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Last active March 4, 2017 12:26
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PostgreSQL Hints
# -Fc - `format - custom` for parallel restore; not sql commands; compression
> pg_dump -Fc db_name > name.dump
# most of time - index recreation
> pg_restore --dbname=db_name name.dump
# can be parallel; jobs=num of cores +1
> pg_restore --jobs=2
# `role` like a group (hierarchical); role can own db objects
# `user`=`role` + login priviledge
# local - local sockets
# host - tcp address
# trust - permissive; for local; not for producation
# peer - login sys user if name matches pg user
# md5 - md5 passwd; use ssl, restrict addresses
include = '/path/to/include.conf'
log_destination = 'csvlog'
log_directory = 'pg_log' # inside of `pg_data`. can be path /var/log/postrgesql/
logging_collector = on
log_filename = 'pg_%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S'
log_rotation_age = 1d
log_rotation_size = 1GB
log_min_duration_statement = 250ms # cut off long queries
log_checkpoints = on
log_connections = on # probably not good for django
log_disconnections = on
log_lock_waits = on
log_temp_files = 0
# -1st line of caching; <2GB=20%_of_mem; <32GB=25%_of_mem; >32GB=8GB; >64GB=16GB;
shared_buffers =
# start from 32-64MB; look `temporary file` lines in logs, set 2-3x of the largest tmp file
work_mem =
# 10% of mem, up to 1GB; or higher if VACUUM problems
maintenance_work_mem =
# hint for planner; set to amount file system cache available; or set to 75% of sys mem
effective_cache_size =
# PG 9.4
wal_buffers = 16MB # WAL - write ahead log
checkpoint_completion_target = 0.9
checkpoint_timeout = 10min # 10-30min - can up to that time to restore on restart
checkpoint_segments = 32 # to start
# Look at logs for `checkpoint` creation, if often than `checkpoint_timeout` double `checkpoint_segments` till it stops. WAL can take (3 x 16MB x `checkpoint_segments`) on disk.
# PG 9.5
# checkpoint_segments - gone
min_wal_size = 512MB
max_wal_size = 2GB # 3x of min_wal_size
effective_io_concurrency = # to num of I/O channels; ignore otherwise
random_page_cost = # 3.0 for RAID10, 2.0 for SAN, 1.1 Amazon EBS
fsync = on # or db corrupted
synchronous_commit = on # potential data loss
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