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Created September 1, 2019 11:27
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R kernel jupyter nix
with import <nixpkgs> {};
my-R-packages = with rPackages; [ ggplot2 dplyr xts ];
R-with-my-packages = rWrapper.override{ packages = with rPackages; my-R-packages ++ [ JuniperKernel ]; };
jupyter-R-kernel = stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "jupyter-R-kernel";
buildInputs = [ pythonPackages.notebook R-with-my-packages ];
unpackPhase = ":";
installPhase = ''
export HOME=$TMP
${R-with-my-packages}/bin/R --slave -e "JuniperKernel::installJuniper(prefix='$out')"
mkShell rec {
name = "jupyter-with-R-kernel";
buildInputs = [ jupyter-R-kernel jupyter ];
shellHook = ''
export JUPYTER_PATH=${jupyter-R-kernel}/share/jupyter
# see
${R-with-my-packages}/bin/R --slave -e "system2('jupyter', 'notebook')"
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