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Last active May 26, 2019 09:22
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Finds YouTube videos you're interested in. PyCon US talks finder example.
import re
import requests
import html
API_KEY = ''
'''Google API (YouTube Data API v3) key from'''
# Put titles you're interested into RELEVANT string:
# one title per line. These are regular expressions.
# NOTE: escape (), [], etc.
'''YouTube channel ID here.'''
TITLE_POSTFIX = 'PyCon 2019'
'''Postfix to strip from titles.'''
_SPACES = re.compile('\s+')
_BASE_URL = ''
def traverse(page=0):
params = {
'channel': CHANNEL,
'key': API_KEY,
'page': '',
if page:
params['page'] = '&pageToken=%s' % page
url = _BASE_URL % params
response = requests.get(url)
json = response.json()
error = json.get('error')
if error:
raise Exception(error['message'])
next_page = json.get('nextPageToken')
for item in json['items']:
if item['id']['kind'] != 'youtube#video':
video_id = item['id']['videoId']
title = html.unescape(item['snippet']['title'])
title = title.replace(TITLE_POSTFIX, '').strip(' -')
split = title.split(' - ', 1)
prefix = split[0]
prefix = prefix.replace('/', ',')
if len(prefix.split(' ')) in {2, 3} or (',' in prefix):
# strip person name
title = split[1]
except IndexError:
title = _SPACES.sub(' ', title)
title = title.strip(' -')
yield video_id, title
if next_page:
yield from traverse(page=next_page)
def find_relevant():
print('Channel:\n' % CHANNEL)
relevant_lines = []
for line in RELEVANT.splitlines():
line = line.strip()
if line:
line = _SPACES.sub(' ', line)
total_relevant = len(relevant_lines)
total_traversed = 0
seen = []
traversed = [item for item in traverse()][::-1] # eldest first
len_traversed = len(str(len(traversed)))
for video_id, title in traversed:
total_traversed += 1
matched = False
for line in relevant_lines:
matched = re.match(line, title)
if matched:
url = '' % video_id
seen.append((title, url, bool(matched)))
for idx, seen_item in enumerate(sorted(seen), 1):
title, url, matched = seen_item
print('%s. %s%s' % (str(idx).zfill(len_traversed), '[!] ' if matched else '', title))
if url:
print('%s%s' % (' ' * (len_traversed + 2), url))
total_missing = len(relevant_lines)
'\nSummary: among %s found %s of %s, missing %s\n' % (
total_relevant - total_missing,
print('====' * 20)
for idx, line in enumerate(sorted(relevant_lines), 1):
print('%s. %s' % (idx, line))
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