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Forked from mathwizard/ngGrid.js
Created November 11, 2012 14:27
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Angular Grid
/// Grid Directive to Angular 1.0.2
// To use:
// <script>
// var app = angular.module('myapp', ['ngGrid']);
// var Ctrl = function($scope) { $scope.todos = [...] }
// </script>
// <div ng-app="myapp">
// <div ng-controller="Ctrl">
// <table ng-grid >
// <tr ng-repeat="todo in todos">
// <td >{{}}</td>
// <td >{{todo.estimate | number}}</td>
// <td width="50">{{todo.done }}</td>
// <td name="created_at" sortable="true" title="Create At">{{todo.created_at | date}}</td>
// </tr>
// </table>
// </div>
// </div>​
// Cleaned up for use with Twitter Bootstrap
// Allowed to specify which columns should be sortable
// I am currently working on a server side processing version (paging/sorting)
//// ngGrid Module
(function(angular) {
angular.module('ngSkip', []).filter('skip', function() {
return function(array, skipAt) {
return array.slice(skipAt);
angular.module('ngGrid', ['ngSkip']).directive('ngGrid', function() {
return {
compile: function compile(tElement, tAttrs) {
var header = angular.element('<thead><tr></tr></thead>'),
headerRow = header.children('tr'),
count = 0,
tr = tElement.children('tbody').children('tr'),
expa = tr.attr('ng-repeat');
tr.attr('ng-repeat', expa + '| skip:ngGridSortPagination.skipAt | orderBy:ngGridSortPagination.predicate:ngGridSortPagination.reverse | limitTo:ngGridSortPagination.limit');
angular.forEach(tr.children('td'), function(elm) {
var column = angular.element(elm),
name = column.attr('name'),
sortable = column.attr("sortable"),
title = column.attr('title') || '',
width = column.attr('width') || 'auto';
if(sortable) {
headerRow.append('<th name="' + name + '"' + '" style="cursor: pointer;min-width: ' + width + 'px;" ng-click="sortColumn($event)">' + title + '<i class=""></i></th>');
} else {
headerRow.append('<th>'+ title +'</th>')
column.attr('title', null);
column.attr('sortable', null);
column.attr('name', null);
count += 1;
var footer = '<tfoot><tr><td colspan="' + count + '">' + '<div class="pagination pagination-right"><ul><li ng-class="{\'disabled\' <= 1}"><a ng-click="goToFirst()">First</a></li><li ng-class="{\'disabled\' <= 1}"><a ng-click="goToPrev()">Previous</a></li>' + '<li class="active"><a>Page {{}} of {{ngGridSortPagination.lastPage}}</a></li>' + ' <li ng-class="{\'disabled\' >= ngGridSortPagination.lastPage}"><a ng-click="goToNext()">Next</a></li><li ng-class="{\'disabled\' >= ngGridSortPagination.lastPage}"><a ng-click="goToLast()">Last</a></li></ul></div>' + '</td></tr></tfoot>';
return function(scope, linkElement) {
scope.ngGridSortPagination = {};
var grid = scope.ngGridSortPagination;
var rhs = expa.match(/^\s*(.+)\s+in\s+(.*)\s*$/)[2],
collection = scope.$eval(rhs),
count = collection.length;
scope.$watch(rhs, function() {
count = scope.$eval(rhs).length;
grid.lastPage = Math.ceil(count / grid.limit);
grid.limit = 2;
grid.lastPage = Math.ceil(count / grid.limit); = 1;
grid.skipAt = (( - 1) * grid.limit);
scope.goToFirst = function() { = 1;
grid.skipAt = 1;
grid.skipAt = (( - 1) * grid.limit);
scope.goToPrev = function() {
if ( > 1) { -= 1;
grid.skipAt = (( - 1) * grid.limit);
scope.goToNext = function() {
if ( < grid.lastPage) { += 1;
grid.skipAt = (( - 1) * grid.limit);
scope.goToLast = function() { = grid.lastPage;
grid.skipAt = (( - 1) * grid.limit);
scope.sortColumn = function(ev) {
var sort = angular.element('i');
grid.predicate = angular.element('name');
grid.reverse = false;
if (!sort.hasClass('icon-chevron-up') && !sort.hasClass('icon-chevron-down')) {
headerRow.children('th').children('i').removeClass('icon-chevron-up icon-chevron-down');
grid.reverse = false;
} else {
if (sort.hasClass('icon-chevron-up')) {
grid.reverse = true;
} else {
grid.reverse = false;
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