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Created September 20, 2015 21:07
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Synchronise branches in Ponce's repo for SBo-current
function sync_stable
cd /SBo/14.1/slackbuilds
git clean -fxd
echo ""
echo "BRANCH SYNC: master"
git checkout -f master
git fetch --all
git remote prune origin
git remote prune github
git merge --ff-only origin/master || return 1
git stash clear
echo ""
echo "BRANCH SYNC: 14.1"
git checkout 14.1
git merge --ff-only origin/14.1 || return 1
echo ""
echo "REBASE master-* & 14.1-*"
for b in $(git branch --list master-* 14.1-* | tr -d '*'); do
git checkout "$b"
git rebase 14.1
[ $? != 0 ] && PS1='rebase fixup$ ' sh
echo ""
echo "BRANCH SYNC: master++"
git branch -D master++
git checkout -b master++ master
for b in $(git branch --list master-* 14.1-* | tr -d '*'); do
bchnam="$(basename "$b")"
prgnam="$(echo "$bchnam" | sed 's:master-::')"
if [ -z "$(git rev-list master.."$b")" ]; then
echo -e "\n${colour_warning}==== Skipping $bchnam (empty branch) ====${colour_normal}\n"
echo "==== Merging $bchnam ===="
git merge --squash "$b"
[ $? != 0 ] && PS1='merge fixup$ ' sh
git stash save -u "$b"
echo "==== Popping the stash ===="
for stashname in $(git stash list | sed 's/:.*//') ; do
git stash pop -q || return 1
i=$(( i + 1 ))
[ ${i: -1} = '0' ] && echo -n "$i ... "
echo -e "\n$i stashes applied."
echo "==== Committing ===="
git add --all .
git commit -m "$(date '+%Y%m%d'): Global branch merge of master and 14.1 fixes." || return 1
echo "==== Pushing ===="
git push -f github master 14.1 master++ testing
return 0
function sync_current
cd /SBo/current/slackbuilds
git clean -fxd
echo ""
echo "BRANCH SYNC: master"
git checkout -f master
git fetch --all
git remote prune origin
git remote prune github
git remote prune local14.1
git merge --ff-only origin/master || return 1
echo ""
echo "REBASE: removals"
git checkout removals
git rebase master
[ $? != 0 ] && PS1='rebase fixup$ ' sh
echo ""
echo "BRANCH SYNC: current"
git branch -D current
git checkout -b current -t origin/current
echo ""
echo "BRANCH SYNC: current++"
git stash clear
git branch -D current++
git checkout -b current++ master
# local master-* branches
for b in $(git branch -r --list local14.1/master-* | tr -d '*'); do
bchnam="$(basename "$b")"
prgnam="$(echo "$bchnam" | sed 's:master-::')"
if [ -z "$(git rev-list master.."$b")" ]; then
echo -e "\n${colour_warning}==== Skipping $bchnam (empty branch) ====${colour_normal}\n"
elif [ -n "$(git branch -r --list origin/"$prgnam")" ]; then
echo -e "\n${colour_warning}==== Skipping $bchnam (branch origin/$prgnam exists) ====${colour_normal}\n"
echo "==== Merging $bchnam ===="
git merge --squash "$b"
[ $? != 0 ] && PS1='merge fixup$ ' sh
git stash save -u "$b"
echo "==== Popping the stash ===="
for stashname in $(git stash list | sed 's/:.*//') ; do
git stash pop -q || return 1
i=$(( i + 1 ))
[ ${i: -1} = '0' ] && echo -n "$i ... "
echo -e "\n$i stashes applied."
echo "==== Committing ===="
git add --all .
git commit -m "$(date '+%Y%m%d'): Global merge of master fixes." || return 1
# upstream current branches
echo "==== Merging current into current++ ===="
git merge --no-edit current || return 1
[ $? != 0 ] && PS1='merge fixup$ ' sh
echo "==== Rebasing and dropping local branches ===="
for b in $(git branch | sed 's/^. //' | grep -v -E '^(master|current|current\+\+|removals)$'); do
git checkout "$b"
git rebase master
[ $? != 0 ] && PS1='rebase fixup$ ' sh
if git diff --quiet origin/"$b" 2>/dev/null; then
git checkout current++
git branch -D "$b"
git checkout current++
# removals
echo "==== Merging removals into current++ ===="
git merge --no-edit removals || return 1
[ $? != 0 ] && PS1='merge fixup$ ' sh
# merge local current branches
echo "==== Merging local branches into current++ ===="
for b in $(git branch | sed 's/^. //' | grep -v -E '^(master|current|current\+\+|removals)$'); do
git merge --no-edit "$b"
[ $? != 0 ] && PS1='rebase fixup$ ' sh
# push to github
echo "==== Pushing ===="
git push -f github master current current++ removals
return 0
if [ "$repos" = 'stable' ] || [ "$repos" = 'both' ]; then
echo "SYNCING REPO /SBo/14.1/slackbuilds"
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
echo -e "\n${colour_warning} Error: sync_stable failed${colour_normal}\n"
exit 1
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
if [ "$repos" = 'current' ] || [ "$repos" = 'both' ]; then
echo "SYNCING REPO /SBo/current/slackbuilds"
if [ $? != 0 ]; then
echo -e "\n${colour_warning} Error: sync_current failed${colour_normal}\n"
exit 1
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
exit 0
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