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Last active December 21, 2024 02:05
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  • Save idleberg/bc65021a736e9139e3e31f7f2c761d5d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save idleberg/bc65021a736e9139e3e31f7f2c761d5d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
“Open in Visual Studio Code” in macOS context-menu

Open in Visual Studio Code

  • Open Automator

  • Create a new document

  • Select Quick Action

  • Set “Service receives selected” to files or folders in any application

  • Add a Run Shell Script action

    • your default shell should already be selected, otherwise use /bin/zsh for macOS 10.15 (”Catalina”) or later
    • older versions of macOS use /bin/bash
    • if you're using something else, you probably know what to do 😉
  • Set the script action to the following

    for f in "$@"; do
      open -a 'Visual Studio Code' "$@"
  • Set “Pass input” to as arguments

  • Save as Open in Visual Studio Code

Keyboard Shortcuts

You can assign a global shortcut to run the services we just created

  • Open “System Preferences”
  • Select “Keyboard” then the “Shortcuts” tab
  • In the left pane, click on “Services”
  • In the right pane, scroll to “Files and Folders”
  • Select “Open in Visual Studio Code” click “add shortcut”
  • Select a shortcut

Edit Context Menu items

You might want to rename or edit the items we just created

  • Activate Finder
  • Click on “Finder” in the Apple menu, select “Services” then “Services Preferences”
  • In the right pane, scroll to “Files and Folders” and scroll to the item you want to edit
  • Right click the item and select “Open in Visual Studio Code”
  • Edit and save

Alternatively, you can edit the workflow (e.g. ~/Library/Services/Open in Visual Studio Code.workflow) in your preferred text editor

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This would be easier and worked for me:

Open Automator

Create a new document

Select Quick Action


thanks it worked 👍

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Lovely, thank you! <3

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thx a lot!!!

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yudopr commented May 31, 2024

Is there any way we can make it a shortcut and use it from the touchbar ??

you can customize the touch bar to include a quick action button image
once you tap it, the Open in Visual Studio Code option should be there.

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DaiZack's solution seems easy and works well. Just to sing to the choir.

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