:50 [OK] - 35/110 (31.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/357.jpg written
14:32:50 [OK] - 35/110 (31.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/357.jpg written
14:32:50 [OK] - 35/110 (31.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/357.jpg written
14:32:50 [OK] - 35/110 (31.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/357.jpg written
14:32:50 Dustwallow [15]
14:32:50 - area has 7 overlays
14:32:51 - creating spawn map
14:32:52 - area has only base level
14:32:52 [OK] - 36/110 (32.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/15.jpg written
14:32:52 [OK] - 36/110 (32.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/15.jpg written
14:32:52 [OK] - 36/110 (32.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/15.jpg written
14:32:52 [OK] - 36/110 (32.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/15.jpg written
14:32:52 Tanaris [440]
14:32:52 - area has 20 overlays
14:32:54 - creating spawn map
14:32:55 - area has only base level
14:32:55 [OK] - 37/110 (33.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/440.jpg written
14:32:55 [OK] - 37/110 (33.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/440.jpg written
14:32:55 [OK] - 37/110 (33.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/440.jpg written
14:32:55 [OK] - 37/110 (33.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/440.jpg written
14:32:55 Aszhara [16]
14:32:55 - area has 19 overlays
14:32:57 - creating spawn map
14:32:58 - area has only base level
14:32:58 [OK] - 38/110 (34.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/16.jpg written
14:32:58 [OK] - 38/110 (34.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/16.jpg written
14:32:58 [OK] - 38/110 (34.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/16.jpg written
14:32:59 [OK] - 38/110 (34.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/16.jpg written
14:32:59 Felwood [361]
14:32:59 - area has 12 overlays
14:33:00 - creating spawn map
14:33:00 - area has only base level
14:33:01 [OK] - 39/110 (35.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/361.jpg written
14:33:01 [OK] - 39/110 (35.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/361.jpg written
14:33:01 [OK] - 39/110 (35.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/361.jpg written
14:33:01 [OK] - 39/110 (35.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/361.jpg written
14:33:01 UngoroCrater [490]
14:33:01 - area has 7 overlays
14:33:02 - creating spawn map
14:33:03 - area has only base level
14:33:03 [OK] - 40/110 (36.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/490.jpg written
14:33:03 [OK] - 40/110 (36.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/490.jpg written
14:33:03 [OK] - 40/110 (36.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/490.jpg written
14:33:03 [OK] - 40/110 (36.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/490.jpg written
14:33:03 Moonglade [493]
14:33:03 - area has 1 overlays
14:33:04 - creating spawn map
14:33:04 - area has only base level
14:33:05 [OK] - 41/110 (37.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/493.jpg written
14:33:05 [OK] - 41/110 (37.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/493.jpg written
14:33:05 [OK] - 41/110 (37.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/493.jpg written
14:33:05 [OK] - 41/110 (37.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/493.jpg written
14:33:05 Silithus [1377]
14:33:05 - area has 7 overlays
14:33:07 - creating spawn map
14:33:07 - area has only base level
14:33:08 [OK] - 42/110 (38.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/1377.jpg written
14:33:08 [OK] - 42/110 (38.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/1377.jpg written
14:33:08 [OK] - 42/110 (38.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/1377.jpg written
14:33:08 [OK] - 42/110 (38.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/1377.jpg written
14:33:08 Winterspring [618]
14:33:08 - area has 13 overlays
14:33:09 - creating spawn map
14:33:09 - area has only base level
14:33:10 [OK] - 43/110 (39.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/618.jpg written
14:33:10 [OK] - 43/110 (39.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/618.jpg written
14:33:10 [OK] - 43/110 (39.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/618.jpg written
14:33:10 [OK] - 43/110 (39.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/618.jpg written
14:33:10 Stormwind [1519]
14:33:10 - area has only base level
14:33:11 [OK] - 44/110 (40.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/1519.jpg written
14:33:11 [OK] - 44/110 (40.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/1519.jpg written
14:33:11 [OK] - 44/110 (40.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/1519.jpg written
14:33:11 [OK] - 44/110 (40.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/1519.jpg written
14:33:11 Ogrimmar [1637]
14:33:11 - area has only base level
14:33:12 [OK] - 45/110 (40.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/1637.jpg written
14:33:12 [OK] - 45/110 (40.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/1637.jpg written
14:33:12 [OK] - 45/110 (40.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/1637.jpg written
14:33:12 [OK] - 45/110 (40.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/1637.jpg written
14:33:12 Ironforge [1537]
14:33:12 - area has only base level
14:33:13 [OK] - 46/110 (41.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/1537.jpg written
14:33:13 [OK] - 46/110 (41.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/1537.jpg written
14:33:13 [OK] - 46/110 (41.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/1537.jpg written
14:33:13 [OK] - 46/110 (41.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/1537.jpg written
14:33:13 ThunderBluff [1638]
14:33:13 - area has only base level
14:33:13 [OK] - 47/110 (42.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/1638.jpg written
14:33:13 [OK] - 47/110 (42.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/1638.jpg written
14:33:13 [OK] - 47/110 (42.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/1638.jpg written
14:33:13 [OK] - 47/110 (42.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/1638.jpg written
14:33:13 Darnassis [1657]
14:33:13 - area has only base level
14:33:14 [OK] - 48/110 (43.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/1657.jpg written
14:33:14 [OK] - 48/110 (43.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/1657.jpg written
14:33:14 [OK] - 48/110 (43.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/1657.jpg written
14:33:14 [OK] - 48/110 (43.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/1657.jpg written
14:33:14 Undercity [1497]
14:33:14 - area has only base level
14:33:15 [OK] - 49/110 (44.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/1497.jpg written
14:33:15 [OK] - 49/110 (44.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/1497.jpg written
14:33:15 [OK] - 49/110 (44.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/1497.jpg written
14:33:15 [OK] - 49/110 (44.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/1497.jpg written
14:33:15 AlteracValley [2597]
14:33:15 - area has only base level
14:33:16 [OK] - 50/110 (45.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/2597.jpg written
14:33:16 [OK] - 50/110 (45.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/2597.jpg written
14:33:16 [OK] - 50/110 (45.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/2597.jpg written
14:33:16 [OK] - 50/110 (45.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/2597.jpg written
14:33:16 WarsongGulch [3277]
14:33:16 - area has only base level
14:33:16 [OK] - 51/110 (46.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/3277.jpg written
14:33:16 [OK] - 51/110 (46.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/3277.jpg written
14:33:17 [OK] - 51/110 (46.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/3277.jpg written
14:33:17 [OK] - 51/110 (46.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/3277.jpg written
14:33:17 ArathiBasin [3358]
14:33:17 - area has only base level
14:33:17 [OK] - 52/110 (47.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/3358.jpg written
14:33:17 [OK] - 52/110 (47.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/3358.jpg written
14:33:17 [OK] - 52/110 (47.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/3358.jpg written
14:33:17 [OK] - 52/110 (47.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/3358.jpg written
14:33:17 EversongWoods [3430]
14:33:17 - area has 25 overlays
14:33:20 - creating spawn map
14:33:20 - area has only base level
14:33:21 [OK] - 53/110 (48.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/3430.jpg written
14:33:21 [OK] - 53/110 (48.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/3430.jpg written
14:33:21 [OK] - 53/110 (48.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/3430.jpg written
14:33:21 [OK] - 53/110 (48.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/3430.jpg written
14:33:21 Ghostlands [3433]
14:33:21 - area has 17 overlays
14:33:25 - creating spawn map
14:33:25 - area has only base level
14:33:26 [OK] - 54/110 (49.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/3433.jpg written
14:33:26 [OK] - 54/110 (49.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/3433.jpg written
14:33:26 [OK] - 54/110 (49.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/3433.jpg written
14:33:26 [OK] - 54/110 (49.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/3433.jpg written
14:33:26 AzuremystIsle [3524]
14:33:26 - area has 17 overlays
14:33:28 - creating spawn map
14:33:29 - area has only base level
14:33:29 [OK] - 55/110 (50.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/3524.jpg written
14:33:29 [OK] - 55/110 (50.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/3524.jpg written
14:33:29 [OK] - 55/110 (50.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/3524.jpg written
14:33:29 [OK] - 55/110 (50.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/3524.jpg written
14:33:29 Hellfire [3483]
14:33:29 - area has 18 overlays
14:33:33 - creating spawn map
14:33:33 - area has only base level
14:33:34 [OK] - 56/110 (50.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/3483.jpg written
14:33:34 [OK] - 56/110 (50.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/3483.jpg written
14:33:34 [OK] - 56/110 (50.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/3483.jpg written
14:33:34 [OK] - 56/110 (50.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/3483.jpg written
14:33:34 Expansion01 [-2]
14:33:34 - area has only base level
14:33:34 [OK] - 57/110 (51.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/-2.jpg written
14:33:34 [OK] - 57/110 (51.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/-2.jpg written
14:33:34 [OK] - 57/110 (51.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/-2.jpg written
14:33:35 [OK] - 57/110 (51.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/-2.jpg written
14:33:35 Zangarmarsh [3521]
14:33:35 - area has 18 overlays
14:33:37 - creating spawn map
14:33:38 - area has only base level
14:33:38 [OK] - 58/110 (52.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/3521.jpg written
14:33:39 [OK] - 58/110 (52.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/3521.jpg written
14:33:39 [OK] - 58/110 (52.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/3521.jpg written
14:33:39 [OK] - 58/110 (52.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/3521.jpg written
14:33:39 TheExodar [3557]
14:33:39 - area has only base level
14:33:39 [OK] - 59/110 (53.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/3557.jpg written
14:33:39 [OK] - 59/110 (53.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/3557.jpg written
14:33:39 [OK] - 59/110 (53.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/3557.jpg written
14:33:39 [OK] - 59/110 (53.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/3557.jpg written
14:33:39 ShadowmoonValley [3520]
14:33:39 - area has 13 overlays
14:33:43 - creating spawn map
14:33:44 - area has only base level
14:33:44 [OK] - 60/110 (54.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/3520.jpg written
14:33:44 [OK] - 60/110 (54.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/3520.jpg written
14:33:44 [OK] - 60/110 (54.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/3520.jpg written
14:33:44 [OK] - 60/110 (54.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/3520.jpg written
14:33:44 BladesEdgeMountains [3522]
14:33:44 - area has 27 overlays
14:33:48 - creating spawn map
14:33:49 - area has only base level
14:33:49 [OK] - 61/110 (55.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/3522.jpg written
14:33:49 [OK] - 61/110 (55.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/3522.jpg written
14:33:49 [OK] - 61/110 (55.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/3522.jpg written
14:33:49 [OK] - 61/110 (55.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/3522.jpg written
14:33:49 BloodmystIsle [3525]
14:33:49 - area has 28 overlays
14:33:53 - creating spawn map
14:33:53 - area has only base level
14:33:54 [OK] - 62/110 (56.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/3525.jpg written
14:33:54 [OK] - 62/110 (56.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/3525.jpg written
14:33:54 [OK] - 62/110 (56.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/3525.jpg written
14:33:54 [OK] - 62/110 (56.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/3525.jpg written
14:33:54 Nagrand [3518]
14:33:54 - area has 19 overlays
14:33:56 - creating spawn map
14:33:57 - area has only base level
14:33:58 [OK] - 63/110 (57.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/3518.jpg written
14:33:58 [OK] - 63/110 (57.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/3518.jpg written
14:33:58 [OK] - 63/110 (57.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/3518.jpg written
14:33:58 [OK] - 63/110 (57.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/3518.jpg written
14:33:58 TerokkarForest [3519]
14:33:58 - area has 21 overlays
14:34:01 - creating spawn map
14:34:01 - area has only base level
14:34:02 [OK] - 64/110 (58.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/3519.jpg written
14:34:02 [OK] - 64/110 (58.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/3519.jpg written
14:34:02 [OK] - 64/110 (58.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/3519.jpg written
14:34:02 [OK] - 64/110 (58.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/3519.jpg written
14:34:02 Netherstorm [3523]
14:34:02 - area has 22 overlays
14:34:05 - creating spawn map
14:34:06 - area has only base level
14:34:06 [OK] - 65/110 (59.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/3523.jpg written
14:34:06 [OK] - 65/110 (59.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/3523.jpg written
14:34:06 [OK] - 65/110 (59.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/3523.jpg written
14:34:06 [OK] - 65/110 (59.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/3523.jpg written
14:34:06 SilvermoonCity [3487]
14:34:06 - area has only base level
14:34:07 [OK] - 66/110 (60.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/3487.jpg written
14:34:07 [OK] - 66/110 (60.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/3487.jpg written
14:34:07 [OK] - 66/110 (60.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/3487.jpg written
14:34:07 [OK] - 66/110 (60.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/3487.jpg written
14:34:07 ShattrathCity [3703]
14:34:07 - area has only base level
14:34:08 [OK] - 67/110 (60.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/3703.jpg written
14:34:08 [OK] - 67/110 (60.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/3703.jpg written
14:34:08 [OK] - 67/110 (60.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/3703.jpg written
14:34:08 [OK] - 67/110 (60.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/3703.jpg written
14:34:08 NetherstormArena [3820]
14:34:08 - area has only base level
14:34:09 [OK] - 68/110 (61.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/3820.jpg written
14:34:09 [OK] - 68/110 (61.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/3820.jpg written
14:34:09 [OK] - 68/110 (61.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/3820.jpg written
14:34:09 [OK] - 68/110 (61.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/3820.jpg written
14:34:09 Northrend [-5]
14:34:09 - area has only base level
14:34:09 [OK] - 69/110 (62.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/-5.jpg written
14:34:09 [OK] - 69/110 (62.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/-5.jpg written
14:34:09 [OK] - 69/110 (62.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/-5.jpg written
14:34:10 [OK] - 69/110 (62.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/-5.jpg written
14:34:10 BoreanTundra [3537]
14:34:10 - area has 14 overlays
14:34:12 - creating spawn map
14:34:12 - area has only base level
14:34:13 [OK] - 70/110 (63.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/3537.jpg written
14:34:13 [OK] - 70/110 (63.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/3537.jpg written
14:34:13 [OK] - 70/110 (63.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/3537.jpg written
14:34:13 [OK] - 70/110 (63.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/3537.jpg written
14:34:13 Dragonblight [65]
14:34:13 - area has 18 overlays
14:34:16 - creating spawn map
14:34:16 - area has only base level
14:34:17 [OK] - 71/110 (64.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/65.jpg written
14:34:17 [OK] - 71/110 (64.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/65.jpg written
14:34:17 [OK] - 71/110 (64.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/65.jpg written
14:34:17 [OK] - 71/110 (64.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/65.jpg written
14:34:17 GrizzlyHills [394]
14:34:17 - area has 14 overlays
14:34:19 - creating spawn map
14:34:20 - area has only base level
