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Last active March 8, 2024 20:27
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RFC: Ideation for using assert values to compare items in a list
# option 1 - new function
expected_list: {[thing_1, thing_1], :string_keys},
actual_list: return_value, # is list in all the examples
ordered: true,
fields: fields_for(Thing)
expected_list: [thing_2, thing_1],
actual_list: return_value,
ordered: false,
identifier_key: :id, # this would have to be required when ordered is false
fields: fields_for(Thing)
# option 2 - add an optional key to existing function
type: :ordered_list # default would be :single_map, or something like that, leavign this backwards compatible
expected: [thing_1, thing_2],
actual: return_value,
fields: fields_for(Thing)
type: :unordered_list
unique_identifier: :
expected: [thing_2, thing_1],
actual: return_value,
fields: fields_for(Thing)
# Super early, working pass. Definitely happy path.
# This will stop and raise on the first element that mismatches.
# This doesn't provide feedback if the actual is longer than the expected.
# Would need to modify assert_values_for to optionally return errors instead of raising them to improve feedback
defp assert_values_for_in_list(opts) do
expected_list = opts |> Keyword.get(:expected_list)
actual_list = Keyword.get(opts, :actual_list)
assert length(expected_list_with_index) == length(expected_list)
fields = Keyword.get(opts, :fields)
ordered? = Keyword.get(opts, :ordered, true)
identifier_key = Keyword.get(opts, :identifier_key)
for {expected, index} <- Enum.with_index(expected_list) do
actual =
if ordered? do, index)
Enum.find(actual_list, fn actual -> Map.get(actual, identifier_key) == Map.get(expected, identifier_key) end)
expected: expected,
actual: actual,
fields: fields
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