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Last active December 20, 2015 23:08
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Save idontgetoutmuch/6209752 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Repa implementation of Euler symplectic
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-name-shadowing #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-type-defaults #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
module RepaOnly (
) where
import Data.Array.Repa hiding ((++), zipWith)
import qualified Data.Array.Repa as Repa
stepOuter :: Double
stepOuter = 100.0
nStepsOuter :: Int
nStepsOuter = 2000000
spaceDim :: Int
spaceDim = 3
gConstAu :: Double
gConstAu = 2.95912208286e-4
newtype PositionP a = QP { positionP :: Array a DIM2 Double }
newtype MomentaP a = PP { momentaP :: Array a DIM2 Double }
newtype MassP a = MP { massP :: Array a DIM1 Double }
stepPositionP :: forall a b c m .
( Monad m
, Source a Double
, Source b Double
, Source c Double
) =>
Double ->
PositionP a ->
MassP b ->
MomentaP c ->
m (PositionP U)
stepPositionP !h !qs !ms !ps = do
do newQs <- computeP $ (positionP qs) +^ ((momentaP ps) *^ h2 /^ ms2)
return $ QP newQs
(Z :. i :. j) = extent $ momentaP ps
h2 = extend (Any :. i :. j) $ fromListUnboxed Z [h]
ms2 = extend (Any :. j) $ massP ms
{-# INLINE stepPositionP #-}
stepMomentumP :: forall a b c m .
( Monad m
, Source a Double
, Source b Double
, Source c Double
) =>
Double ->
Double ->
PositionP a ->
MassP b ->
MomentaP c ->
m (MomentaP U)
stepMomentumP !gConst !h !qs !ms !ps =
do fs <- sumP $ transpose $ zeroDiags fss
newPs <- computeP $ (momentaP ps) +^ (fs *^ dt2)
return $ PP newPs
is = repDim2to3Outer $ prodPairsMasses $ massP ms
qDiffs = pointDiffs $ positionP qs
preDs = (^3) $ sqrt $
sumS $ (^2) $
ds = repDim2to3Outer preDs
preFs = (* (negate gConst)) $
qDiffs /^ ds
fss = is *^ preFs
Z :.i :. _j :. k = extent fss
dt2 = extend (Any :. i :. k) $ fromListUnboxed Z [h]
repDim2to3Outer !a = extend (Any :. spaceDim) a
zeroDiags !x = traverse x id f
f _ !(Z :. i :. j :. k) | i == j = 0.0
| otherwise = x!(Z :. i :. j :. k)
{-# INLINE stepMomentumP #-}
stepOnceP :: ( Monad m
, Source a Double
, Source b Double
, Source c Double
) =>
Double ->
Double ->
MassP b ->
PositionP a ->
MomentaP c ->
m (PositionP U, MomentaP U)
stepOnceP !gConst !h !ms !qs !ps = do
newPs <- stepMomentumP gConst h qs ms ps
newQs <- stepPositionP h qs ms newPs
return (newQs, newPs)
prodPairsMasses :: Source a Double =>
Array a DIM1 Double ->
Array D DIM2 Double
prodPairsMasses !ms = ns *^ (transpose ns)
(Z :. i) = extent ms
ns = extend (Any :. i :. All) ms
{-# INLINE prodPairsMasses #-}
pointDiffs :: Source a Double =>
Array a DIM2 Double ->
Array D DIM3 Double
pointDiffs !qs = qss -^ (transposeOuter qss)
qss = replicateRows qs
transposeOuter qs = backpermute (f e) f qs
e = extent qs
f !(Z :. i :. i' :. j) = Z :. i' :. i :. j
replicateRows :: Source a Double =>
Array a DIM2 Double ->
Array D DIM3 Double
replicateRows !a = extend (Any :. i :. All) a
where (Z :. i :. _j) = extent a
{-# INLINE pointDiffs #-}
stepN :: forall m . Monad m =>
Int ->
Double ->
Double ->
MassP U ->
PositionP U ->
MomentaP U ->
m (PositionP U, MomentaP U)
stepN !n !gConst !dt !masses !qs !ps = go n qs ps
go !i !qs !ps
| i == 0
= return (qs, ps)
| otherwise
= do (qs', ps') <- stepOnceP gConst dt masses qs ps
go (i - 1) qs' ps'
{-# INLINE stepN #-}
mosssP :: MassP U
mosssP = MP $ fromListUnboxed (Z :. (2 :: Int))
[ 9.54786104043e-4
, 1.00000597682
qosss :: PositionP U
qosss = QP $ fromListUnboxed ((Z :. 2) :. 3)
[ -3.5023653,-3.8169847,-1.5507963
, 0.0,0.0,0.0]
posss :: MomentaP U
posss = PP $ fromListUnboxed ((Z :. 2) :. 3)
[ 5.398637520229294e-6,-3.938397200566971e-6,-1.8197172878345132e-6
, 0.0,0.0,0.0]
main :: IO ()
main = do
(qsPost, psPost) <- stepN nStepsOuter gConstAu stepOuter
mosssP qosss posss
putStrLn $ show $ positionP qsPost
putStrLn $ show $ momentaP psPost
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Compiled with

ghc --make -O2 RepaOnly.hs -main-is RepaOnly -ddump-prep -dsuppress-all -dppr-case-as-let -dppr-cols200 > RepaOnly.hcr

Takes about 20 seconds on my machine. If you want it run more quickly change nStepsOuter.

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