14:34:21 [OK] - 72/110 (65.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/394.jpg written
14:34:21 [OK] - 72/110 (65.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/394.jpg written
14:34:21 [OK] - 72/110 (65.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/394.jpg written
14:34:21 [OK] - 72/110 (65.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/394.jpg written
14:34:21 HowlingFjord [495]
14:34:21 - area has 23 overlays
14:34:24 - creating spawn map
14:34:24 - area has only base level
14:34:25 [OK] - 73/110 (66.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/495.jpg written
14:34:25 [OK] - 73/110 (66.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/495.jpg written
14:34:25 [OK] - 73/110 (66.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/495.jpg written
14:34:25 [OK] - 73/110 (66.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/495.jpg written
14:34:25 IcecrownGlacier [210]
14:34:25 - area has 16 overlays
14:34:27 - creating spawn map
14:34:28 - area has only base level
14:34:29 [OK] - 74/110 (67.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/210.jpg written
14:34:29 [OK] - 74/110 (67.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/210.jpg written
14:34:29 [OK] - 74/110 (67.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/210.jpg written
14:34:29 [OK] - 74/110 (67.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/210.jpg written
14:34:29 SholazarBasin [3711]
14:34:29 - area has 12 overlays
14:34:31 - creating spawn map
14:34:31 - area has only base level
14:34:32 [OK] - 75/110 (68.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/3711.jpg written
14:34:32 [OK] - 75/110 (68.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/3711.jpg written
14:34:32 [OK] - 75/110 (68.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/3711.jpg written
14:34:32 [OK] - 75/110 (68.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/3711.jpg written
14:34:32 TheStormPeaks [67]
14:34:32 - area has 16 overlays
14:34:34 - creating spawn map
14:34:35 - area has only base level
14:34:36 [OK] - 76/110 (69.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/67.jpg written
14:34:36 [OK] - 76/110 (69.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/67.jpg written
14:34:36 [OK] - 76/110 (69.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/67.jpg written
14:34:36 [OK] - 76/110 (69.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/67.jpg written
14:34:36 ZulDrak [66]
14:34:36 - area has 14 overlays
14:34:38 - creating spawn map
14:34:38 - area has only base level
14:34:39 [OK] - 77/110 (70.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/66.jpg written
14:34:39 [OK] - 77/110 (70.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/66.jpg written
14:34:39 [OK] - 77/110 (70.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/66.jpg written
14:34:39 [OK] - 77/110 (70.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/66.jpg written
14:34:39 Sunwell [4080]
14:34:39 - area has 2 overlays
14:34:40 - creating spawn map
14:34:40 - area has only base level
14:34:41 [OK] - 78/110 (70.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4080.jpg written
14:34:41 [OK] - 78/110 (70.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4080.jpg written
14:34:41 [OK] - 78/110 (70.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4080.jpg written
14:34:41 [OK] - 78/110 (70.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4080.jpg written
14:34:41 LakeWintergrasp [4197]
14:34:41 - area has only base level
14:34:42 [OK] - 79/110 (71.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4197.jpg written
14:34:42 [OK] - 79/110 (71.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4197.jpg written
14:34:42 [OK] - 79/110 (71.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4197.jpg written
14:34:42 [OK] - 79/110 (71.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4197.jpg written
14:34:42 ScarletEnclave [4298]
14:34:42 - area has only base level
14:34:42 [OK] - 80/110 (72.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4298.jpg written
14:34:42 [OK] - 80/110 (72.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4298.jpg written
14:34:42 [OK] - 80/110 (72.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4298.jpg written
14:34:42 [OK] - 80/110 (72.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4298.jpg written
14:34:42 Dalaran [4395]
14:34:42 - area has 2 levels
14:34:43 [OK] - 81/110 (73.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4395-1.jpg written
14:34:43 [OK] - 81/110 (73.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4395-1.jpg written
14:34:43 [OK] - 81/110 (73.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4395-1.jpg written
14:34:43 [OK] - 81/110 (73.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4395-1.jpg written
14:34:44 [OK] - 81/110 (73.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4395-2.jpg written
14:34:44 [OK] - 81/110 (73.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4395-2.jpg written
14:34:44 [OK] - 81/110 (73.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4395-2.jpg written
14:34:44 [OK] - 81/110 (73.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4395-2.jpg written
14:34:44 CrystalsongForest [2817]
14:34:44 - area has 8 overlays
14:34:46 - creating spawn map
14:34:47 - area has only base level
14:34:48 [OK] - 82/110 (74.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/2817.jpg written
14:34:48 [OK] - 82/110 (74.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/2817.jpg written
14:34:48 [OK] - 82/110 (74.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/2817.jpg written
14:34:48 [OK] - 82/110 (74.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/2817.jpg written
14:34:48 StrandoftheAncients [4384]
14:34:48 - area has only base level
14:34:48 [OK] - 83/110 (75.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4384.jpg written
14:34:48 [OK] - 83/110 (75.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4384.jpg written
14:34:48 [OK] - 83/110 (75.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4384.jpg written
14:34:48 [OK] - 83/110 (75.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4384.jpg written
14:34:48 TheNexus [4265]
14:34:49 - area has 1 levels
14:34:49 [OK] - 84/110 (76.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4265-0.jpg written
14:34:49 [OK] - 84/110 (76.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4265-0.jpg written
14:34:49 [OK] - 84/110 (76.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4265-0.jpg written
14:34:49 [OK] - 84/110 (76.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4265-0.jpg written
14:34:50 [OK] - 84/110 (76.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4265.jpg written
14:34:50 [OK] - 84/110 (76.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4265.jpg written
14:34:50 [OK] - 84/110 (76.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4265.jpg written
14:34:50 [OK] - 84/110 (76.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4265.jpg written
14:34:50 CoTStratholme [4100]
14:34:50 - area has 2 levels
14:34:51 [OK] - 85/110 (77.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4100-1.jpg written
14:34:51 [OK] - 85/110 (77.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4100-1.jpg written
14:34:51 [OK] - 85/110 (77.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4100-1.jpg written
14:34:51 [OK] - 85/110 (77.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4100-1.jpg written
14:34:51 [OK] - 85/110 (77.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4100-2.jpg written
14:34:52 [OK] - 85/110 (77.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4100-2.jpg written
14:34:52 [OK] - 85/110 (77.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4100-2.jpg written
14:34:52 [OK] - 85/110 (77.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4100-2.jpg written
14:34:52 [OK] - 85/110 (77.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4100-3.jpg written
14:34:52 [OK] - 85/110 (77.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4100-3.jpg written
14:34:52 [OK] - 85/110 (77.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4100-3.jpg written
14:34:52 [OK] - 85/110 (77.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4100-3.jpg written
14:34:52 Ahnkahet [4494]
14:34:52 - area has 2 levels
14:34:53 [OK] - 86/110 (78.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4494-1.jpg written
14:34:53 [OK] - 86/110 (78.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4494-1.jpg written
14:34:53 [OK] - 86/110 (78.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4494-1.jpg written
14:34:53 [OK] - 86/110 (78.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4494-1.jpg written
14:34:54 [OK] - 86/110 (78.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4494-2.jpg written
14:34:54 [OK] - 86/110 (78.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4494-2.jpg written
14:34:54 [OK] - 86/110 (78.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4494-2.jpg written
14:34:54 [OK] - 86/110 (78.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4494-2.jpg written
14:34:54 UtgardeKeep [206]
14:34:54 - area has 3 levels
14:34:55 [OK] - 87/110 (79.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/206-1.jpg written
14:34:55 [OK] - 87/110 (79.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/206-1.jpg written
14:34:55 [OK] - 87/110 (79.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/206-1.jpg written
14:34:55 [OK] - 87/110 (79.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/206-1.jpg written
14:34:55 [OK] - 87/110 (79.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/206-2.jpg written
14:34:55 [OK] - 87/110 (79.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/206-2.jpg written
14:34:55 [OK] - 87/110 (79.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/206-2.jpg written
14:34:55 [OK] - 87/110 (79.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/206-2.jpg written
14:34:56 [OK] - 87/110 (79.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/206-3.jpg written
14:34:56 [OK] - 87/110 (79.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/206-3.jpg written
14:34:56 [OK] - 87/110 (79.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/206-3.jpg written
14:34:56 [OK] - 87/110 (79.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/206-3.jpg written
14:34:56 UtgardePinnacle [1196]
14:34:56 - area has 2 levels
14:34:57 [OK] - 88/110 (80.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/1196-1.jpg written
14:34:57 [OK] - 88/110 (80.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/1196-1.jpg written
14:34:57 [OK] - 88/110 (80.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/1196-1.jpg written
14:34:57 [OK] - 88/110 (80.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/1196-1.jpg written
14:34:58 [OK] - 88/110 (80.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/1196-2.jpg written
14:34:58 [OK] - 88/110 (80.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/1196-2.jpg written
14:34:58 [OK] - 88/110 (80.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/1196-2.jpg written
14:34:58 [OK] - 88/110 (80.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/1196-2.jpg written
14:34:58 HallsofLightning [4272]
14:34:58 - area has 2 levels
14:34:59 [OK] - 89/110 (80.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4272-1.jpg written
14:34:59 [OK] - 89/110 (80.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4272-1.jpg written
14:34:59 [OK] - 89/110 (80.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4272-1.jpg written
14:34:59 [OK] - 89/110 (80.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4272-1.jpg written
14:34:59 [OK] - 89/110 (80.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4272-2.jpg written
14:34:59 [OK] - 89/110 (80.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4272-2.jpg written
14:34:59 [OK] - 89/110 (80.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4272-2.jpg written
14:34:59 [OK] - 89/110 (80.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4272-2.jpg written
14:34:59 Ulduar77 [4264]
14:35:00 - area has 1 levels
14:35:00 [OK] - 90/110 (81.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4264.jpg written
14:35:00 [OK] - 90/110 (81.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4264.jpg written
14:35:00 [OK] - 90/110 (81.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4264.jpg written
14:35:00 [OK] - 90/110 (81.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4264.jpg written
14:35:00 TheEyeofEternity [4500]
14:35:00 - area has 1 levels
14:35:01 [OK] - 91/110 (82.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4500.jpg written
14:35:01 [OK] - 91/110 (82.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4500.jpg written
14:35:01 [OK] - 91/110 (82.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4500.jpg written
14:35:01 [OK] - 91/110 (82.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4500.jpg written
14:35:01 Nexus80 [4228]
14:35:01 - area has 4 levels
14:35:02 [OK] - 92/110 (83.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4228-0.jpg written
14:35:02 [OK] - 92/110 (83.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4228-0.jpg written
14:35:02 [OK] - 92/110 (83.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4228-0.jpg written
14:35:02 [OK] - 92/110 (83.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4228-0.jpg written
14:35:03 [OK] - 92/110 (83.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4228-1.jpg written
14:35:03 [OK] - 92/110 (83.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4228-1.jpg written
14:35:03 [OK] - 92/110 (83.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4228-1.jpg written
14:35:03 [OK] - 92/110 (83.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4228-1.jpg written
14:35:03 [OK] - 92/110 (83.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4228-2.jpg written
14:35:03 [OK] - 92/110 (83.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4228-2.jpg written
14:35:03 [OK] - 92/110 (83.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4228-2.jpg written
14:35:04 [OK] - 92/110 (83.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4228-2.jpg written
14:35:04 [OK] - 92/110 (83.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4228-3.jpg written
14:35:04 [OK] - 92/110 (83.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4228-3.jpg written
14:35:04 [OK] - 92/110 (83.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4228-3.jpg written
14:35:04 [OK] - 92/110 (83.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4228-3.jpg written
14:35:05 [OK] - 92/110 (83.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4228-4.jpg written
14:35:05 [OK] - 92/110 (83.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4228-4.jpg written
14:35:05 [OK] - 92/110 (83.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4228-4.jpg written
14:35:05 [OK] - 92/110 (83.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4228-4.jpg written
14:35:05 Ulduar [4273]
14:35:05 - area has 5 levels
14:35:06 [OK] - 93/110 (84.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4273-0.jpg written
14:35:06 [OK] - 93/110 (84.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4273-0.jpg written
14:35:06 [OK] - 93/110 (84.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4273-0.jpg written
14:35:06 [OK] - 93/110 (84.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4273-0.jpg written
14:35:07 [OK] - 93/110 (84.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4273-1.jpg written
14:35:07 [OK] - 93/110 (84.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4273-1.jpg written
14:35:07 [OK] - 93/110 (84.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4273-1.jpg written
14:35:07 [OK] - 93/110 (84.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4273-1.jpg written
14:35:07 [OK] - 93/110 (84.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4273-2.jpg written
14:35:07 [OK] - 93/110 (84.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4273-2.jpg written
14:35:07 [OK] - 93/110 (84.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4273-2.jpg written
14:35:07 [OK] - 93/110 (84.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4273-2.jpg written
14:35:08 [OK] - 93/110 (84.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4273-3.jpg written
14:35:08 [OK] - 93/110 (84.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4273-3.jpg written
14:35:08 [OK] - 93/110 (84.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4273-3.jpg written
14:35:08 [OK] - 93/110 (84.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4273-3.jpg written
14:35:09 [OK] - 93/110 (84.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4273-4.jpg written
14:35:09 [OK] - 93/110 (84.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4273-4.jpg written
14:35:09 [OK] - 93/110 (84.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4273-4.jpg written
14:35:09 [OK] - 93/110 (84.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4273-4.jpg written
14:35:10 [OK] - 93/110 (84.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4273-5.jpg written
14:35:10 [OK] - 93/110 (84.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4273-5.jpg written
14:35:10 [OK] - 93/110 (84.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4273-5.jpg written
14:35:10 [OK] - 93/110 (84.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4273-5.jpg written
14:35:10 Gundrak [4416]
14:35:10 - area has 1 levels
14:35:10 [OK] - 94/110 (85.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4416-0.jpg written
14:35:10 [OK] - 94/110 (85.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4416-0.jpg written
14:35:10 [OK] - 94/110 (85.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4416-0.jpg written
14:35:11 [OK] - 94/110 (85.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4416-0.jpg written
14:35:11 [OK] - 94/110 (85.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4416.jpg written
14:35:11 [OK] - 94/110 (85.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4416.jpg written
14:35:11 [OK] - 94/110 (85.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4416.jpg written
14:35:11 [OK] - 94/110 (85.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4416.jpg written
14:35:11 TheObsidianSanctum [4493]
14:35:11 - area has 1 levels
14:35:12 [OK] - 95/110 (86.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4493.jpg written
14:35:12 [OK] - 95/110 (86.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4493.jpg written
14:35:12 [OK] - 95/110 (86.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4493.jpg written
14:35:12 [OK] - 95/110 (86.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4493.jpg written
14:35:13 [OK] - 95/110 (86.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4493-1.jpg written
14:35:13 [OK] - 95/110 (86.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4493-1.jpg written
14:35:13 [OK] - 95/110 (86.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4493-1.jpg written
14:35:13 [OK] - 95/110 (86.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4493-1.jpg written
14:35:13 VaultofArchavon [4603]
14:35:13 - area has 1 levels
14:35:14 [OK] - 96/110 (87.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4603.jpg written
14:35:14 [OK] - 96/110 (87.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4603.jpg written
14:35:14 [OK] - 96/110 (87.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4603.jpg written
14:35:14 [OK] - 96/110 (87.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4603.jpg written
14:35:14 AzjolNerub [4277]
14:35:14 - area has 3 levels
14:35:14 [OK] - 97/110 (88.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4277-1.jpg written
14:35:14 [OK] - 97/110 (88.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4277-1.jpg written
14:35:14 [OK] - 97/110 (88.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4277-1.jpg written
14:35:15 [OK] - 97/110 (88.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4277-1.jpg written
14:35:15 [OK] - 97/110 (88.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4277-2.jpg written
14:35:15 [OK] - 97/110 (88.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4277-2.jpg written
14:35:15 [OK] - 97/110 (88.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4277-2.jpg written
14:35:15 [OK] - 97/110 (88.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4277-2.jpg written
14:35:16 [OK] - 97/110 (88.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4277-3.jpg written
14:35:16 [OK] - 97/110 (88.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4277-3.jpg written
14:35:16 [OK] - 97/110 (88.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4277-3.jpg written
14:35:16 [OK] - 97/110 (88.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4277-3.jpg written
14:35:16 DrakTharonKeep [4196]
14:35:16 - area has 2 levels
14:35:17 [OK] - 98/110 (89.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4196-1.jpg written
14:35:17 [OK] - 98/110 (89.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4196-1.jpg written
14:35:17 [OK] - 98/110 (89.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4196-1.jpg written
14:35:17 [OK] - 98/110 (89.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4196-1.jpg written
14:35:18 [OK] - 98/110 (89.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4196-2.jpg written
14:35:18 [OK] - 98/110 (89.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4196-2.jpg written
14:35:18 [OK] - 98/110 (89.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4196-2.jpg written
14:35:18 [OK] - 98/110 (89.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4196-2.jpg written
14:35:18 Naxxramas [3456]
14:35:18 - area has 6 levels
14:35:19 [OK] - 99/110 (90.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/3456-1.jpg written
14:35:19 [OK] - 99/110 (90.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/3456-1.jpg written
14:35:19 [OK] - 99/110 (90.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/3456-1.jpg written
14:35:19 [OK] - 99/110 (90.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/3456-1.jpg written
14:35:19 [OK] - 99/110 (90.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/3456-2.jpg written
14:35:19 [OK] - 99/110 (90.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/3456-2.jpg written
14:35:19 [OK] - 99/110 (90.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/3456-2.jpg written
14:35:19 [OK] - 99/110 (90.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/3456-2.jpg written
14:35:20 [OK] - 99/110 (90.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/3456-3.jpg written
14:35:20 [OK] - 99/110 (90.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/3456-3.jpg written
14:35:20 [OK] - 99/110 (90.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/3456-3.jpg written
14:35:20 [OK] - 99/110 (90.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/3456-3.jpg written
14:35:21 [OK] - 99/110 (90.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/3456-4.jpg written
14:35:21 [OK] - 99/110 (90.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/3456-4.jpg written
14:35:21 [OK] - 99/110 (90.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/3456-4.jpg written
14:35:21 [OK] - 99/110 (90.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/3456-4.jpg written
14:35:22 [OK] - 99/110 (90.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/3456-5.jpg written
14:35:22 [OK] - 99/110 (90.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/3456-5.jpg written
14:35:22 [OK] - 99/110 (90.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/3456-5.jpg written
14:35:22 [OK] - 99/110 (90.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/3456-5.jpg written
14:35:22 [OK] - 99/110 (90.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/3456-6.jpg written
14:35:22 [OK] - 99/110 (90.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/3456-6.jpg written
14:35:22 [OK] - 99/110 (90.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/3456-6.jpg written
14:35:23 [OK] - 99/110 (90.00%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/3456-6.jpg written
14:35:23 VioletHold [4415]
14:35:23 - area has 1 levels
14:35:23 [OK] - 100/110 (90.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4415-0.jpg written
14:35:23 [OK] - 100/110 (90.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4415-0.jpg written
14:35:23 [OK] - 100/110 (90.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4415-0.jpg written
14:35:23 [OK] - 100/110 (90.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4415-0.jpg written
14:35:24 [OK] - 100/110 (90.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4415.jpg written
14:35:24 [OK] - 100/110 (90.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4415.jpg written
14:35:24 [OK] - 100/110 (90.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4415.jpg written
14:35:24 [OK] - 100/110 (90.91%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4415.jpg written
14:35:24 IsleofConquest [4710]
14:35:24 - area has only base level
14:35:25 [OK] - 101/110 (91.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4710.jpg written
14:35:25 [OK] - 101/110 (91.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4710.jpg written
14:35:25 [OK] - 101/110 (91.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4710.jpg written
14:35:25 [OK] - 101/110 (91.82%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4710.jpg written
14:35:25 HrothgarsLanding [4742]
14:35:25 - area has only base level
14:35:26 [OK] - 102/110 (92.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4742.jpg written
14:35:26 [OK] - 102/110 (92.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4742.jpg written
14:35:26 [OK] - 102/110 (92.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4742.jpg written
14:35:26 [OK] - 102/110 (92.73%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4742.jpg written
14:35:26 TheArgentColiseum [4723]
14:35:26 - area has 2 levels
14:35:27 [OK] - 103/110 (93.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4723.jpg written
14:35:27 [OK] - 103/110 (93.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4723.jpg written
14:35:27 [OK] - 103/110 (93.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4723.jpg written
14:35:27 [OK] - 103/110 (93.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4723.jpg written
14:35:28 [OK] - 103/110 (93.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4723-2.jpg written
14:35:28 [OK] - 103/110 (93.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4723-2.jpg written
14:35:28 [OK] - 103/110 (93.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4723-2.jpg written
14:35:28 [OK] - 103/110 (93.64%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4723-2.jpg written
14:35:28 TheArgentColiseum [4722]
14:35:28 - area has 2 levels
14:35:29 [OK] - 104/110 (94.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4722-1.jpg written
14:35:29 [OK] - 104/110 (94.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4722-1.jpg written
14:35:29 [OK] - 104/110 (94.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4722-1.jpg written
14:35:29 [OK] - 104/110 (94.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4722-1.jpg written
14:35:29 [OK] - 104/110 (94.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4722-2.jpg written
14:35:30 [OK] - 104/110 (94.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4722-2.jpg written
14:35:30 [OK] - 104/110 (94.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4722-2.jpg written
14:35:30 [OK] - 104/110 (94.55%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4722-2.jpg written
14:35:30 TheForgeofSouls [4809]
14:35:30 - area has 1 levels
14:35:30 [OK] - 105/110 (95.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4809.jpg written
14:35:30 [OK] - 105/110 (95.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4809.jpg written
14:35:30 [OK] - 105/110 (95.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4809.jpg written
14:35:30 [OK] - 105/110 (95.45%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4809.jpg written
14:35:30 PitofSaron [4813]
14:35:30 - area has only base level
14:35:31 [OK] - 106/110 (96.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4813.jpg written
14:35:31 [OK] - 106/110 (96.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4813.jpg written
14:35:31 [OK] - 106/110 (96.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4813.jpg written
14:35:31 [OK] - 106/110 (96.36%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4813.jpg written
14:35:31 HallsofReflection [4820]
14:35:31 - area has 1 levels
14:35:32 [OK] - 107/110 (97.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4820.jpg written
14:35:32 [OK] - 107/110 (97.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4820.jpg written
14:35:32 [OK] - 107/110 (97.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4820.jpg written
14:35:32 [OK] - 107/110 (97.27%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4820.jpg written
14:35:32 IcecrownCitadel [4812]
14:35:32 - area has 8 levels
14:35:33 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4812-1.jpg written
14:35:33 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4812-1.jpg written
14:35:33 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4812-1.jpg written
14:35:33 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4812-1.jpg written
14:35:34 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4812-2.jpg written
14:35:34 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4812-2.jpg written
14:35:34 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4812-2.jpg written
14:35:34 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4812-2.jpg written
14:35:34 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4812-3.jpg written
14:35:34 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4812-3.jpg written
14:35:34 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4812-3.jpg written
14:35:35 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4812-3.jpg written
14:35:35 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4812-4.jpg written
14:35:35 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4812-4.jpg written
14:35:35 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4812-4.jpg written
14:35:35 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4812-4.jpg written
14:35:36 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4812-5.jpg written
14:35:36 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4812-5.jpg written
14:35:36 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4812-5.jpg written
14:35:36 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4812-5.jpg written
14:35:37 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4812-6.jpg written
14:35:37 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4812-6.jpg written
14:35:37 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4812-6.jpg written
14:35:37 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4812-6.jpg written
14:35:37 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4812-7.jpg written
14:35:38 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4812-7.jpg written
14:35:38 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4812-7.jpg written
14:35:38 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4812-7.jpg written
14:35:38 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4812-8.jpg written
14:35:38 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4812-8.jpg written
14:35:38 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4812-8.jpg written
14:35:38 [OK] - 108/110 (98.18%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4812-8.jpg written
14:35:38 TheRubySanctum [4987]
14:35:38 - area has only base level
14:35:39 [OK] - 109/110 (99.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/normal/4987.jpg written
14:35:39 [OK] - 109/110 (99.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/original/4987.jpg written
14:35:39 [OK] - 109/110 (99.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/small/4987.jpg written
14:35:39 [OK] - 109/110 (99.09%) - image static/images/wow/maps/enus/zoom/4987.jpg written
14:35:39 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_spawns with data
14:35:39 - assembling creature spawns
14:35:39 - assembling gameobject spawns
14:35:39 - assembling sound emitter spawns
14:35:39 * sets 1 - 1000
14:35:39 [WARN] GUID 1122 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-17.1637; Y:7.64242]
14:35:39 [WARN] GUID 1376 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1276.35; Y:808.619]
14:35:39 [WARN] GUID 1377 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1295.84; Y:830.067]
14:35:39 [WARN] GUID 1378 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1276.51; Y:808.801]
14:35:39 [WARN] GUID 1379 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1276.51; Y:808.801]
14:35:39 [WARN] GUID 1380 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1276.51; Y:808.801]
14:35:39 [WARN] GUID 1623 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:16295; Y:16223.2]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1724 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1322.56; Y:773.513]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1725 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1324.25; Y:813.05]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1728 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1259.92; Y:770.84]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1729 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1254.11; Y:769.596]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1730 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1259.83; Y:812.904]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1731 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1340.28; Y:813.215]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1732 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1242.36; Y:770.891]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1734 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1326.85; Y:813.213]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1735 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1232.73; Y:-4860.77]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1754 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:2070.3; Y:-3308.8]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1755 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:2063.72; Y:-3308.43]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1756 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:2066.72; Y:-3312.68]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1893 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:800.259; Y:-222.235]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1894 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:782.81; Y:-233.128]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1895 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:795.66; Y:-74.0716]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1896 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:796.779; Y:-74.9615]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1897 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:806.186; Y:-40.8122]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1898 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:806.561; Y:-71.9964]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1899 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:822.057; Y:-104.694]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1900 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:826.312; Y:-99.5887]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1901 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:821.031; Y:-170.642]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1902 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:831.384; Y:-162.993]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1903 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:792.695; Y:-76.433]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1904 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:792.6; Y:-36.0892]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1905 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:763.371; Y:78.3266]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1906 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:771.588; Y:72.9125]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1907 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:376.583; Y:-32.553]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1908 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:371.937; Y:17.8367]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1909 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:372.198; Y:54.3635]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1910 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:364.933; Y:83.0811]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1911 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:433.47; Y:80.756]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1912 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:439.892; Y:72.5747]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1913 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:456.932; Y:57.7111]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1914 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:464.278; Y:49.8209]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1915 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:467.822; Y:38.3632]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1916 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:470.332; Y:18.3237]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1917 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:469.16; Y:2.20608]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1918 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:469.025; Y:-9.0241]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1919 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:465.584; Y:-18.4649]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1920 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:458.007; Y:-25.6758]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1921 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:436.393; Y:-27.7379]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1922 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:422.603; Y:-41.0943]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1923 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:424.372; Y:-52.6239]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1924 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:423.953; Y:-40.5552]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1925 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:421.998; Y:-44.8656]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1926 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:428.843; Y:-28.5662]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1927 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:371.233; Y:41.1167]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1928 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:369.974; Y:65.683]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1929 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:111.245; Y:95.6767]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1930 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:113.511; Y:94.9239]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1931 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-56.4414; Y:24.1588]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1932 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-57.4094; Y:34.3175]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1933 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:67.952; Y:-55.5051]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1934 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-39.2976; Y:-58.1194]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1935 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:97.5623; Y:-137.273]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1936 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:95.1506; Y:-158.482]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1937 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:31.5272; Y:-134.837]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1938 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-35.388; Y:-230.211]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1939 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-29.7328; Y:-310.778]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1940 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-0.994805; Y:-333.038]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1941 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:29.9025; Y:-332.958]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1942 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-28.2846; Y:-280.169]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1943 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-26.7928; Y:-242.519]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1944 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-21.0498; Y:-260.087]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1945 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:63.4677; Y:-46.0484]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1947 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:8.48863; Y:-50.295]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1948 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:98.8978; Y:-127.353]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1949 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:98.8977; Y:-140.556]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1993 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:253.63; Y:930.642]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1994 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:253.3; Y:937.844]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1995 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:253.04; Y:943.444]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1996 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:253.191; Y:948.632]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1997 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:253.163; Y:953.007]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1998 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:253.104; Y:957.297]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1999 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:253.075; Y:924.696]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2000 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:252.814; Y:915.438]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2001 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:252.649; Y:902.507]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2004 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:252.634; Y:887.354]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2005 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:252.253; Y:876.087]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2006 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:251.542; Y:862.812]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2007 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:290.842; Y:813.717]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2008 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:296.174; Y:813.391]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2009 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:303.545; Y:813.09]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2010 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:311.693; Y:813.003]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2011 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:325.422; Y:813.486]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2012 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:339.521; Y:812.946]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2013 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:356.516; Y:813.427]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2014 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:374.53; Y:813.415]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2015 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:388.733; Y:812.983]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2016 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:332.885; Y:812.911]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2017 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:348.62; Y:812.58]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2018 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:365.09; Y:813.035]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2019 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:381.95; Y:813.125]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2020 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:254.556; Y:754.342]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2021 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:249.625; Y:753.87]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2022 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:250.92; Y:741.63]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2023 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:251.408; Y:731.79]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2024 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:251.352; Y:723.753]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2025 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:250.896; Y:713.748]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2026 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:250.099; Y:699.658]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2028 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:459.262; Y:812.507]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2073 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:766.439; Y:75.0497]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2375 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:821.394; Y:-168.908]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2376 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:800.732; Y:-222.196]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2377 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:796.608; Y:-211.035]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2378 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:796.317; Y:-74.7225]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2379 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:821.845; Y:-103.763]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2380 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:797.046; Y:-35.6642]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2381 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:796.369; Y:-45.2097]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2382 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:799.555; Y:7.04072]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2383 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:765.653; Y:77.1153]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2384 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:477.291; Y:-10.2336]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2385 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:477.216; Y:17.7653]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2386 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:476.015; Y:46.8044]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2387 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:459.368; Y:69.4623]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2388 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:439.034; Y:-31.6887]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2389 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:375.125; Y:-31.1607]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2390 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:370.421; Y:19.7968]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2391 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:372.301; Y:50.6129]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2392 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:363.818; Y:83.5684]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2393 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:440.007; Y:-25.7662]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2394 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:418.7; Y:-46.2751]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2395 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:468.705; Y:-2.84531]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2396 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:469.768; Y:19.8945]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2397 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:467.101; Y:42.7427]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2398 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:461.878; Y:54.5572]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2399 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:436.949; Y:77.0405]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2493 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:821.704; Y:-167.683]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2494 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:821.261; Y:-177.867]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2495 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:826.855; Y:-107.98]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2496 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:817.435; Y:-98.8523]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2497 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:796.705; Y:-82.7438]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2498 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:794.596; Y:-67.8938]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2499 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:793.826; Y:-45.3852]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2500 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:794.727; Y:-29.9628]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2501 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:800.829; Y:-222.619]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2502 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:779.465; Y:-237.845]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2503 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:786.74; Y:-228.853]
14:35:40 - assembling areatrigger spawns
14:35:40 * sets 1 - 1000
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 84 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:16449.9; Y:16393.2]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2146 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:16299.2; Y:16277.3]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4008 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-8424.94; Y:1508.65]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 60 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:47.6135; Y:-28.9462]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 81 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-259.247; Y:137.751]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 83 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:254.569; Y:-4.32205]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 194 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-230.953; Y:2105.06]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 254 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-236.47; Y:2202.42]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 255 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-223.399; Y:2101.97]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 256 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-189.006; Y:2145.69]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2406 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-287.071; Y:2175.64]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2407 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-315.991; Y:2179.63]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2408 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-232.372; Y:2077.1]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2409 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-255.273; Y:2035.76]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2410 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-167.092; Y:2104.22]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2411 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-179.729; Y:2079.37]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 5571 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-159.274; Y:2231]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 5572 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-239.418; Y:2163.03]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 5722 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-177.882; Y:2225.03]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 503 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:39.3741; Y:0.803469]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 109 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-0.90042; Y:16.443]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 119 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-14.3628; Y:-393.38]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 121 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-110.76; Y:-1009.19]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3746 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-29.5547; Y:-374.503]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 226 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-172.181; Y:138.98]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3766 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-108.563; Y:160.915]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 242 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1936.39; Y:1534.47]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 262 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:2019.73; Y:2004.6]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 462 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:2107.72; Y:1823.77]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 463 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:2165.75; Y:1944.75]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 259 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-148.633; Y:121.08]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 283 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-527.658; Y:321.109]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 762 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-842.076; Y:-472.462]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 288 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-228.193; Y:34.1602]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 822 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-234.444; Y:319.127]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 882 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-213.72; Y:370.607]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 322 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-312.205; Y:-4.63256]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 525 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-717.868; Y:1.37207]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1105 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-377.056; Y:44.05]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 448 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-300; Y:99]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1306 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-496.854; Y:42.6929]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1326 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-467.521; Y:95.3083]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4016 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-662.106; Y:3.83105]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 444 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:2593.94; Y:1124.64]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 602 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1687.57; Y:1040.09]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 604 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:853.679; Y:1308.1]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 606 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1608.65; Y:-308.97]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 608 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:253.601; Y:-196.804]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4089 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:864.623; Y:1321.6]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4261 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1693.77; Y:1053.34]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4262 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1617.18; Y:-323.432]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4263 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:269.061; Y:-211.903]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 922 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1190.35; Y:840.587]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 962 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1909.27; Y:1015.11]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1447 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1811.05; Y:700.976]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1470 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:73.5083; Y:-215.044]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1628 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-78.5819; Y:-401.395]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1946 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:70.8611; Y:-409.014]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1986 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:91.0854; Y:-408.374]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1987 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:109.608; Y:-415.698]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2026 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:153.763; Y:-419.833]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2046 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:102.43; Y:-319.167]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2066 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:75.2622; Y:-547.679]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2067 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:26.4583; Y:-522.471]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2068 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:25.9285; Y:-299.325]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3726 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:178.729; Y:-474.412]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1472 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:456.969; Y:48.368]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1526 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:596.432; Y:-188.498]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1590 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:376.106; Y:-191.242]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1686 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:319.974; Y:-215.185]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1746 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:411.617; Y:-201.646]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1786 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:690.518; Y:-280.052]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1826 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:471.142; Y:-9.34378]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1827 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1380.15; Y:-554.604]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1828 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:497.399; Y:13.2319]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1926 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:845.911; Y:-317.369]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2886 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1097.99; Y:-466.494]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4751 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:876.874; Y:-179.58]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1064 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:29.2427; Y:-22.1812]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 1626 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:3122.2; Y:2324.64]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4288 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-2023.58; Y:7118.58]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4322 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-1498.38; Y:7017.88]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4485 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-1529.84; Y:7105.86]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2547 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:332.866; Y:94.3108]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2548 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:322.884; Y:112.137]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2549 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:325.184; Y:75.6181]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2568 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:182.265; Y:126.45]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3926 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-11594.1; Y:-1621.37]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3930 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-11917; Y:-1221]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3956 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-11918.6; Y:-1433.95]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3957 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-11916.8; Y:-1256.7]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3958 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-11915; Y:-1312.68]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3959 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-11945.7; Y:-1597.61]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3960 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-11788.9; Y:-1595.06]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3961 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-11614.2; Y:-1361.51]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3962 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-11957.6; Y:-1819.97]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3963 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-12112.9; Y:-1794.63]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3964 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-11791; Y:-1562.86]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3965 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-11610; Y:-1749.86]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3966 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-12072.3; Y:-1479.05]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2187 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:3673.6; Y:-3633.87]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2209 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:3665.11; Y:-3164.96]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2210 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:3663.95; Y:-3164.27]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2221 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:3584.78; Y:-3632.05]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3126 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:756.878; Y:-633.96]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3131 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1005.02; Y:-460.539]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2166 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:76.027; Y:10.5043]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2171 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:80.1633; Y:2490.88]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2226 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:2.58019; Y:-0.013587]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2890 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1115.22; Y:-462.959]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3190 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-55.9658; Y:159.867]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3191 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:24.5609; Y:159.45]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3193 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:255.249; Y:-9.05606]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3194 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:37.4499; Y:-154.822]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3195 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-202.664; Y:-314.876]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3196 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:4.31119; Y:-837.085]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3197 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:194.351; Y:-240.821]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3506 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:580.754; Y:487.506]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3507 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:580.657; Y:475.885]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3508 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:592.507; Y:486.31]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3509 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:591.92; Y:476.404]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2534 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-0.358041; Y:-1.97986]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2530 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:215.194; Y:71.157]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2416 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:16186; Y:16286]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4750 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:15683.7; Y:-15594]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4836 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:15838.5; Y:15759.3]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4840 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:14666.9; Y:-16268]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4841 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:14667.3; Y:-16165.5]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4854 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:16528.9; Y:16138.8]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4901 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:9456.35; Y:-9920.73]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4905 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:9542.03; Y:-9877.52]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4909 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:16116.6; Y:16251.2]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4911 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:9438.03; Y:-9826.76]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4953 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:4686.16; Y:-328.257]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4958 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-15914.1; Y:-12969.5]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4962 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:4690.51; Y:-378.871]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 5453 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:15634.2; Y:-15578]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 5477 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:16217.3; Y:16185.5]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2426 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-7474.01; Y:-1286.34]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2427 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-7375.32; Y:-1240.14]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2428 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-7568.4; Y:-1375.66]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 2429 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-7412.97; Y:-1371.59]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3626 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-7529.1; Y:-1007.19]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 3728 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-7676.11; Y:-1109.71]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4006 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-8419.58; Y:1504.28]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4012 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-8231.33; Y:2003.6]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4033 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-8546.23; Y:1987.65]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4034 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-8545.68; Y:1987.7]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4036 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-8578; Y:1986.8]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4047 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-8967.96; Y:1312.62]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4052 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-8176.83; Y:1673.37]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4191 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-11038.6; Y:-1969.2]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4216 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-11178.6; Y:-1896.35]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4242 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-11171.9; Y:-1908.02]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4436 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-11118.4; Y:-2007.95]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4520 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-11036.5; Y:-2001.65]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4522 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-11048.2; Y:-1984.09]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 5014 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-11104.7; Y:-1961.55]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 5015 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-11099.7; Y:-1967.22]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4311 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:4162.02; Y:-4227.07]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4312 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:4284.15; Y:-4138.85]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4313 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:4203.64; Y:-4103.24]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4323 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:4273.8; Y:-4235.81]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4341 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:5189.88; Y:-3397.64]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4487 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:4274.66; Y:-4234.81]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4145 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-41.748; Y:-32.4536]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4182 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-28.0719; Y:-5.20299]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4183 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-23.7011; Y:-2.83587]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4246 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:281.84; Y:-84.5664]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4347 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:181.405; Y:220.67]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4524 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:226.9; Y:266.491]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4575 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:483.441; Y:233.694]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4147 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:0.276847; Y:27.549]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4200 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:327.363; Y:-153.923]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4201 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:326.418; Y:-160.035]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4297 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-1360.18; Y:1631.94]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4304 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-1070; Y:1732]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4149 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:189.018; Y:57.1028]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4192 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-39.7382; Y:18.2837]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4193 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-13.6303; Y:27.318]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4194 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:7.1818; Y:1.7201]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4195 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-11.5727; Y:-25.5583]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4196 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-20.7142; Y:-0.352886]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4366 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-29.3038; Y:4.54638]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4281 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:331.801; Y:-331.266]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4292 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:330.185; Y:-384.734]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4302 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:234.98; Y:-379.276]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4303 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:162.528; Y:-459.92]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4367 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:3.96863; Y:-8.23096]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4295 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-139.877; Y:-753.076]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4379 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:120.382; Y:-144.004]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4411 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-85.9336; Y:-490.414]
14:35:40 [WARN] GUID 4418 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-13.0809; Y:1.48145]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4652 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:39; Y:-418]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4457 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-25.8275; Y:-0.898902]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4455 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-11.1502; Y:0.063509]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4459 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:53.135; Y:-40.9833]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4612 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:166.009; Y:391.59]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4461 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-47.1594; Y:0.086916]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4614 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:65.9682; Y:149.679]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4397 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:13.2373; Y:-0.036384]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4399 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-14.3811; Y:-0.530536]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4401 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:13.0691; Y:1.37188]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4403 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-33.9297; Y:0.44254]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4536 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:4009.19; Y:2895.25]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4537 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:4103.33; Y:2946.35]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4917 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:4054.15; Y:2923.7]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5006 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:4054.15; Y:2923.7]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5008 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:4054.15; Y:2923.7]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4324 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:2768.3; Y:1292.79]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4498 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1810.9; Y:1033.22]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4501 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1872.1; Y:1078.67]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4502 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1822.64; Y:991.42]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4503 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1794.72; Y:1018.69]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4504 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1900.87; Y:1111.92]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4538 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:6248.73; Y:274.695]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4539 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:6228.21; Y:249.557]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4919 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:6188.01; Y:320]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4921 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:6288.22; Y:210]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4922 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:6214.87; Y:200.261]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4923 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:6187.77; Y:196.88]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4924 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:6264.76; Y:329.752]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4925 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:6290.77; Y:333.412]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4944 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:6237.84; Y:261.363]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5039 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:6237.84; Y:261.363]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5040 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:6237.84; Y:261.363]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4619 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:75.829; Y:997.844]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4648 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:706.4; Y:305.061]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4649 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:678.185; Y:285.959]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4650 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:676.404; Y:323.603]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4653 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:677.052; Y:323.685]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4654 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:676.522; Y:286.521]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4655 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:639.987; Y:306.817]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4656 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:855.839; Y:1148.58]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4657 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1166.62; Y:1199.82]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4665 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:517.279; Y:403.156]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4760 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:760.824; Y:237.677]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4534 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:21.2699; Y:-2.93541]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4723 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-80.1458; Y:1345.64]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4724 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-37.061; Y:1149.98]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4725 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:362.48; Y:1402.7]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4726 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:369.784; Y:1100.72]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4739 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:120.56; Y:1789.88]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4768 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:124.796; Y:1471.83]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4782 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-34.4559; Y:1089.49]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4696 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1328.72; Y:1632.72]
14:35:41 * sets 1001 - 2000
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4697 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1243.3; Y:1699.17]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4927 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1200.33; Y:1682.09]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4928 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1223.61; Y:1630.81]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4929 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1359.18; Y:1692.25]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4930 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1371.51; Y:1649.08]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4931 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1299.76; Y:1554.74]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4932 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1274.51; Y:1774.68]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4933 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1246.06; Y:1743.62]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4934 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1305.44; Y:1754.14]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4935 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1321.62; Y:1586.98]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4936 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1269.12; Y:1579.99]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4941 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1285.36; Y:1667.68]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5041 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1285.36; Y:1667.68]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5042 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1285.36; Y:1667.68]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4853 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1595.6; Y:679.533]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4891 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1797.29; Y:925.317]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4937 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1807.27; Y:597.651]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5626 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1766.94; Y:683.09]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5652 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1772.63; Y:683.451]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5664 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1772.94; Y:681.028]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5681 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1703.89; Y:865.252]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5682 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1698.94; Y:865.217]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5684 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1681.66; Y:578.431]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5685 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1645.88; Y:609.795]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4849 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:231.891; Y:-271.377]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 4885 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:-5.89453; Y:-0.123698]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5402 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:2309.72; Y:1430]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5432 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:2307.1; Y:1415]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5326 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1330; Y:800]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5328 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1289.72; Y:736.613]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5329 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1292.05; Y:845.273]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5330 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1238.08; Y:780.106]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5331 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1348.5; Y:792.828]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5343 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1330; Y:800]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5344 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1330; Y:800]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5347 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1249.43; Y:764.601]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5348 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:1333.51; Y:817.031]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5224 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:765.146; Y:-294.883]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5226 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:764.301; Y:-272.007]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5447 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:801.663; Y:-278.857]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5473 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:743.663; Y:-272.491]
14:35:41 [WARN] GUID 5474 could not be matched to displayable area [A:0; X:783.203; Y:-271.969]
14:35:41 - assembling waypoints from script_waypoint
14:35:41 - assembling waypoints from waypoints
14:35:41 - assembling waypoints from waypoint_data
14:35:41 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_zones with data
14:35:41 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_itemset with data
14:35:43 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_item_stats with data
14:35:43 - applying stats for enchantments
14:35:44 2656 enchantments parsed
14:35:44 - applying stats for items
14:35:44 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_source with data
14:35:44 - Items & Spells [inherited]
14:35:44 * resolve ref-loot tree
14:35:44 * #1 Crafted
14:35:44 * #2 Drop
14:35:44 * #3 PvP
14:35:44 * #4 Quest
14:35:44 * #5 Vendor
14:35:44 * #10 Starter
14:35:44 * #12 Achievement
14:35:44 * #15 Disenchanted
14:35:44 * #16 Fished
14:35:44 * #17 Gathered
14:35:44 * #18 Milled
14:35:44 * #19 Mined
14:35:44 * #20 Prospected
14:35:44 * #21 Pickpocket
14:35:44 * #22 Salvaged
14:35:44 * #23 Skinned
14:35:44 - Spells [original]
14:35:44 * #4 Quest
14:35:44 * #6 Trainer
14:35:44 * #7 Discovery
14:35:44 * #9 Talent
14:35:44 - 1. pass
14:35:44 - 2. pass
14:35:44 - 3. pass
14:35:44 * #10 Starter
14:35:44 - Titles
14:35:44 * #4 Quest
14:35:44 * #12 Achievement
14:35:44 * #13 cuStrings
14:35:44 SqlGen::generate() - filling aowow_sounds with data
14:35:44 - sounds main data
14:35:45 * sets 1 - 1418
14:35:45 [WARN] - sound group #62 "GLUESCREENSMALLBUTTONMOUSEUP" contains no sound files! Skipping...
14:35:45 [WARN] - sound group #65 "GLUESCREENMEDIUMBUTTONMOUSEUP" contains no sound files! Skipping...
14:35:45 [WARN] - sound group #68 "GLUESCREENLARGEBUTTONMOUSEUP" contains no sound files! Skipping...
14:35:45 [WARN] - sound group #72 "GLUECHECKBOXMOUSEUP" contains no sound files! Skipping...
14:35:45 [WARN] - sound group #75 "GLUECHARCUSTOMIZATIONMOUSEUP" contains no sound files! Skipping...
14:35:45 [WARN] - sound group #78 "GLUESCROLLBUTTONMOUSEUP" contains no sound files! Skipping...
14:35:45 [WARN] - sound group #92 "GAMESCREENSMALLBUTTONMOUSEUP" contains no sound files! Skipping...
14:35:45 [WARN] - sound group #93 "GAMESCREENSMALLBUTTONMOUSEOVER" contains no sound files! Skipping...
14:35:45 [WARN] - sound group #95 "GAMESCREENMEDIUMBUTTONMOUSEUP" contains no sound files! Skipping...
14:35:45 [WARN] - sound group #96 "GAMESCREENMEDIUMBUTTONMOUSEOVER" contains no sound files! Skipping...
14:35:45 [WARN] - sound group #98 "GAMESCREENLARGEBUTTONMOUSEUP" contains no sound files! Skipping...
14:35:45 [WARN] - sound group #99 "GAMESCREENLARGEBUTTONMOUSEOVER" contains no sound files! Skipping...
14:35:45 [WARN] - sound group #103 "GAMEHIGHLIGHTFRIENDLYUNIT" contains no sound files! Skipping...
14:35:45 [WARN] - sound group #104 "GAMEHIGHLIGHTHOSTILEUNIT" contains no sound files! Skipping...
14:35:45 [WARN] - sound group #105 "GAMEHIGHLIGHTNEUTRALUNIT" contains no sound files! Skipping...
14:35:45 [WARN] - sound group #106 "GAMEINITIALATTACK" contains no sound files! Skipping...
14:35:45 [WARN] - sound group #897 "GAMEHIGHLIGHTHOSTILEUNIT" contains no sound files! Skipping...
14:35:45 [WARN] - sound group #898 "GAMEHIGHLIGHTNEUTRALUNIT" contains no sound files! Skipping...
14:35:45 [WARN] - sound group #899 "GAMEHIGHLIGHTFRIENDLYUNIT" contains no sound files! Skipping...
14:35:45 * sets 1419 - 2750
14:35:46 * sets 2751 - 5892
14:35:46 * sets 5893 - 8152
14:35:47 * sets 8153 - 9370
14:35:48 * sets 9371 - 10388
14:35:48 * sets 10389 - 11410
14:35:49 * sets 11411 - 12447
14:35:49 [WARN] - sound group #12292 "Zone-QuelDanasStage02" has invalid sound file "Sunwell\SW_FelEnergyWalkUni01" on index 6! Skipping...
14:35:50 * sets 12448 - 13488
14:35:50 [WARN] - sound group #13401 "Zap 00" has invalid sound file "ID_Forge_Zap04" on index 1! Skipping...
14:35:50 [WARN] - sound group #13401 "Zap 00" contains no sound files! Skipping...
14:35:50 * sets 13489 - 14503
14:35:50 * sets 14504 - 15533
14:35:51 * sets 15534 - 16715
14:35:51 * sets 16716 - 18019
14:35:51 - linking to race
14:35:51 - linking to emotes
14:35:51 - linking to creatures
14:35:53 - linking to spells
14:35:55 - linking to zones
14:35:55 - linking to items
14:35:55 FileGen::generate() - gathering data for soundfiles
14:35:55 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/creature/ogre/mogrefidget3.wav.ogg
14:35:55 - 1000/20922 (4%) done
14:35:55 - 2000/20922 (9%) done
14:35:56 - 3000/20922 (14%) done
14:35:56 - 4000/20922 (19%) done
14:35:56 - 5000/20922 (23%) done
14:35:56 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/creature/voidwalkervo/voidwalkeraggroa.wav.ogg
14:35:56 - 6000/20922 (28%) done
14:35:56 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/music/zonemusic/barrendry/orgrimmar01-zone.mp3.mp3
14:35:56 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/music/zonemusic/barrendry/thunderbluff walking 03.mp3.mp3
14:35:56 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/music/zonemusic/barrendry/orgrimmar02-zone.mp3.mp3
14:35:56 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/music/zonemusic/cursedland/battle05.mp3.mp3
14:35:56 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/music/zonemusic/cursedland/battle06.mp3.mp3
14:35:56 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/music/zonemusic/bloodelf/bloodelfwalkingtemp2.mp3.mp3
14:35:56 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/creature/qurajiprophet/quirajprophetattacka.wav.ogg
14:35:56 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/creature/fankriss/fankrissisentence.wav.ogg
14:35:56 - 7000/20922 (33%) done
14:35:56 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/music/zonemusic/bladesedge/bladesedgewalking3.mp3.mp3
14:35:56 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/abominationwhat1.wav.ogg
14:35:56 - 8000/20922 (38%) done
14:35:56 - 9000/20922 (43%) done
14:35:56 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/music/zonemusic/bladesedge/bl_he_ogrewalkuni01.mp3.mp3
14:35:56 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/music/zonemusic/bladesedge/bl_he_ogrewalkuni02.mp3.mp3
14:35:56 - 10000/20922 (47%) done
14:35:56 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/creature/pathaleonthecalculator/tempest_pathal_charm02.wav.ogg
14:35:56 - 11000/20922 (52%) done
14:35:56 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/creature/ridingtalbuk/ridingtalbuk_spawn01.wav.ogg
14:35:57 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/doodads/tempmono.wav.ogg
14:35:57 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/creature/felelfcastermale/felelfcastermalewoundd.wav.ogg
14:35:57 - 12000/20922 (57%) done
14:35:57 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/darkironlight01.wav.ogg
14:35:57 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/darkironlight02.wav.ogg
14:35:57 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/darkironlight03.wav.ogg
14:35:57 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/darkironlight04.wav.ogg
14:35:57 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/darkironlight05.wav.ogg
14:35:57 - 13000/20922 (62%) done
14:35:57 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/hellfire_dw_pipe_type4_01.wav.ogg
14:35:57 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/hellfire_dw_pipe_type4_02.wav.ogg
14:35:57 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/hellfire_dw_pipe_type4_03.wav.ogg
14:35:57 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/hellfire_dw_pipe_type4_04.wav.ogg
14:35:57 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/hellfire_dw_pipe_type4_05.wav.ogg
14:35:57 - 14000/20922 (66%) done
14:35:57 - 15000/20922 (71%) done
14:35:57 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/creature/npcvrykulfemalewarrior/npcvrykulfemalewarriorgreeting07.wav.ogg
14:35:57 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/creature/lich king/eh_lichking_chapter3shout02.wav.ogg
14:35:57 - 16000/20922 (76%) done
14:35:57 - 17000/20922 (81%) done
14:35:57 - 18000/20922 (86%) done
14:35:57 - 19000/20922 (90%) done
14:35:58 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/creature/cardinaldeathwhisper/ic_deathwhisper_event02.wav.ogg
14:35:58 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/creature/cardinaldeathwhisper/ic_deathwhisper_event03.wav.ogg
14:35:58 - 20000/20922 (95%) done
14:35:58 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/emitters/emitter_icecrown_trappedsouls_11.wav.ogg
14:35:58 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/emitters/emitter_icecrown_trappedsouls_12.wav.ogg
14:35:58 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/emitters/emitter_icecrown_trappedsouls_13.wav.ogg
14:35:58 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/emitters/emitter_icecrown_trappedsouls_14.wav.ogg
14:35:58 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/emitters/emitter_icecrown_trappedsouls_15.wav.ogg
14:35:58 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/emitters/emitter_icecrown_trappedsouls_16.wav.ogg
14:35:58 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/emitters/emitter_icecrown_trappedsouls_17.wav.ogg
14:35:58 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/emitters/emitter_icecrown_trappedsouls_18.wav.ogg
14:35:58 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/emitters/emitter_icecrown_trappedsouls_19.wav.ogg
14:35:58 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/emitters/emitter_icecrown_trappedsouls_20.wav.ogg
14:35:58 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/emitters/emitter_icecrown_trappedsouls_21.wav.ogg
14:35:58 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/emitters/emitter_icecrown_trappedsouls_22.wav.ogg
14:35:58 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/emitters/emitter_icecrown_trappedsouls_23.wav.ogg
14:35:58 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/emitters/emitter_icecrown_trappedsouls_24.wav.ogg
14:35:58 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/emitters/emitter_icecrown_trappedsouls_25.wav.ogg
14:35:58 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/emitters/emitter_icecrown_trappedsouls_26.wav.ogg
14:35:58 [WARN] - did not find file: setup/mpqdata/<locale>/sound/event/event_operation_gnomergan_explosion.wav.ogg
14:35:58 FileGen::generate() - gathering data for searchplugin
14:35:58 [OK] created file static/download/searchplugins/aowow.xml
14:35:58 FileGen::generate() - gathering data for power
14:35:58 [OK] created file static/widgets/power.js
14:35:58 FileGen::generate() - gathering data for searchboxScript
14:35:58 [OK] created file static/widgets/searchbox.js
14:35:58 FileGen::generate() - gathering data for demo
14:35:58 [OK] created file static/widgets/power/demo.html
14:35:58 FileGen::generate() - gathering data for searchboxBody
14:35:58 [OK] created file static/widgets/searchbox/searchbox.html
14:35:58 FileGen::generate() - gathering data for realmMenu
14:35:58 [WARN] - realmMenu: Auth-DB not set up .. menu will be empty
14:35:58 [OK] created file static/js/profile_all.js
14:35:58 FileGen::generate() - gathering data for locales
14:35:58 [OK] created file static/js/locale.js
14:35:58 FileGen::generate() - gathering data for itemScaling
14:35:58 [OK] created file datasets/item-scaling
14:35:58 FileGen::generate() - gathering data for realms
14:35:58 [WARN] - realms: Auth-DB not set up .. static data g_realms will be empty
14:35:58 [OK] created file datasets/realms
14:35:58 FileGen::generate() - gathering data for statistics
14:35:58 [WARN] statistics - generator $skills() returned empty
14:35:58 [OK] created file datasets/statistics
14:35:58 FileGen::generate() - gathering data for simpleImg
14:35:58 [ERR] one or more required directories are missing:
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/Interface/Icons/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/Interface/Spellbook/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/Interface/PaperDoll/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/Interface/GLUES/CHARACTERCREATE/UI-CharacterCreate-Races.blp
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/Interface/GLUES/CHARACTERCREATE/UI-CharacterCreate-CLASSES.blp
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/Interface/GLUES/CHARACTERCREATE/UI-CharacterCreate-Factions.blp
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/Interface/FlavorImages/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/Interface/Pictures/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/Interface/PvPRankBadges/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/Interface/Calendar/Holidays/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/Interface/GLUES/LOADINGSCREENS/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/DBFilesClient/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/enGB/Interface/Calendar/Holidays/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/enGB/Interface/GLUES/LOADINGSCREENS/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/enUS/Interface/Icons/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/enUS/Interface/Spellbook/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/enUS/Interface/PaperDoll/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/enUS/Interface/GLUES/CHARACTERCREATE/UI-CharacterCreate-Races.blp
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/enUS/Interface/GLUES/CHARACTERCREATE/UI-CharacterCreate-CLASSES.blp
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/enUS/Interface/GLUES/CHARACTERCREATE/UI-CharacterCreate-Factions.blp
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/enUS/Interface/FlavorImages/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/enUS/Interface/Pictures/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/enUS/Interface/PvPRankBadges/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/enUS/Interface/Calendar/Holidays/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/enUS/Interface/GLUES/LOADINGSCREENS/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/enUS/DBFilesClient/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/frFR/Interface/Icons/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/frFR/Interface/Spellbook/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/frFR/Interface/PaperDoll/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/frFR/Interface/GLUES/CHARACTERCREATE/UI-CharacterCreate-Races.blp
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/frFR/Interface/GLUES/CHARACTERCREATE/UI-CharacterCreate-CLASSES.blp
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/frFR/Interface/GLUES/CHARACTERCREATE/UI-CharacterCreate-Factions.blp
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/frFR/Interface/FlavorImages/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/frFR/Interface/Pictures/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/frFR/Interface/PvPRankBadges/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/frFR/Interface/Calendar/Holidays/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/frFR/Interface/GLUES/LOADINGSCREENS/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/frFR/DBFilesClient/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/deDE/Interface/Icons/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/deDE/Interface/Spellbook/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/deDE/Interface/PaperDoll/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/deDE/Interface/GLUES/CHARACTERCREATE/UI-CharacterCreate-Races.blp
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/deDE/Interface/GLUES/CHARACTERCREATE/UI-CharacterCreate-CLASSES.blp
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/deDE/Interface/GLUES/CHARACTERCREATE/UI-CharacterCreate-Factions.blp
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/deDE/Interface/FlavorImages/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/deDE/Interface/Pictures/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/deDE/Interface/PvPRankBadges/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/deDE/Interface/Calendar/Holidays/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/deDE/Interface/GLUES/LOADINGSCREENS/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/deDE/DBFilesClient/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/esES/Interface/Icons/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/esES/Interface/Spellbook/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/esES/Interface/PaperDoll/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/esES/Interface/GLUES/CHARACTERCREATE/UI-CharacterCreate-Races.blp
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/esES/Interface/GLUES/CHARACTERCREATE/UI-CharacterCreate-CLASSES.blp
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/esES/Interface/GLUES/CHARACTERCREATE/UI-CharacterCreate-Factions.blp
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/esES/Interface/FlavorImages/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/esES/Interface/Pictures/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/esES/Interface/PvPRankBadges/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/esES/Interface/Calendar/Holidays/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/esES/Interface/GLUES/LOADINGSCREENS/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/esES/DBFilesClient/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/esMX/Interface/Icons/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/esMX/Interface/Spellbook/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/esMX/Interface/PaperDoll/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/esMX/Interface/GLUES/CHARACTERCREATE/UI-CharacterCreate-Races.blp
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/esMX/Interface/GLUES/CHARACTERCREATE/UI-CharacterCreate-CLASSES.blp
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/esMX/Interface/GLUES/CHARACTERCREATE/UI-CharacterCreate-Factions.blp
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/esMX/Interface/FlavorImages/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/esMX/Interface/Pictures/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/esMX/Interface/PvPRankBadges/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/esMX/Interface/Calendar/Holidays/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/esMX/Interface/GLUES/LOADINGSCREENS/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/esMX/DBFilesClient/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/ruRU/Interface/Icons/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/ruRU/Interface/Spellbook/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/ruRU/Interface/PaperDoll/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/ruRU/Interface/GLUES/CHARACTERCREATE/UI-CharacterCreate-Races.blp
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/ruRU/Interface/GLUES/CHARACTERCREATE/UI-CharacterCreate-CLASSES.blp
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/ruRU/Interface/GLUES/CHARACTERCREATE/UI-CharacterCreate-Factions.blp
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/ruRU/Interface/FlavorImages/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/ruRU/Interface/Pictures/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/ruRU/Interface/PvPRankBadges/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/ruRU/Interface/Calendar/Holidays/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/ruRU/Interface/GLUES/LOADINGSCREENS/
14:35:58 [ERR] - setup/mpqdata/ruRU/DBFilesClient/
14:35:58 FileGen::generate() - gathering data for talentCalc
14:35:59 [OK] created file datasets/enus/talents-1
14:35:59 [OK] created file datasets/enus/talents-2
14:35:59 [OK] created file datasets/enus/talents-3
14:35:59 [OK] created file datasets/enus/talents-4
14:35:59 [OK] created file datasets/enus/talents-5
14:35:59 [OK] created file datasets/enus/talents-6
14:35:59 [OK] created file datasets/enus/talents-7
14:35:59 [OK] created file datasets/enus/talents-8
14:35:59 [OK] created file datasets/enus/talents-9
14:35:59 [OK] created file datasets/enus/talents-11
14:35:59 [OK] created file datasets/enus/pet-talents
14:36:00 FileGen::generate() - gathering data for pets
14:36:00 [OK] created file datasets/enus/pets
14:36:01 FileGen::generate() - gathering data for talentIcons
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/spell_nature_guardianward.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/hunterpettalents/icons_1.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/spell_nature_guardianward.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/hunterpettalents/icons_2.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/spell_nature_guardianward.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/hunterpettalents/icons_3.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/ability_rogue_ambush.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/warrior_1.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/inv_shoulder_22.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/warrior_2.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/ability_racial_bloodrage.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/warrior_3.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/spell_arcane_blink.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/paladin_1.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/spell_holy_blindingheal.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/paladin_2.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/ability_parry.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/paladin_3.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/spell_nature_ravenform.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/hunter_1.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/spell_frost_stun.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/hunter_2.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/ability_hunter_improvedtracking.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/hunter_3.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/ability_rogue_eviscerate.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/rogue_1.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/ability_gouge.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/rogue_2.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/ability_warrior_decisivestrike.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/rogue_3.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/spell_magic_magearmor.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/priest_1.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/spell_holy_healingfocus.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/priest_2.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/spell_shadow_requiem.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/priest_3.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/inv_axe_68.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/deathknight_1.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/spell_deathknight_icetouch.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/deathknight_2.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/spell_deathknight_plaguestrike.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/deathknight_3.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/spell_nature_wispsplode.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/shaman_1.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/spell_nature_earthbindtotem.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/shaman_2.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/spell_nature_magicimmunity.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/shaman_3.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/spell_holy_dispelmagic.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/mage_1.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/spell_fire_fireball.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/mage_2.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/spell_frost_frostarmor.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/mage_3.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/spell_shadow_curseofsargeras.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/warlock_1.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/inv_stone_04.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/warlock_2.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/spell_shadow_shadowbolt.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/warlock_3.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/spell_nature_abolishmagic.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/druid_1.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/ability_hunter_pet_hyena.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/druid_2.jpg
14:36:01 [ERR] talentIcons - raw image static/images/wow/icons/medium/spell_nature_regeneration.jpg not found
14:36:01 [OK] created file static/images/wow/talents/icons/druid_3.jpg
[c]ontinue anyway? [r]etry? [a]bort?: 
14:47:24 FileGen::generate() - gathering data for glyphs
14:48:16 [OK] created file datasets/enus/glyphs
14:48:19 FileGen::generate() - gathering data for itemsets
14:48:20 [OK] created file datasets/enus/itemsets
14:48:20 FileGen::generate() - gathering data for enchants
14:48:21 [OK] created file datasets/enus/enchants
14:48:21 FileGen::generate() - gathering data for gems
14:48:21 [OK] created file datasets/enus/gems
14:48:21 FileGen::generate() - gathering data for profiler
14:48:21 [OK] created file datasets/enus/p-quests
14:48:22 [OK] created file datasets/enus/p-achievements
14:48:22 [OK] created file datasets/enus/p-titles-0
14:48:22 [OK] created file datasets/enus/p-titles-1
14:48:22 [OK] created file datasets/enus/p-mounts
14:48:22 [OK] created file datasets/enus/p-companions
14:48:22 [OK] created file datasets/enus/p-factions
14:48:22 [OK] created file datasets/enus/p-recipes-171
14:48:23 [OK] created file datasets/enus/p-recipes-164
14:48:23 [OK] created file datasets/enus/p-recipes-333
14:48:23 [OK] created file datasets/enus/p-recipes-202
14:48:23 [WARN] profiler - file datasets/enus/p-recipes-182 has no content => skipping
14:48:23 [OK] created file datasets/enus/p-recipes-773
14:48:23 [OK] created file datasets/enus/p-recipes-755
14:48:24 [OK] created file datasets/enus/p-recipes-165
14:48:24 [OK] created file datasets/enus/p-recipes-186
14:48:24 [WARN] profiler - file datasets/enus/p-recipes-393 has no content => skipping
14:48:24 [OK] created file datasets/enus/p-recipes-197
14:48:24 [OK] created file datasets/enus/p-recipes-sec
14:48:24 FileGen::generate() - gathering data for weightPresets
14:48:24 [WARN] WeightScale 'arms' has no data set. Skipping...
14:48:24 [OK] created file datasets/weight-presets
14:48:24 checking sql updates
14:48:24 [OK] -> 02.05.2017 #01: 1 queries applied
14:48:24 [OK] -> 02.05.2017 #01: 1 queries applied
14:48:24 [OK] applied 2 update(s)
14:48:25 The following table(s) require syncing: achievementcategory, achievementcriteria, itemenchantmentcondition, itemextendedcost, itemlimitcategory, itemrandomproppoints, lock, mailtemplate, scalingstatdistribution, scalingstatvalues, spellfocusobject, spelloverride, spellrange, spellvariables, totemcategorycurrencies, itemsquests
14:48:25 Please create your admin account.
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